Monday, May 4, 2009

Course 7 Week 6 Prayer Requests


Dr. Randy Carney said...

I am supposed to preach the funeral for Elizabeth Obrecht tomorrow. She is the 14 year-old girl who was shot in West Grankfort. I am told that she has been to our church before, but I am not really able to remember her very well. I did hear one vague report that she might have made a profession of faith earlier. I certainly hope so.

I request your pryers for wisdom as to how to be honest, provide encouragement for the family, and work in a presentation of the Gospel.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I want to thank you for your prayers. The funeral service seemed to go well.

One of my church members was very close to the young lady. She said that the art teacher sent the last picture that she drew. It was a "precious moments" themed picture with indications of "heaven". She had written the words, "Good Works" and crossed them out and replaced them either simply with the word, "Jesus," or "Jesus saves."

Only God know our hearts, but those words do give an accurate representation of the Gospel, and I was able to use that to a great benefit.