Monday, May 4, 2009

Course 7 Week 6 Tyler's Topics

You may use this after midnight Monday.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is PASTORAL MINISTRY. The instructor is Terry Forrest. I will be watching three DVDs a week. The title of my book is PASTORAL MINSTRY. The author is John MacArthur. I will be reading three chapters a week.

16. Modeling

17. Leading

18. Outreaching

Tyler Owens said...

The first DVD is about the minister and his taxes. He talked about dual tax status. He also gave some of the advantages for and Ordained Minister. I don't want to get into too much detail about it, but it was very helpful to me. I think it will be helpful for the other guys when they read it.

sremery said...

It is helpful to know the business end of being a pastor. Right now we just think of the spiritual end of it, but the fact is you need to know the everyday funtions of the church. I would say most churches rely on the pastor to know it. Your ch 16 looks interesting, is it about modeling your church, or your own personal ministry after something in particular?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

The dual tax status of a minister can have advantages and disadvantages. For instance, our church did not want to provide a W-2. My tax preparer first told me this was not something we could do, but later she said we could designate everything as a housing allowance. By doing that, I do not have to pay income tax on any portion that is actually used for housing. (That is an advantage.) However, I do have to include the whole amount for social security self-employment tax. (That is a disadvantage.) Depending on the total income, sometimes there would have been a tax advantage to receiving a W-2. It was not something that I seemed to be able to explain to some, and it was not worth fighting about as long as we could find a way to do it legally--which we did. On the other hand, sometimes it did cost me a little more than would have been necessary. Maybe it will change in the future. Now that I think about it, if any of you are called to Unity and want to continue the way they have done it, you would have to request that the salary/income be described as a housing allowance, and it would have to be done during a business meeting in order to be legal. If you want to change things, you will have to discuss that and explain the reasons for doing so.

Tyler Owens said...

It is about having a ministry of modeling. It talks about how Paul said to be a follower of him. It is because he was a follower of Christ. We need to be good examples to the people in our churches.

roger said...

You know I have witnessed to the guy that works for me numerous times, but I have also really failed in many ways as well and he has seen me up and he has seen me down but Easter morning he came to Church,Praise God!! but has not been back but I think seeds were planted now they need tending to. How can I be a better model with this co-worker when he has seen me at my worst in times past???

sremery said...

I'm dealing with something similar where I work. They have seen me at my best and worst. It bothers me sometimes because I think I'm not "shining for Jesus". In fact, sometimes I think I've hindered them to have a relationship with God. But I think it takes what your 1st study was on....perserverence. I believe that by trying the best way I can to keep my relationship with Jesus right, it will be speaking to them just a little at a time. I would say you're doing great at witnessing to this person. Not to sound uncaring or snobbish, but you as a person can only do so much, the person has to surrender to God. He will answer for himself, and you will answer for yourself. Thats not a reason to give up, by keeping our relationship right with God, he will use you to witness to this person and others. And it seems like God will do it in a way we could never expect or imagine.

Tyler Owens said...

I have only found two words that I did not understand.

1. papacy
guess- something ran by one man
2nd guess- somethin to do with
the pope
definition- the system of ecclesiastical government in which teh pope is recognized as the supreme head

2. magisterial
guess- simple state of something
2nd guess- headed by a person of
definition- of, pertaining to, or befitting a master, authoritative; weighty; of importance or consequence

Tyler Owens said...

I try to explain to people that just because I am saved doesn't mean that I am perfect. I think that is a common mis-conception in the world. We are never going to be perfect, nor should we let anyone think that we are. I think that you are doing just fine. All we can do is sow seeds and pray for the increase.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Very good, Tyler,

You get the prize for the first on the word assignment.

You can just pick out a third word. It can be one that you do think you understand.

Still do the steps: Write the word; write your definition; see if your definition fits as it is used in the chapter; then compare your understanding with a dictionary definition. Sometimes even familiar words are given more specific meanings during this process. Sometimes not, but we usually go through the process at least once during the term because sometimes you may find a word that is very hard to find in a dictionary, or the dictionary meaning might relate to a different field. You also sometimes "firm up" the meaning of the word as you go through the process.

Good job on the two you have done. I hope everyone else learns from your example. Everyone should read the comment at the bottom of the assignment post too. That tells how to do this if you have already read your chapter.

Tyler Owens said...

I have one more word for the assignment.

1. emulation
guess-to try to think like

2nd guess- to try to be like
someone or something

definition- effort or desire to
equal or excel others

Tyler Owens said...

I hope everyone is safe and sound after this hurricane. I will be in prayer for all of us. May God bless you all in your time of need.