Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Course 8 Week 1 Main Comments Area

Please post your introductions (unless you did it under the other post), initial comments, questions, social comments, jokes, etc. in the section below.

This term we are going to try to have your comments all mixed together, just to see how that will work. If it does not work well, we will go back to setting up your individual topic areas.


Tyler Owens said...

My name is Tyler Owens. I attend Grange Hall FWBC. I have been called to the ministry for about a year and ten months. I have a wife named Audra and a daughter named Chloe. I am so thankful for this course as well as the others who are a part of it. I hope if anyone is new, they will get the same blessings that I do out of it.

Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is CHURCH GROWTH. The instructor is Terry Forrest. I will be watching four DVDs this week. The title of my book is SURPRISING INSIGHTS FROM THE UNCHURCHED. The author is Thom S. Rainer. I will be reading two chapters this week.

1. Shattering Myths about the Unchurched

2. Pastors and Preaching Are Critical

roger said...

Hey,my name is Roger Dutton, I attend Unity FWB Church in West Frankfort and excited about serving the Lord this is a new kind of study for me, I have been reading books this study is a dvd course so I am really excited,Amen

roger said...

This week I am studying, Old Testament Survey: Poetry and Prophecy taught by Dr. Garnett Reid, I will be watching dvds 1-4 this week. I have just finished the book " The Bible Jesus Read by Phillip Yancey, and it was about the OT as well.

sremery said...

My name is Sean Emery. I attend Grange Hall FWBC south of Marion. I started living for God in 2001, answered the call into the ministry just over a year ago. My wife's name is Tracy and I have 2 sons; Clint- 14 & Josh- 13. I enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities and music.

Tyler Owens said...

Hey, Roger. I think that you will really enjoy Dr. Reid in this study. He is very intelligent, but does not go over our heads. He has been my favorite instructor throughout all of my courses.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Remember that any post that is at least three sentences long will count this week. If you want to get an additional bonus point, however, you need to ask at least one question before 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.

sremery said...

My course this round is a book titles "The New Testament: Its Background & Message" by Thomas Lea & David Black. I will do 3 chapters a week. They are as follow:
Ch 1- A Political History of Palestine During the Intertestamental Period
Ch 2- Life in the World of the New Testament
Ch 3- Thr Religious Background
Ch 4- The Canon,Text, and Genre of the NT
Ch 5- Learning About Jesus
Ch 6- The Synoptic Problem
Ch 7- The 4 Gospels
Ch 8- The Birth, Childhood, and Early Ministry of Jesus
Ch 9- Jesus' Ministry in Arond Galilee
Ch 10- The Later Judean and the Perean Ministry
Ch 11- The Final Week of Jesus' Life
Ch 12- Introduction to the Acts and the Role of Peter in Early Chistianity
Ch 13- The Role of Paul in the Spread of Christianity
Ch 14- An Overview of Paul's Life
Ch 15- Paul's 1st Writings (A Survey of Galatians and 1 & 2 Thess.)
Ch 16- Paul's Chief Writings ( A survey of Romans and 1 & 2 Cor.)
Ch 17- Paul's Captivity Epistles ( Eph, Phil, Col, and Phil.)
Ch 18- The Pastoral Epistles
Ch 19- The Epistles to the Hebrews
Ch 20- The Epistle of James
Ch 21- The Epistle of 1&2 Peter
Ch 22- The Johannine Epistles
Ch 23- Te Epistle of Jude
Ch 24- The Revelation

sremery said...

I agree with Tyler on the instructor. He seems to be easy to listen to and has a good way of presenting material. He also sounds like he's preaching a little as well. This course goes with the book you just finished. Have you ever done a dvd course before? It was a little awkward for me at first but got used to it after of couple of classes.

sremery said...

My last comment was for Roger, I'm still used to the old way I guess. I just finished the course Tyler is doing. It was a good one, a lot of statistics in the book but overall was interesting. You already know what your in for on the dvd course with this instructor. I wonder if he'll repeat much from your last course?

roger said...

Hey Tyler and Sean, thanks for the encouraging word about the course I am studying, I watch the first dvd and the material to cover is almost overwelming, I apprieciate you guys and thank the Lord we study together. God Bless

roger said...

Hey Tyler when it comes to the unchurched and church growth it almost sounds like a contradictary in terms. What is the connection between the two? For church growth?

roger said...

Okay Sean I going to put my foot in my mouth this time but what is intertestamental period ?

Tyler Owens said...

Church growth is not talking about numbers in the aspect of just numbers. It is about growth in numbers from new converts. The unchurched that is talked about in the book is those who are new church members who were unchurched for at least ten years. The author asks them simple questions about what made them come to their particular church.

Tyler Owens said...

The first DVD was an intro to the course. The instructor then talked about a plan to lead someone to Christ. It was very interesting to hear what his ideas about it were.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Church Growth
Old Testament Survey: Poetry and Prophecy
The New Testament: Its Background and Message
The Bible Jesus Read

Those are what we are studying this time. Three books about the Bible and one practical ministry book.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean and Roger, you have three bonus points for this week.

Tyler, you have two bonus points for this week.

sremery said...

Hey Roger, intertestamental is the time between the OT & the NT. THe 1st chapter of the book goes thru who was ruling in the Palestine during this time. It tries to give you a better understanding of the environment then. It is brief, but interesting.

Tyler Owens said...

The first chapter of my book has a lot of stats init. The author decided to interview people who are new members of churches that are seeing at least 26 conversions a year. He talks about the fact that we may have been asking the wrong questions to the wrong group of people. The first chapter also talks about myths that church poeple have about unchurched people.

Tyler Owens said...

The instructor talks about three aspects of conversion.
1. Conversion is supernatural
2. Conversin is a work of the Holy Spirit
3. Conversion requires unconditional and voluntary cooperation of man
He also talks about how when we are saved, the sinful nature doesn't go away. Paul said that the flesh and Spirit are at war all the time.

sremery said...

The 2nd chapter is describing how each culture lived. Things like what their homes, clothing, and food were between the romans and the Jews and the the higher ups of the Jews (Saducees & Pharisees). Obviously the Romans lived good, while the Jews were mostly poor materialistically.(not sure on the spelling of that)

Tyler Owens said...

Hey, Sean. Sorry I missed your message tonight. I was told that you did a very good job. What did you preach about?

Tyler Owens said...

We went to Unity FWB this morning and tonight. It was a blessing to be there. I was so thankful to be invited to come and preach for them. It was a blessing to see all the kids that they have. Those are the future and I think that Unity has a good one. Praise God for all the parents and grandparents that bring those little ones to church!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, as you know, my wife was there Sunday night. She said you did a good job!

sremery said...

Thanks Tyler, I spoke on the power of our minds and what the Bible says about it. Looks you did good as well. I hope to see you Wednesday.

Corey G. said...

My Name is Corey Gwaltney. I attend Unity FWBC. My course is called: The Bible Jesus Read, by Philip Yancey

Corey G. said...

This Book consists of 7 chapters. Chapter 1: Is the Old Testiment Worth the Effort?. Chapter 2: Job Seeing in the Dark.

Corey G. said...

Chapter 3:Deuteronomy: A Tast of Bittersweet. Chapter 4: Psalms: Spirituality in Every Key. Chapter 5: Ecclesiastes: The End of Wisdom.

Corey G. said...

Chapter 6: The Prophets: God Talks Back. Chapter 7: Advanced Echoes of a Final Answer. Thoughs are the 7 chapters.

Corey G. said...

There are also 2 side chapters. One is Preface. The other is About the Author.

Corey G. said...

I can't wait to get this one started. This time I will be doing a lot better. Mostly because school is almost out and I will have more time to devote to this.

Corey G. said...

I'm also excited to be able to get into discussion with all of you. Last time I didn't get into it as much because I got lazy. Around the end of school I usually get lazy but then again at the beginning I was just lazy and Satan attacked hard at that weakness, so prayer for me these weeks to keep strong in my weaknesses will be much appreciated

Corey G. said...

From the last weeks I got to know all of you abit better and it seems like all of you are great guys. Not only that but you all have a lot of knowledge and can ask some good questions. I hope to learn from you all these next weeks

Corey G. said...

Oh I am also sorry I didn't get any comments in till today(the last day). At first I had left my book at school and thought I couldn't comment, then Bro. Randy reminded me the first week we can comment on anything. Then I just kept forgetting to get on to comment(like one second it would be on my mind then something would happen and I would forget).