Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Week 8 Corey, Roger, Sean, and Tyler's Posts

This week, I am asking all of you to post under this section. Place your initial posts, questions and answers to questions here.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is PASTORAL MINISTRY. The instructor is Terry Forrest. I will be watching two DVDs this week. The title of my book is PASTORAL MINISTRY. I will be reading two chapsters this week.

21. Observing Ordinances

22. Answering Frequently Asked Questions

Tyler Owens said...

The first DVD talks about denominational relationships. There are positives in having denominational relationships. There are strength in numbers, encouragement in fellowship, and accountability. We should be involved in our denomination in all levels.

roger said...

This week I will finish reading Phillip Yancey's book titled: The Bible Jesus Read and chapter seven is titled "Advanced Echoes of a Final Answer"

roger said...

Mr. Yancey has asked the same questions I have asked as well as thousands have asked, Do I matter? , Does God care? Why doesn't God act? This is very real stuff and comforting to know that I am not the only one with such questions.

Tyler Owens said...

The last DVD for this course talks about the worship service. The instructor said that it is alright to have someone who you trust to "run the service" for you. He talks about offering and how to do a Pastor's prayer. He reminded us that the invitation is a special time and the culmination of the service. It is the most important time of the service.

Tyler Owens said...

I really enjoyed your book, when I read it, Roger. It dealt with a lot of the same things that I had often thought about. I really like to read Yancey. What did he say was the final answer he was looking for?

sremery said...

My course is a book and dvd course. The book is titled "Suprising Insights from the Unchurched and Proven Ways to each Them" by Thom S. Rainer. The dvd course is "Church Growth", taught by Terry Forrest. I'll cover Ch 10, 11& ans Conclusion.

sremery said...

Ch 10 is titled "An Honest Look at Their Personal Strengths & Weakenesses". Ch 11 is titled "Preaching That Connects with the Unchurched". The Conclusion is titled "To Become a Church for the Unchurched".
CH 10 asked the preachers what their greatest strengths & weakness were. 72% said The ability to cas vision was their #1 strength. 73% said Pastoral Ministry was their greatest weakness. They felt they failed in giving all ther congregation the personal attention that was needed.

sremery said...

In Ch 11, On preaching that connects, they found that a formerly unchurched person rarely was impacted by a sermon, it wasnt until the unbeliever began to "seek religious truth" that they hung on every word of the sermon.

sremery said...

The Conclusion: To become a church for the unchurched.It gives their opinion what is important to do this. 1. was Major on Majors, meaning to stay focused on God, and how to worship Him. Too many let little thing divert them. 2. Says Be Biblical, Conservative, and Convictional. THey say that churches that reach the unchurched are theologically conservative.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, since you asked a question before Friday, you have three bonus points for this week.

Roger and Sean, you have each earned two bonus points this week.

Thanks, Tyler and Sean, for getting your course wrap up materials in.

roger said...

I wanted to do my words and they are as follows:
convoluted: my guess, dragging something out,or just going on and on in the same old way.
definition: twisted or rolled up together.
vicariously: my guess, to be responsible for someone or something.
definition: serving in the place for someone or something.
culmination: my guess, to reach a climax or end something.
definition: to reach or rise to the highest point.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Thanks, Roger, Good job on the words. Your original guesses were pretty close, wern't they? Vicarious might have been one that you learned a little more about. Anyway, good job!

Tyler Owens said...

This was a good course for me. It was a practical way to learn how to minister to people. I learned a lot of things that I did not know or fully understand. What do you guys think of your courses?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger, I think I sent a transcript that has a list of our courses. After Tuesday night, I will know what we have available. Or, do you already have a book for the next time?

Tyler Owens said...

I did learn a little bit more on how to be an effective minister. I think that the book was really interesting. I did try to incorporate some of the study techniques into my personal Bible study. I wish that the instructor from the Bible College would get into more Freewill Baptist doctrine. i would have liked to see more of that. I guess there is a course on our doctrine at the college.

Tyler Owens said...

I will be looking forward to our monthly preachers' meeting. I hope to see you all there. I look forward to them every month. I wish we could get together a little more often.