Monday, December 7, 2009

Three-Fourths Done

It is hard to believe that we are three fourths of the way through this course. I hope your study has been a blessing to you.


roger said...

I assume Bro. Randy that you are still having computer problems so I will post here for week 7
Thank you

roger said...

This week I will be reading chapters
15. Additional Teachings of Jesus in Matthew, Luke, and John.
16. Jesus' Judean Ministry.
17. Passion,Crucifixion,and Ressurection.

roger said...

In the beginning of Matthew's Gospel, Jesus commissioned the 12 disciples for the work of Teaching, Preaching, and Healings. The passage said that the harvest was ready but needed more laborers. Sound familiar?

Dr. Randy Carney said...


You can continue to post here for the rest of the week. I hope you are doing well.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

We have two more weeks left, the 7th week, which we are on now, and the 8th week.

roger said...

In the additional teachings of Jesus, He uses the Jewish customs to enforce his diety; Jesus uses the Feast of the Tabernacles to teach about "living water", He uses Lazarus' death to teach the "ressurection and the life, these being recorded in John's Gospel.

roger said...

The book of Luke plays an important role in Jesus' additional teachings, as a matter of fact Luke records many of Jesus' teachings such as:
Contrasting Pictures of Discipleship
The Mission of the Seventy
On Love of God and Neighbor
Teachings on Prayer
Conteversies with the Pharisees
Preparing for the Coming Judgement
Kingdom Reversals
The Cost of Discipleship
The Joy of Repentance
The Use and the Abuse of Riches
Teachings Abouy Faith
When and How the Kingdom Would Appear
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector,
all these teachings are recorded in the Book of Luke

roger said...

In chapter sixteen it talks about Jesus' Judean Ministry, and in Judea he teaches the Mt. of Olives Discourse, how the temple in all it's beauty would come to destruction causing the disiples to ask two questions:
When would the Temple be Destroyed?
What would be the sign of the coming of Christ?

roger said...

Hey Roger, what other kinds of teachings was discussed in "The Additional Teachings of Jesus" and are they applicable in todays society?

roger said...

Well one thing that Jesus taught on was a teaching that Bro. Randy can appreciateand that is his teaching on divorce. In Mark's writings divorce was absolutely out of the question, but in the Gospel of Matthew divorce was allowed in case of an adultery, this is thought to be written this way because of the different audiences being written to. The application of this teaching is simply this, if you are married or thinking of marriage, do all that is in your powers to always be faithful and do not leave God out of your marriage, dedicate it to him and to his will and divorce will not be an issue. Thank You

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey, Roger, I like the way you asked yourself (your fellow student) a question.

I think it is about time to have another marriage seminar. We probably should have couples spend the night in a motel instead of at a camp, although I certainly enjoyed the late-night meal we had at Camp Jericho when we did the last one.

What do you think?

roger said...

In chapter 17, Mr. Blomberg writes : Passion, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. This records the last week of the life of Jesus. Several events are involved in this discourse, starting with " The Last Supper". During this event, two plots are playing out:
Judas is making plans with the Jewish leaders to betray Jesus,
while Jesus plans to meet and eat with his disciples the Passover meal. I think it was perfect timing on Jesus' part to use this time and event to further teach the disciples what is ahead.

roger said...

Yes Bro. Randy, we could start preparing now for a spring thing or maybe I should have said spring theme, either way sounds great!!!!

roger said...

Jesus in the garden, sounds like a place of solitude and peace, but not the case for Jesus. On the arrival at the Garden of Gethsemane known in the Hebrew as "olive press", Jesus takes his inner three to the inner surroundings of the garden with instruction to stay and pray then alone seeks the will of the Father and prays fervently: " yet not my will but thine, this is evidence of the humanity of Christ, his close personal intimacy with the Father, and perfect obedience to the will of God. This is also an example of a prayer "not" answered in a way that we like.

roger said...

In the Exegetical issues surrounding the Gospels it is noted that the Gospels prove to be divergent in what is included in their own gospel account however when you consider the differences in audiences your learn that each man was speaking and teaching to a slightly different culture, still the events and chronology of them actually harmonize between the gospels. Certainly evidence that the events and recording of them prove true to be actual accounts.

roger said...

Wow!! Had a Sunday School Devotion this morning, then taught a Sunday School class, and preaching tonight, talk about getting opportunities. Praise God!!!!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Bro. Roger,

I hope things went well for you last night.

We have one more week starting tomorrow. I will open up a new comment area.

Thanks for haning in there even when Tyler had to quit commenting.