Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Course 3 Week 3 Posting Area

Please put your posts for week Three below.

Again, give us the title of you book or DVD course. Divide the number of chapters of DVD's you have left by six. That will tell you how many chapters, etc., you will need to read or view this week. Then give us the titles of chapters or topics or lectures that you will be covering this week.

Good job in the past.
Visitors may comment also.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is Old Testament Survey: Poetry and Prophecy. The instructor is Dr. Garnet Reid. I will be watching three DVDS this week.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about the themes of the book of Job. The key theme is "trust as the basis for a proper realationship with God." Some people think that it is about "why the righteous suffer", but it is not about that. God never answer this question in this book. I think it has a lot to do with our faith that we can still trust Him even though we don't know everything.

Tyler Owens said...

There were other themes mentioned in the class discusson on the DVD. Creation is a big theme in Job. Job also talks about ressurection in his words. It tells about the enemy and the fact that he doesn't have as much power as some peole think that he does. But my favorite theme that Job talks about is the fact that he wishes that he had a mediator between him and God. Praise God that we have that now in Jesus!!!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

The book of Job is filled with the questions that his friends had about suffering. They spoke some truth in their surmisings. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Sometimes trouble does come our way because of our actians, but that is not always the case.

Sometimes trouble comes because we live in this old world. Though Job was not sinless, he also knew that he was not guilty of the specific accusations that were being leveled against him.

When trouble comes, should we check to see if we have disobeyed God somewhere? Likewise, should we always assume that troubles come because of something we have done?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

What are some times when God led you into unknown territory? Did you later see how things worked to gether for good in your case? How did you trust Him in not knowing the coutcome?

sremery said...

The author brings up a point in Job that we have the advantage of knowing what took place before his trials. That you always have to remember the first 3 chapters as you read it.

sremery said...

My book this time is The Bible Jesus read by Philip Yancey. I'll be reading Ch 2 this week. It is about the book of Job.

sremery said...

I've talked with people that have and are going thru trials about how they deal with it. My experience with my tumor has seemed to open doors to speak with people about their troubles. In my case, I didnt listen the same way I do now. I thank God for that. When I say that, I'm only speaking for myself. There are some people that can seem to listen and relate with people and not go thru serious problems. Its like a gift. This is an area I need help in.The author brings up a point that Job's friends probobly did the best thing 1st. They didnt say anything and mourned with him for 7 days.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that trouble will come because we still live in this flesh. The bible says that the flesh and Spirit are always at war with each other. I do think that trials will come because of our actions, but not all the time. We have to look at each trial as an oppotunity to experience God's love. I know that it is easier said than done, but we have that mediator that Job so desperately wanted.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched talked about the three "friends" of Job. It seems to me that as each one started to talk, the harder they were on Job. Eliphaz was the oldest and more articulate. Bildad was more blunt and kind of "cut and dry" with Job. Zophar was the youngest and most insulting. This tells me a lot about age and that the longer we live, that the wiser we become.

Tyler Owens said...

I would also like to talk about Elihu. He was kind and considerate to Job. He let the others get done before he started to talk. Elihu's speeches set the stage for GOd's speeches. He had four points in his speeches, they were-
1. God speaks through pain
2. God restores
3. God is just
4. God is sovereign
I really like what he had to say.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Some times, just being there is enough. Even if you don't know what to say, you can sometimes be helpful by saying very little. At other times, the Lord gives a special grace and words you didn't know you had.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Elihu does seem to have some of the best comments. Yet, even he does not arrive at the complete answer. In fact, as you said, God does not answer all the questions in the book. We just have to trust Him during uncertain times.

sremery said...

I liked when the author pointed out that Job was doubly blessed in everything except his children, eluding to the promise of being reunited with the ones he lost in heaven. Therefore he was double blessed there as well. Thats awesome!

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched today was about The book of Psalms. It was just an intro to the book. The Hebrew title of this book is "Tehillim". This lterally means "Praises". The word psalm comes from the Greek word "psamoi", which means "songs sang with stringed instruments".

Tyler Owens said...

Dr. Reid also talked about the different genres in the book of Psalms. There are six types throughout the book. Laments express difficult times, while hymns are just the opposite. There are psalms of wisdom that deal with how to live right. Some psalms are about royalty or kingship. There are also historical psalms that talk about God's dealings with His people in the past. The last type is my favorite, there are psalms of trust. My wife's favorite verse is Psalms 91:11. This is one of those.

Tyler Owens said...

I am going to be preaching this morning at Freedom Freewill Baptist. Bro. Roger Odum is in Mexico doing his missin work right now. Please pray for me as I go to preach the Gospel. Also, I like read about Job when something trouoblesome happens to me or to a loved one. It is so encouraging to read that story about God's love and how He takes care of us if we just trust Him.