Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 1 Ed's Topics

Ed, please place at least three posts here about what you are studying. Tyler and Sean, you may post here in response to Ed's posts. You may ask him a question (Be creative and put two sentences with the question if you want it to be one of your posts that count for the week.)


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Welcome to the class, Ed.

Please give us the name of your book. Then divide the number of pages in you book by five. That will give us the section of the book that we need to discuss this week. (You may read the book in a week if you like, but we will do the discussions over the five-week term.) Then give us the titles of the chapters that are found in the section that you came up with when you did the division. (If the ending page number is in the middle of the chapter, you may either list it this week or next week.)

So, for your first post, give us the title of the book, and the titles of the chapters we will discuss this week.

Dr. Randy Carney said...


You need to scroll down to the Introductions posting area and click post an introduction about yourself.

Then make sure you read the post on Five-Week Grading Opportunities.

There is also a post called "New Week One." Be sure you read it.

You can also look the left side of the screen and scroll down to the archives where you can what we have done in the past.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

You will notice typos from time to time--sorry!

Tyler Owens said...

Hey Bro. Ed, we are really glad that you are going to be joining us this time. This course has been really good so far and I expect that it will even get better now that you have joined us. It will be good to hear your comments and thoughts on some of the topics. I look forward to reading you posts.

sremery said...

Hello Ed, Hope you can join in. I'm looking forward to get to know you. Kevin had mentioned to me that you were friends with Rance. I ran around with him a little bit and we played in a band together for little while.

Ed said...

I dont know if i am in the right spot or not but i will start here. The first book I have is Paul. The early pary of the book been great reading about the history of Rome and Pauls relationship with the jews. I guess i had never thought about the Jews being the converts to Christ. I had always just assumed that it was people without any religon at all, that was something to think about

sremery said...

Good Morning everyone! Good to see you was able to log on Ed. We've had a couple of good nights of revival with our youth. Tonights the last night for theirs. Josh speaks tonight so pray for him, it starts at 7 if you are looking for something to do.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hello, Bro. Ed,

Good to see that you got on. Yes, you are in the right spot. You will do some initial comments in your topic area each week. Then you will comment in all three topic areas during the rest of the week.

What is the title of your book?
What are the titles of the chapters that are in the first section of the book if it were divided into 5 sections? Those titles give us opportunities to ask you questions about things we would find interesting.

Anyway, Good start! Glad to have you.

Ed said...

Just to let everyone know a little about me I am 38 yrs old, have a wife named Melisa and 4 daughters age 13,10,5 and 2. I have attended whiteash for 15 years. I grew up in Marion and live in Herrin now. I waas brought up a Morman but never really took hold of the beliefs the believed. When i met my wife I started to go to church with her and began to study the bible. Mormans do not typicaly study the bible so when i started it began to open my eyes to the plan God has for us on the earth. I was amazed that the plan of salvation required nothing but faith, much different than i had been taught.. more to follow later

Ed said...

I am moving along in the book on Paul pretty good. As i am reading about all the different factions within the Jewish community it amazing how they ebb and flow, even though they have the same text and teachings they all felt their particular beliefs were correct. It's amazing that the strugles we have today within our churches is not new, only new to us.

Ed said...

I found chapter five to be verry informative. When you think about Paul you know about his life as a Jew from his name Saul, and we read about how he set out to kill before it started. But when you add into the mix that he was a Roman, Jew born in Tarsus it gave him a unique set of credintials that god used to establish the church.