Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 1 (Week 5) Tyler's Topics

Tyler, please place at least three posts here about what you are studying. Ed and Sean, you may post here in response to Tyler's posts. You may ask him a question (Be creative and put two sentences with the question if you want it to be one of your posts that count for the week.)

Tyler, I will save you the trouble and move your three posts that you have already made to the comments section below.

Click on the word, "comments" below to post.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Dr. Randy Carney said...
I have moved Tyler's first three comments here:

Tyler Owens said...
I did not see a posting area at the time I was on here. I am taking a DVD course this time. The title is O.T. Survey: Poetry and Prophecy. The instructor is Dr. Garnett Reid. I will be watching three DVDs this week.

October 21, 2008 3:23 PM

Tyler Owens said...
The first DVD was about the Song of Solomon. I was surprised to learn that it has been spoken against because of percieved erotic imagery. The Hebrew title is "Sng of Songs". It is also known as "Canticles" in Latin(Canticum Canticorum).

October 21, 2008 3:27 PM

Tyler Owens said...
This book has quite a few different interpretations. The first is allegorical. The jewish tradition says that it means "God's love for Israel". The christian tradition says it means" Christ's love for the church". Typical interpretation is that it is based on a real event, but symbolizes Christ's love for the church. Dramatic interpretation thinks that it is made up for dramatic effect. There are even some who believe that it was a pagan story. The last one is literal interpretation. This means that this was a real story that celebrates intimacy in a monogamous marriage. I kind of like the typical interpretation, but how about you guys?

October 21, 2008 3:32 PM

October 21, 2008 8:53 PM

Dr. Randy Carney said...
Sorry, I did not get this up as quickly as I said I would this afternoon.

October 21, 2008 8:54 PM

Dr. Randy Carney said...
For Song of Solomon, I think there is value in the typical and literal views. Much help for intimacy in marriage has been found by Christian authors in the past.

Physical intimacy is important in any marriage. To Check out some Christian resources in this area: Click Here.

October 22, 2008 6:31 AM

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was an intro to Old Testament prophecy. The instructor talked about the nature of prophecy. The prophets had several different titles in the O.T. They are "Man of God", servant, messenger, shepherd, and watchman. The definition of Prophet is- a spokesman appointed by God whose message carries divine authority.

Tyler Owens said...

This sessin also talked about the three roles of a prophet. The first is "Covenant Historian" who is to call to rememberence. The second is "Covenant Prosecuter" who calls to repentance. The last is "Kingdom Visionary" who calls to renew hope of something better to come.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sorry, where I said "Click Here," should have showed up as a link to
, which is The LOVING Way to a Successful Marriage website.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Since Song of Solomon can deal with physical intimacy in a marriage, do you think people are very forthcoming to mention this to their pastor when they have difficulty in this area?

Tyler Owens said...

I think that people are hesitant about talking to their pastor about these types of things. We have been taught to keep these things to ourselves. I think that God made intimacy for a man and a woman who are married. We sometimes don't like to discuss it, but we should all agree on that point.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about the four periods of prophecy in the Bible. The foundational period was in the time of the Pentateuch. The organizatonal period is when Samual came along and kind of "started" what we think of prophecy. The reformational period was when moral decline set men to call for repentence. The last period is the soteriological. This focuses on redemption and the hope of salvation.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

"The definition of Prophet is- a spokesman appointed by God whose message carries divine authority."

We are appointed by God. How could we make sure our message carries diving authority?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey, that should have been "divine" authority, not "diving authority?" :)

Dr. Randy Carney said...

What can give us confidence about divine authority?

sremery said...

Ultimately I believe you would have to "test" the authority against the Word. Its really the only thing you can test against. The same to me would apply for us, to try our thoughts against the Word.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that when we get a message from God, we can tell simply by getting into the word. God does not speak "outside" of His word. We have to use that for a monitor on what we have to say. Some people just don't understand just how important God's word is.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

That's what I was getting at. If our points come directly from, or are completely compatible with the Word of God, we can speak with great authority. If we can't back up what we say with the Word of God, we may try to thunder forth with some authority, but it won't really be authoritative, or, in the case of this difinition that Dr. Reid put forth, it won't be "prophetic."

Tyler Owens said...

Brother Kevin said something to me when I first approached him about going to Grange Hall. He said that a minister should only preach what we know. I find great comfort in that advice. I know that I should stick to what God leads me in. I am greatful to have a good pastor that I can talk to and ask questions to. That is why I love the preacher's meetings.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I guess the reformational period is where we are in the USA today. "The reformational period was when moral decline set men to call for repentence." We could could certainly use a widespread dose of repentance today.