Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 2 Ed's Topics

Ed, place your initial posts here.

The first one will again give us the title of you book and the titles of the chapters we will cover this week.


Ed said...

I am still on the book Paul, will be reading chapters 7-12 this week. I just finished up chapters 5 & 6 and found it to be amazing how all that Jesus did and all that he taught could not convience the Jewish people he was not the son of God. It is easy for me to say that they should have understood the fulfiled prophecy of the birth of Christ but it is hard to go against things you have always been taught.

On anothre note I am clueless on the scoring and posting rules. Randy if you could give me a call sometime this week to help me get it that would be great.
My cell is 694-5319

Tyler Owens said...

I really enjoy reading letters from Paul. I like how he thinks about things. He was a man who was nothing else but completely "sold out" for God. I hope that we can be, at least, a little bit like Paul.

sremery said...

I agree Ed about going against what you've been taught. It shows how when Jesus came to earth, that the timing was just right. Gods people had drifted so far that they thought the Messiah was going to be in the fashion of David, or Solomon. When they were living their best days and on top of this world. Thank the Lord for His Mercy!

Ed said...

Chapters 7 & 8 today. In reading these two chapters I got a greater understanding on how hard it had to be on these people to be Christians at this time. When we hear that someone is a Jew, to me it is defined as a religon, in the time of Paul it was the same as citizenship. Can you imagine going to your family and telling them I am now a budaist and a citizen of India. I know it sounds drastic, but what paul did was went from condeming all things related to Jesus to becomming one of the leaders of this new "citizenship". I wonder if I would have been able to make the same stand???

Tyler Owens said...

That is a very good point, Ed. I wonder sometimes if I, too, would be able to make that stand. It must have been quite a change from what they were raised to thnk. They probably thought, like we would today, that this was a crazy cult.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Ed, I will try to call you, but the basic thing is that we try to get ten or more comments in each week and with some of them being in the first part of the week, and the rest spread througout. The best thing is to log in on five different days and make at least two posts each day, but if you miss a day, you could post more on another day. Three of the posts ("posts" and "comments" are interchangeable terms)need to be in your topic area, the other seven can be in yours, Tyler's or Sean's topic area. (You are encouraged to make at least some of your comments in their topic areas.)

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I think may be your book has a fuller title, something like Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free, or something like that. Would Paul's move from Judaism to Christianity be an example of finding that freedom yet, or is there more an emphasis on the difficulty of the move?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

What are the titles for chapters 7 and 8?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Oh, yes, our "weeks" for the course run from Tuesday through Monday.

sremery said...

Its funny how really today it still is difficult to be a Christian. Our culture lets us claim to one, but when you actually put it to action, things change. Its a daily struggle with me. I thank God that I have a church that inspires me and keeps me in the Word.

Tyler Owens said...

Sean, you hit it right on target for me. I feel the same way.