Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 2 (Week 6) Sean's Topics

Sean, post your intial comments here. The first one will contain your book title and the titles of the chapters we will cover this week.


sremery said...

The Title of my book is The Bible Jesus Read by Philip Yancey. This weeks chapter is Ecclesiates: The End of Wisdom. This was the first book in the Bible I read all the way thru after I was saved. I dont really remember why.

sremery said...

Ecc. is a different kind of book, the author points out how it contrasts Proverbs. It speaks on how wisdom will help you prosper. Then ECC. speaks on how nothing matters. I agree that it is a sobering book.

Tyler Owens said...

I really like the book of Ecclesiastes. It is a reminder from a man at the end of his life that we should be focusing on God. Solomon was tbhe wisest and richest man on the earth and even he realized that without God, nothing else matters.

sremery said...

The author said that a Jewish tradition is to read Ecc. once a year at the festival of tents. He said they pitch tents and relive the times in the wilderness. During this someone reads Ecc. from start to finish.

sremery said...

I think its a great idea to read these books at least once a year. I'll find myself reading certain books all the way thru from time to time. Most of the ones I like to read thru at once is in the NT.
Anyone have a particular one they find doing this with?

Tyler Owens said...

I like to read Daniel a lot. I really don't know why that is. I guess that reading about him and his friends' boldness in a time of trouble really excites me. My favorite story is about Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego. I really love to imagine the king's face when he saw that they were not even touched by the fire. They didn't even smell like smoke!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

In the past, I have read through the Bible with systematic plans that guided you to read anywhere from three to five chapters a day. This year, I have been using a plan that encourages you to read one or more books a month (except for Psalms--the plan does divide it up). In some of these cases, I have read through the books in one or two settings. Sometimes it is helpful to do that.

sremery said...

The author does point out that in the end putting your faith in God is all we can really do. I agree with that. To me one of the greatest things about these books is that as a human, you think about these things, and you find that these people of the Bible thought the same things. And this is a book from the Creator Himself, and even though it sometimes doesnt answer questions or give the one I want, I get comfort that God understands.

sremery said...

i either forgot or didnt realize that Ecc. is not actually absolute that Solomon wrote it. Personally it makes sense that he did, based on him speaking of having great wealth and still finding to not be fulfilling. And knowing about God.

Tyler Owens said...

This course that I am taking talks about Ecclesiastes. I did not realize that so many scholars don't even think that this book should be in the Bible. I think that every book that is in there is there for a reason. I guess it is easy to think that way when you don't believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God.

sremery said...

Cant think of much to discuss today. The weathers looking good for this weekend. Hope you all have a good one. Our revival starts Sunday and is scheduled to go until Thursday.

sremery said...

The trees are awesome to see right now, I had the opportunity to be outside this weekend and the weather was near perfect. Hope you all had a good weekend. Our revival started yesterday and it was good, I pray it continues and the people show up.

sremery said...

The Title of my book is The Bible Jesus Read by Philip Yancey. This weeks chapter is The Prophets: God talks back. I remeber when I was read the Bible thru the 1st time, Jeremiah was a suprise for me. I guess I hadnt heard much about him but it has some great verses in it.

sremery said...

The author speaks again about how he never read the prophets much until he had to. Then he came to love them. I like them, they are an example to me of how powerful Gods Word is. They confirm prophesy of Jesus coming, and expose us in how we are as people.

sremery said...

My message tonight is coming from Hosea. It has always been a favorite of mine. I like how God has the prophets do outlandish things to get peoples attention. Even though we seem to still ignore it. How would we react if our pastors done something similar to what these guys did? Would we be able to discern if they crazy or truly listening to God?