Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 2 (Week6) Tyler's Topics

Tyler place your initial comments here.

The first one will include the title of your course, and the topics of the DVD's you will watch this week.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY:POETRY AND PROPHECY. The instructor is Dr. Garnett Reid. I will be watching three DVDs this week.

Tyler Owens said...

The first DVD was about the key themes in the book of Isaiah. The first theme is "Messiah as Davidic King". The next theme is "Messiah as suffering servant". The other themes are universal salvation, the "Holy One of Israel", and the righteous kingdom.

sremery said...

Isaiah is a book that I like but havent fully grasped. There's a lot in it. Isa 40:31 is one of my favorites.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was abou the book of Jeremiah. He is known as the weeping prophet because he purs his heart out for his homeland. The key themes in this book are covenant disloyalty and Jeremiah's confessions. The main theme is new covenant restoration. This is found in chapter 31:31-34. There are things that God will do. The first is put the law in our hearts, while the second is to have immediate knowledge of God. The third is that sins will be forgiven through a finished atonement.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, I think Ed is reading a book that you have already read. You might go to his area and give your take on some of the things he is reading, or you might want to ask him some questions about what you read when you went through it.

sremery said...

Jeremiah is one the major prohets I like. In Lamentations one of my favorite verses is 3:22 & 23. Because of the Lords great love, we are not consumed, for His comassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about teh book of Lamentations. The author is Jeremiah the prophet. The setting is around the time of the destruction of Jerusalem. The middle chapter has 66 verses and they are about hope. I find it interesting that Jeremiah would speak like this in the middle of his lament. It just shows that we should always be focused on the future of God's glory.

Tyler Owens said...

This DVD also talks about Ezekiel. He was a priest that was taken to Babylon. The themes of this book are the glory of God and the new covenant. In this covenant, God will be the new shepherd. Ezekiel is calle "son of man' ninety times in this book. Jesus called himself this many times.

sremery said...

I'm always amazed at the visions of Ezekiel. I wonder how he would of described them if he was alive now.

Tyler Owens said...

We started our revival today. Bro. Kevin kicked it off with a good message about prayer from Matthew6
:9. We had a good altar service with many people coming down to pray. What a way to start our revival!