Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week One Introductions

This is the area to post your introductions. Click on the comments below, to do that. Tyler and Sean you may copy and paste your earlier introductions if you wish. Ed, please give us some information about yourself.

Here are some ideas to get you started
Have you been in ministry long?
Have you pastored before?
Have you been in music ministry?
Are you a computer whiz:)?
Do you have any apprehensions about taking this course?
Are you married?
Do you have children?
If you are bi-vocational, what other type of work do you do?
What course are you watching the DVD's for?
What book or books will you be reading for this course?
Do you have a question for some of your fellow students?
Do you have a humorous comment that could brighten our day?
And so on......

Comments in this section will count as quality posts.

Click on the word, "comments" below to make your posts. If you don't already have a g-mail account, you will have to sign up for one to make this work. There is no charge for signing up for g-mail.

Anoyone else wishing to join us may do so today.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

When I was 11 years old, I recognized that I needed a Savior after hearing a couple of class mates talking about being sure that they would go to Heaven if they died in some type of accident. That week, alone, I read John 3:16, a verse I probably already had memorized, and asked Jesus to come into my heart. I don’t remember all I prayed, but I do remember saying, “Jesus, as much as I know how, I give you my life right now.”

A couple of months later, I made a public profession of faith in the church my parents attended, Mt. Zion Free Will Baptist Church in Thompsonville, IL. Shortly after that, I joined the church.
I attended Rend Lake College and then Southern Illinois University (Go salukis!). During my senior year I became aware of God’s calling on my life and made a commitment to do whatever he wanted me to do. For several months, I was given opportunities to preach in local churches in the area. I graduated with a degree that had a major made up of a combination of thee minors: Chemistry and Zoology formed the equivalent of a major and I also had a minor in speech which I picked up in my senior year, thinking it would be helpful with the call to preach.

My denomination did not have a graduate school, so I attended three different seminaries: Memphis Theological Seminary, Midwestern Baptist Seminary, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I returned to Memphis and graduated there with an M.Div.
After that I attended Luther Rice Seminary (now Luther Rice University) and had my first experience, albeit an extremely valuable one, with individualized and distance education. I graduated with a D.Min.

Along with pastoring, I have a background in writing and Christian Education. I was associated with Accelerated Christian Education in one way or another for fifteen years. I helped start a Christian school, worked as supervisor and principal, served as a consultant, and worked at headquarters as a writer, editor, and professor for their small Bible College.

My apprehensions, at times, are if I indeed will give this effort the time that is needed. More than that, will I be able to devote the steadiness that will perhaps be required. I think, however, that the apprehensions are slight and that the experience will be quite valuable.

My experience with online learning and teaching has to do with some indirect, transferable skills, and some direct skills. The indirect skills have to with the experience with Accelerated Christian Education. That organization was a pioneer in the mid-seventies in the area of individualized instruction. I experienced their process both on the field and from the standpoint of curriculum development, contributing heavily to their Earth Science, Biology, and Physical Science courses. Another indirect influence came through work done for Luther Rice University. Again, LRU was a pioneer in the area of distance education. I found the individual projects to be very demanding, and took advantage of every seminar, and tutorial that I could. Seminars and tutorials are now required. At that time they were optional. A direct experience is that of teaching an online course through Universal I see that the format we are using in this course will perhaps be quite different and more interactive. I do look forward to being involved in this online community.

I discovered Rockbridge Seminary through The Ministry Tool Box. I have always been interested in mentoring and encouraging others and see this as a very good, challenging, and interesting supplemental ministry to my current pastorate.

My areas teaching and my ministry expertise include perhaps a somewhat unusual combination. As I said, my undergraduate degree was actually composed of three minors, although the Chemistry/Zoology combination serves as the equivalent of a major. About half of my ministry consisted of serving as “the second man.” I was either an associate pastor or served on a pastoral staff. The other half has been in the area of being the senior pastor. Some of my areas of expertise are science, speech/writing/communications, and pastoral studies.
I am quite excited about being a part of this online community, and can see that many valuable insights will be forthcoming from each of us as we participate.

Now, I've done my part (even if I did just copy and past it from somewhere else). I look forward to seeing your intros. Please feel free to comment on this post. Maybe we have something in common that neither of us were aware of. Since I copied and pasted, this might have been a little "overkill." Yours does not have to be as long, but please do tell us about yourself.
Posted by Dr. Randy Carney at 8:45 AM 2 comments
Labels: Bro. Randy Intro
Instructor Resume'

Randy Carney, D.Min.
Teaching Faculty
Rockbridge Seminary

D.Min. (Pastoral Studies) 1979, Luther Rice Seminary
M.Div. (Pastoral Studies) 1974, Memphis Theological Seminary
(M.Div. Additional Institution) Fall 1972, Midwestern Baptist Seminary
(M.Div. Additional Institution) Spring 1973, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
B.S. (Education—Chemistry, Zoology, Speech) 1971, Southern Illinois University
A.A. (General Studies) 1969, Rend lake College

· Licensed to Preach the Gospel, Franklin County Quarterly Meeting and Mt.Zion Free Will Baptist Church, Thompsonville, IL 1971
· Ordained to the Gospel Ministry, Franklin County Quarterly Meeting and Mt. Zion Free Will Baptist Church, Thompsonville, IL 1972

· 1976-1983 Principal, Berean Christian School, Eatonton, GA
· 1983-1984 Principal, Heritage Christian Academy, Marion, IL
· 1984, 1987 Writer/Editor, Accelerated Christian Education, Lewisville, TX
· 1995-1996 Assistant Principal, Ezra Christian School, West Frankfort, IL
· 2005-2007 Television: Camera Operator, Floor Director, Studio Supervisor, Video and Character Generation, Computer Graphics, Channel 15, Thompsonville, IL

· 1976-1983 Berean Christian School, Eatonton, GA
· 1983-1984 Heritage Christian Academy, Marion, IL
· 1985-1986 Professor, The International Institute, Lewisville, TX
· 1987-1989 College Classes, Calvary Baptist Church, Marion, IL
· 1989-1996 Adjunct Professor, Logos Christian College, Jacksonville, FL
· 1997-2000 Adjunct Professor, Central Christian University, Blytheville, AR

· 1971, 1972 Fill-in Pastor, Campground Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Anna, IL
· 1971 Fill-in Pastor, Pleasant Ridge Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Vienna, IL
· 1973-1974 Youth Director, Grimes Memorial Methodist Church, Memphis, TN
· 1974-1976 Pastor, Pine Level Free Will Baptist Church, Chester, GA
· 1976-1983 Associate Pastor, Berean Baptist Church, Eatonton, GA
· 1983-1984 Pastoral Staff, Calvary Baptist Church, Marion, IL
· 1985-1987 Pastoral Staff, Grace Baptist Church, Lewisville, TX
· 1987-1989 Pastoral Staff, Calvary Baptist Church, Marion, IL
· 1993-1996 Pastor, Freeman Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, West Frankfort, IL
· 1996-1998 Pastor, Mt. Zion Free Will Baptist Church, Thompsonville, IL
· 1996-1998 Chaplain, V.A. Medical Center, Marion, IL
· 1998-1999 Associate Pastor, New Beginnings Free Will Baptist Church, Zeigler, IL
· 1999-Present Pastor, Unity Free Will Baptist Church, West Frankfort, IL

· 1984-1985 Staff Writer/Editor, Earth Science, Third Edition, Accelerated Christian Education
· 1986 Staff Writer/Editor, Biology, Third Edition, Accelerated Christian Education
· 1987 Staff Writer/Editor, Physical Science, Third Edition, Accelerated Christian Education
· 2007-present (Contract In Progress) Chemistry, Eagle Academies, Lewisville, TX

Church Membership—Unity Free Will Baptist, West Frankfort, IL
Standing Committee—Freedom Quarterly Meeting, Johnston City, IL


Preaching for Life Change
Discipleship/Christian Education
Pastoral Studies
Marriage and Family
Facilitating Online Learning
Course Design and Development

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, I copied your introcution here for you:

sremery said...
Hello Everyone! My name is Sean Emery, I attend Grange Hall Freewill in Marion. I work @ Clark Farms Trucking, and hobbies would include Music and reading, I also occasionlly like to hunt and fish.
I hope to obedient to Lord in being used in any way to glorify Him.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, I copied your introduction here for you.

Hey, guys. My name is Tyler owens, and I also attend Grange Hall FWBC. I work at Crownline Boats. i really like to hunt deer with my bow. Season will be starting soon and I am excited about it. I am twenty-five years old and have a wife, Audra, and an eight-year old daughter named Chloe. We love to spend time together. I answered the call to preach the Gospel in March 2008. Hope to hear from some new people this time around.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

So, Tyler,

Have you seen any deer and had any luck with your bow hunting this season?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Introduction for Ed Russell:

Just to let everyone know a little about me I am 38 yrs old, have a wife named Melisa and 4 daughters age 13,10,5 and 2. I have attended whiteash for 15 years. I grew up in Marion and live in Herrin now. I waas brought up a Morman but never really took hold of the beliefs the believed. When i met my wife I started to go to church with her and began to study the bible. Mormans do not typicaly study the bible so when i started it began to open my eyes to the plan God has for us on the earth. I was amazed that the plan of salvation required nothing but faith, much different than i had been taught.. more to follow later