Saturday, January 31, 2009

Getting Books

Tyler and Sean,

What is the best way to get new books to you?
Is it convenient for you to go by handfuls on purpose?
Is it easier to come by Thompsonville?
Do you need me to come by your houses or work?
If we can get new material, maybe we could start next Tuesday.
Let me know something in the comments section.
I think we will have a third participant this time, so that should be fun!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday and Still No New Course!

Hi, Everyone,

The ice storm that hit the midwest, followed by several inches of snow, has knocked out my Internet Service Provider. I am "borrowing" service (legally, of course) in another location right now.

We will update when the service gets back up.

Monday, January 26, 2009

End of Course Five Week Eight!

This marks the end of course five.

You both displayed a job well done. I appreciate your comments, and the evidence that you have worked with the material in your books and/or DVD's.

The course will end at midnight tonight.

We will take off tomorrow and see each other tomorrow night, weather permitting (which looks, at the moment like it might not) and then we can exchange books, etc. Then we will start Course Six on Wednesday.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Week 8 Response Postings

Continue to respond to each other.

In your responses to each other, or just in response to this posts, tell about a time when God allowed you to see Him change what seemed to be unchangeable.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Daniel, God's Statesman

Daniel was considered to be a statesman. In the past, many of our politicians were considered to be statesman. The book of Daniel is also considered to be prophetic.

Tyler pointed out that this is a very vivid book. Indeed it is, with the stories about the fiery furnace and the lions' den.

Sean says that Dr. Reid pointed out that his story is another example that God can use you in any place and change what would seem unchangeable.

We have a new president and a new administration as well as a new mix of the House of Representatives and Senators.

Much has been made in recent days about civil rights, and how the recent election was a great victory in that area. I don't applaud everything represented by this election, but I do applaud that victory. Now, I hope our elected representatives will be "statemen" like Daniel who will stand up for what is right according to the Word of God and not for "political correctness" nor for political power. The next great victory in the area of civil rights could be rights for all of our citizens, especially for the most innocent among us. That would be the right to life for the unborn!

Somehow, I don't see that happening, concerning the current climate. However, what could be accomplished if people realized that "God can use you in any place and change what would seem unchangeable"? How could we change the hearts of our elected officials? We may not know, but God may change that which seems unchangeable.

One of the things I see that would be very important would be for the people to continue to put pressure on our elected officials--especially since it seems there is not as much of a check and balance as in the past.

The political correct turn on civil rights will probably be to focus on special rights for a "minority" that is involved in unbiblical behavior. How much better it would be for the rights of the unborn to come to the forefront. Could that happen?
Who knows, but according to Dr. Reid, "God can use you [like Daniel] in any place and change what would seem unchangeable."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


May the Lord help us all to be as bold as Daniel, Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sean's Course 5 Wrap Up

Sean, please answer the questions for the course wrap up here.

Tyler's Course 5 Wrap Up

Tyler, please answer the questions for the course wrap up here.

Course 5 Week 8 Course Wrap Up

This is the last week for this course. Sean and Tyler, I guess I will see you next Tuesday evening at the local preachers' meeting.

Following is a review of the course requirements like is given every week. Be sure to read them again, and don't miss the instructions for the course wrap up.

Here is a review of the posting requirements once again:

You have three assignments each week
(1) Make at least two initial posts in your posting area. The first one will be the name of the course, and the names (or numbers of the DVD's) of the chapters or lectures you will be covering during the week. The second one will be a comment on one of those chapters. You will receive one point for getting the first post in on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will also get a point for getting at least one more initial post in.

(2) Go to your fellow student's posting areas, and ask them a question or questions about their intial posts. You will recieve one point for completing this assignment before 6:00 a.m. on Friday morning.

(3) Answer the questions asked.

(4) On Fridays, I will also give directions for making remaining posts during the week. Be sure and read those, and take them into account when making at least one of your remaining posts.

(4) In all, we want to make at least nine posts during the week. You will receive points for that as follows:
9 or more posts - 12 points
6-8 posts - 10 points
3-5 posts - 6 points
1-2 posts - 3 points

You will have the extra points you had accumulated by getting things in on time. Those are bonus points that will be used only to move your grade closer to 100 if you need them. They will be awarded each week if needed to move your grade up to 12 for the week. If you do not need them for that week, they will be carried over to the next week(s). Remember the posts that count for points will be at least three sentences long.

Course Wrap Up

Answer the following four questions (You will get four points for completing all four of them):

1. What did you like best in your study?
2. What was the most confusing or difficult part of your study?
3. What would you like to learn more about related to this study?
4. In one sentence, try to sum up what your study was about? (Don't agonize over this, just come up with something if a sentence does not readily come to mind: Hint--The title of your book or course may give you some insight.)

Course 5 Week 8 Bonus Record

I will keep up with your bonus points for the week here.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Course 5 Week 8 Sean's Posts

You may begin posting here on Tuesday.

Course 5 Week 8 Tyler's Posts

You may beging posting here on Tuesday.

End of Course Five Week Seven

This is the last day for week 7. Please get your remaining posts in before midnight.

Also, if you haven't already, read Jeremiah 12 and Psalm 73. Then show how they relate to the question, "Why doesn't God act?"

Saturday, January 17, 2009

God is With Us!

Sean was speaking about God's people being in captivity, and also being at homes. He said, "He sees it that he [is] showing that God can move from Jerusalem to Bablyon. That some might have thought God was not with them in Babylon, but God was with them everywhere they went. I hadn't heard it described that way before, but I liked it."

Rusty and Brenda, on deputation, sometimes showed the Japanese flag. They came across a gentleman who evidently had been in World War II. He said that he had a hard time still "looking at that flag." The war is long over. General MacArthur had asked for 10,000 missionaries to be sent to Japan. The request was not honored. Now the country seems to be in spiritual darkness, but like Sean said, "God is everywhere we go."

Rusty and Brenda have the opportunity to bring some light into the darkness. They did make it to Japan. They had one delay of flight while they were in Chicago. That caused them to have to spend the night in Tokyo. They however, are settled into a house in Hokkaido, which is at least as far north as Canada. Here is a picture of the snow outside their door.

It would be wonderful, if the hearts of the Japanese people were opened, and they experienced something like the United States did in our earlier history. It would be great if that happened again here too. Whatever happens around us though, we know God is with us!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Response Postings--Why Doesn't God Act?

Two of the three questions that the Old Testament deals with, according to Philip Yancy, are: "Does God care?, and Why doesn't god act?"

In your response postings to each other, or just to this post, deal with the question of "why doesn't God act?"

Before making those responses, though, please read Jeremiah 12 (especially the first four verses) and Psalm 73 (especially verses 3, 17, 27 and 28).

Then give us your thoughts on the subject.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Old Testament; Judgment, Hope and Questions

In our discussion this week, we are dealing with some general principles dealing with the Old Testament. Sean said,

One of those principles is that judgment really does come for disobedience. Sean said, "He [the instructor on the DVD] starts of with a little discussion on Lamentations. He points out this is when God follows thru on the results of not following His commandments. This seems to me an excuse thats used a lot to not submit to God. That He's portayed as an angry God. But when you think a little futher, would you really want a creator thats not just?"

Then there is also hope in the Old Testament, as Sean further pointed out:
"I like Lamentations, one of my favorite verses is from it. Lam 3:21 This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.
"Lam 3:22 It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
"Lam 3:23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."

Tyler described the message of the Old Testament as being pointed in three general, but important and practical areas of life:

"He [the author of the book] talks about the O.T. faces three hard questions. They are-Do I matter?, Does God care?, and Why doesn't god act?"

Sean goes on to point out that these questions are answered in the Bible and especially in the New Testament. Tyler is beginning to point out Philip Yancey’s answers to these questions as well.

Thank God for His Word, for out of it are the issues and answers for life!

Course 5 Week 7 Bonus Points

I will keep up with your bonus points for the week here.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Course 5 Week 7--Missionaries are on Their Way

We are on our last two weeks.

Rhonda and I saw Rusty, Brenda and Grace off this morning. They are on their way to Japan as I write this.

Pray for their ministry.

Here is a review of the posting requirements once again:

You have three assignments each week
(1) Make at least two initial posts in your posting area. The first one will be the name of the course, and the names (or numbers of the DVD's) of the chapters or lectures you will be covering during the week. The second one will be a comment on one of those chapters. You will receive one point for getting the first post in on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will also get a point for getting at least one more initial post in.

(2) Go to your fellow student's posting areas, and ask them a question or questions about their intial posts. You will recieve one point for completing this assignment before 6:00 a.m. on Friday morning.

(3) Answer the questions asked.

(4) On Fridays, I will also give directions for making remaining posts during the week. Be sure and read those, and take them into account when making at least one of your remaining posts.

(4) In all, we want to make at least nine posts during the week. You will receive points for that as follows:
9 or more posts - 12 points
6-8 posts - 10 points
3-5 posts - 6 points
1-2 posts - 3 points

You will have the extra points you had accumulated by getting things in on time. Those are bonus points that will be used only to move your grade closer to 100 if you need them. They will be awarded each week if needed to move your grade up to 12 for the week. If you do not need them for that week, they will be carried over to the next week(s). Remember the posts that count for points will be at least three sentences long.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Course Five Week 7 Tyler's Posts

I am trying to have this ready for you for Tuesday.

Course Five Week 7 Sean's Posts

I am trying to have this ready for your for Tuesday.

End of Course Five Week Six

By midnight tonight, we will have been three-fourths of the way through the course. Get in your remaining posts for week six today.

Good job on wrestling with the issues.

Forth-telling in a Different Culture

On Sunday, a few hours ago, we had our farewell service for Rusty and Brenda Carney. One of the jobs of the prophets was "foretelling." Another one was "forth-telling." That is what Rusty and Brenda will be doing (forth-telling, I mean) only in the country of Japan. May the Lord help us all to proclaim His Word!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

"Prophets" and Listener's Discernment!

I put the word, "prophets" in quotation marks because many times people think that loud preaching is often spirit-filled and God-led. While that may be true, sometimes it is just loud and not really spiritually powerful. Sometimes the Spirit moves in a service where the message is delivered in a quieter manner. One is not better than the other. Actually the best is to be able to both, and to match the manner of speaking with the content of the message, and where the message is thoroughly biblical in the principles that are proclaimed.

Lots of times, you think of someone "being like a prophet" when they preach boldly, strongly, and forcefully.

Of course, anytime we speak in such a manner, we should make sure what we are saying actually matches what the Bible has to say. Otherwise, no matter how forcefully we say it, the statement really doesn't have any godly power--even though it may be loud.

That is why people who watch preachers on TV (or listen to them on the radio, or even hear us in our churches) need to be equipped with biblical discernment and also need to know that they need to compare what they hear with Scripture.

May God give us wisdom in the preparation and delivery of messages, and may He grant all who listen to messages wisdom and biblical discernment!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Prophets for Today

Don't get me wrong. I don't think we are prophets today in the sense of Old Testament prophets. Even the gift of prophecy as mentioned in the New Testament, I think, had a different emphasis and meaning than what we would think of today. (Some would think that the gift of prophecy is no longer given). My take on it is that God still gives a motivational gift that is similar to that of the New Testament, but He does not give the same kind of ministry gift. This could spark some argument. Some of my charismatic friends would say the same kind of gift is still being given.

Without getting into that debate, in some of your response postings to each other, or just to this post, what are some examples of good characteristics of Old and New Testament prophets that should challenge and/or motivate us? Another way of putting it would be to ask, "What examples of prophets should we follow?"

Also, if you haven't already asked your fellow student a question, please go to his posting area and do so. If your fellow student has asked you a question, please respond to it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Prophets

We are currently studying about the prophets. They are known most for there foretelling abilities, but at the time they spoke, they were currently aware of their "forthtelling" responsibilities.

We are to be involved in forthtelling. We are to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Modern-day prophets may also be involved in exposing the sinfulness of society.

I have been preaching through the book of Isaiah (interspersed with messages on other chapters of Schripture) over the last few years. It is amazing, at times, how much the discription of their situation parallels our situation today.

Much of Old Testament prophecy has been fulfilled, but not all of it. It was predicted that Jesus (the Messiah) would come the first time. It is also predicted that He will come again. That has not happened yet. Any man that has this hope within him purifies himseld.

We should let prophecy do that purifying work in our lives.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Course 5 Week 6

Way to go, preachers,

By the end of this week, we will be 3/4 of the way through the course.

Sean, are your DVD's still working better than when you first started?

Here is a review of the posting requirements once again:

You have three assignments each week
(1) Make at least two initial posts in your posting area. The first one will be name of the course, and the names (or numbers of the DVD's) of the chapters or lectures you will be covering during the week. The second one will be a comment on one of those chapters. You will receive one point for getting the first post in on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will also get a point for getting at least one more initial post in.

(2) Go to your fellow student's posting areas, and ask them a question or questions about their intial posts. You will recieve one point for completing this assignment before 6:00 a.m. on Friday morning.

(3) Answer the questions asked.

(4) On Fridays, I will also give directions for making remaining posts during the week. Be sure and read those, and take them into account when making at least one of your remaining posts.

(4) In all, we want to make at least nine posts during the week. You will receive points for that as follows:
9 or more posts - 12 points
6-8 posts - 10 points
3-5 posts - 6 points
1-2 posts - 3 points

You will have the extra points you had accumulated by getting things in on time. Those are bonus points that will be used only to move your grade closer to 100 if you need them. They will be awarded each week if needed to move your grade up to 12 for the week. If you do not need them for that week, they will be carried over to the next week(s). Remember the posts that count for points will be at least three sentences long.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Course 5 Week 6 Bonus Points

I will keep up with your bonus points here. Rembember to finish out Week 5 before using the next two topic areas. You can start using them tomorrow. (Tuesday at 12:01 a.m.)

Course 5 Week 6 Sean's Topics


Please place your initial posts and answers to our questions here.
Tyler, please put one or more questions for Sean here.
Visitors, click on the word, "comments." to join our discussion.

Course 5 Week 6 Tyler's Topics


Please place your initial posts and answers to our questions here.
Sean, please ask Tyler one or more queations here.
Visitors, click on the word, "comments," below to join the discussion.

End of Course Five Week Five--"Existential"


Here was my guess about the meaning of the word "existential."

"Existential--Having to do with existence: looking for meaning only in what one can experience."

Here are definitions gleaned from three different dictionaries that come up when doing a search on "pertaining to existence; based on experience; derived from experience or the experience of existence."

Experience and existence did come up within the definitions--so I was close. In the 1970's, however, I was required to do reading that included the term quite a bit. I was curious as to whether my vague recollection would be even close.

Thanks for your insights this week.

You have until midnight tonight to get in your required posts for the week.

You both are doing a great job this term!

Awesome Weekend

We had an absolutely awesome weekend! The commissioning service on Saturday was tremendous. James Forlines, the Director of Free Will Baptist International Missions came to be a part of the service. I really enjoyed talking with him as well as participating in the service with him.

Bro. Glenn Dryden, flew in from Dunn Loring, VA (Suburb of Wahington D.C.) to be the main speaker. The Lord really blessed, and he gave an outstanding, challenging message for all of us present.

The Fellowship afterward was great too.

Then we had responses to the invitation both times on Sunday.

God is good--all the time!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Week 5 Response Postings--Existentialism

Sometimes, as a "teacher," in this type of virtual classroom, we are told to give a challenge to deepen the discussions toward the end of the week.

This week, we have already gone into "existensialism." That was pretty deep :) !

As you finish your comments this week, I would like for you to write a down a guess as to what the word, "existential" or "existentialism" means. Then look at the dictionary and see if you were close. Share the results. It doesn't matter if you were way off.

I will share my results on Monday.

Missions Commissioning Service

Today, we are hosting a commissioning service for missionaries, Rusty and Brenda Carney. They, and their baby daughter, Grace, will be traveling to Japan to serve their first three-year term on the field as career missionaries.

We have been talking some about Ecclesiastes. I think one of the ways to view the book is to consider the chapters, except for the final one, as talking about how a person views life without God in the picture. Anyone reading Ecclesiastes for advice about life MUST read the last chapter to get a true picture of the value of life.

Ecclesiastes Goes from vanity and meaninglessness to fulfillment and meaning.

That is the job of a missionary. They find where people are in their views about life. Then they try to help them see that life is more than vanity. Ultimately, they hope that those who hear will believe and turn from themselves and their former philosophies to God. The challenge, sometimes, is to make sure that a person really makes a change, and doesn't just attempt to add "Christianity" to his list of philosophies that he or she already holds.

May the Lord impress all of us to attempt this, wherever we are!

God bless Rusty, Brenda and Grace as they embark on this new adventure in their lives.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I thought I posted early this morning, but I must have forgotten to submit. Look in Tyer and Sean's comments section to see some interesting discussion about existensialism and/or Christian Existensialism.