Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sean's Course 5 Wrap Up

Sean, please answer the questions for the course wrap up here.


sremery said...

I liked this study because Dr Reid was easy to listen to. You could tell he knew the Bible and flowed with the information. As far as difficult, there were parts with words that would describe what certain ideas meant. I'm afraid if I had to take a test on them, I wouldn't do too good. I always enjoy reading the OT and this study was pretty in depth, I'm not sure how deep I would like to go, but I always have wanted to know it well enough to piece the whole chronological thing together. My study to me was about the themes of the books of poetry & prophesy, and the characters behind them.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, thanks for answering the four questions.

I'm glad you liked the study. My suggestion about the terminology would be to keep notes and use some of the "word detective techniques" mentioned in an earlier course.

I look forward to seeing you again Tuesday night.