Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Course 5 Week 8 Course Wrap Up

This is the last week for this course. Sean and Tyler, I guess I will see you next Tuesday evening at the local preachers' meeting.

Following is a review of the course requirements like is given every week. Be sure to read them again, and don't miss the instructions for the course wrap up.

Here is a review of the posting requirements once again:

You have three assignments each week
(1) Make at least two initial posts in your posting area. The first one will be the name of the course, and the names (or numbers of the DVD's) of the chapters or lectures you will be covering during the week. The second one will be a comment on one of those chapters. You will receive one point for getting the first post in on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will also get a point for getting at least one more initial post in.

(2) Go to your fellow student's posting areas, and ask them a question or questions about their intial posts. You will recieve one point for completing this assignment before 6:00 a.m. on Friday morning.

(3) Answer the questions asked.

(4) On Fridays, I will also give directions for making remaining posts during the week. Be sure and read those, and take them into account when making at least one of your remaining posts.

(4) In all, we want to make at least nine posts during the week. You will receive points for that as follows:
9 or more posts - 12 points
6-8 posts - 10 points
3-5 posts - 6 points
1-2 posts - 3 points

You will have the extra points you had accumulated by getting things in on time. Those are bonus points that will be used only to move your grade closer to 100 if you need them. They will be awarded each week if needed to move your grade up to 12 for the week. If you do not need them for that week, they will be carried over to the next week(s). Remember the posts that count for points will be at least three sentences long.

Course Wrap Up

Answer the following four questions (You will get four points for completing all four of them):

1. What did you like best in your study?
2. What was the most confusing or difficult part of your study?
3. What would you like to learn more about related to this study?
4. In one sentence, try to sum up what your study was about? (Don't agonize over this, just come up with something if a sentence does not readily come to mind: Hint--The title of your book or course may give you some insight.)

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