Friday, January 9, 2009

Prophets for Today

Don't get me wrong. I don't think we are prophets today in the sense of Old Testament prophets. Even the gift of prophecy as mentioned in the New Testament, I think, had a different emphasis and meaning than what we would think of today. (Some would think that the gift of prophecy is no longer given). My take on it is that God still gives a motivational gift that is similar to that of the New Testament, but He does not give the same kind of ministry gift. This could spark some argument. Some of my charismatic friends would say the same kind of gift is still being given.

Without getting into that debate, in some of your response postings to each other, or just to this post, what are some examples of good characteristics of Old and New Testament prophets that should challenge and/or motivate us? Another way of putting it would be to ask, "What examples of prophets should we follow?"

Also, if you haven't already asked your fellow student a question, please go to his posting area and do so. If your fellow student has asked you a question, please respond to it.

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