Thursday, February 26, 2009

Important Words

I hope you have already picked out three words to do your "word detective" assignment on. If you haven't, be sure and do that today. Hopefully, though, you have and you have a homemade definition for each of them. Maybe you have had to tweak that definition if that first guess did not seem to fit when the word was used again. You might even have two guesses--"It might be this, or it might be this."

After you have read all your chapters or watched your DVD's, you can finish the assignment. That report will go something like this.

Important Word:
First "homemade definition":
Tweaked definition: (you might have several of these or none for the same word.)
Final Homemade definition: (This might actually be the same as your first guess.)
Dictionary definition that most closely matches your guess:

Give that report for each word. (Even if the dictionary definition does not match at all, give at least one that you think really fits how the word was used in your chapter, and chalk up your "wrong" guesses to learning experience. I suspect that most of the time, you will find that your guess was at least close, but if not, there was still value in this exercise.)

You still have today to ask each other questions for that third bonus point.

Your discusssions have actually been quite good. Keep up the good work!

On a side note, last night Rhonda and I went to pick up Larry and Ginger Sauvageot from the airport in St. Louis. They have been ministering in Australia for the last few months. They will be here for a day or two. Then they will be on the road again.

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