Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Course 9 Week 7 Main Comments

Please place your main comments for week 7 here.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is GENERAL EPISTLES AND REVALATION. The instructor is Mr. Matthew McAffee. I will be watching three dvds this week.

Tyler Owens said...

The first session talks a little about 1 Peter. There is a three-fold purpose to this book. It is to encourage and exhort faithfulness in suffering. It is to exhort Christians to live appropriate Christian lives. It is also to promote a healthy inner life within the church.

Tyler Owens said...

I want to tell you guys a something that just blessed my heart. I went back to my old job. My old boss is there also. He used to be very "rough". Now, he has been born again. It is amazing to see what God has done in his life. I am so thankful for answered prayers. There is also another man whom I used to work with that started back this week. He was always talking down about christianity. I found out that he, too, was born again. I tell you guys that God is still in the saving business. Praise His precious name!!

roger said...

Praise the Lord Tyler, I am so glad things have worked out for you and your job, and Praise the Lord for miracles that he performs daily in our lives, I just wish we could see every one of them, AMEN!!

roger said...

Bro. Robinson, in his book "Biblical Preaching" has written in chapter9 "Dress of Thought", that the use of nouns and verbs can make alive your sermons. Man I should have paid more attention in English. Bro. Robinson states that vividness is added to your sermon by the use of these terms. I'm sorry Mrs. Walker that I did'nt listen to you in high school(my teacher), but I'll be more sorry if I don't listen to God. This I know he equips the called AMEN!!!!

roger said...

Bro Randy, I have some post on week 6 for this week. Thank You and God Bless you-all

Tyler Owens said...

I know what you mean about not paying attention in school. I have to apologize to my nteachers as well. In what way does nouns and verbs bring a sermon alive? I am failing to understand that.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session is about 2 Peter. Some scholars think that it was written by someone using Peter's name. We beleive that it was writte by Peter for several reasons. Peter claims to have written it. He accounts the transfiguration in chapter 1 and he references Paul as the beloved. Some of the early church fathers quoted from 2 Peter in their writings as well.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session talks about the content of 2 Peter. It starts with an opening in ch. 1:1-2. He reminds them of good gifts in Christ and exhorts them to develop Christian qualities. Peter writes of teh scripture as being the work of the Holy Spirit. The session ends with an intro into chapter 2.

roger said...

The use of nouns and verbs to make a sermon alive works kind of like this: I say a tall man, you say a giant, in a sermon the vividness of what you are describing can be enhanced like that, you see tall men all the time but you don't see giants unless that is how they are described.

roger said...

Your dress of thought should accomplish these characteristics:
1. You should be clear with you thought
2. You should be direct and personal.
3. your illustrations should be vivid or made alive.

Tyler Owens said...

Thank you, Roger. I see what you are saying now. It does make a big difference when you put it that way. I guess we need to give details in our preaching.

Tyler Owens said...

Bro. Randy, I picked up the book for my next course on Friday. I have been looking through it a little bit. There does seem to be a lot of insight into preaching in it. It does feel weird to be close to the end of this whole course.

Tyler Owens said...

The next session is about the book of Jude. This is a very short letter. It is dated somewhere between 65 and 80AD. It starts with a theological opening. Verses three and four talk about godless and immoral men that appeared. It also talks about Michael arguing for the body of Moses. It also talks about the fact that there will be mockers following after their own lusts.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, I am glad you picked up your book. We will be starting our new course on Wednesday, October 21. If you will need longer than 8 weeks for this one, we can work that out.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Roger and Tyler, I think one of the ideas about using verbs would be something like: Instead of saying, "He ran quickly into the house," you could say, "He rushed into the house."

The challenge is when you use an adjective or adverb to desribe a noun or verb, you might be able to find a more specific form of the noun or verb. Sometimes when you find those nouns or verbs they have a little more impact than a lesser noun modified by an adjective or a verb modified by an adverb.

I am thankful for my early grade-school teacher who helped me to get the parts of speech for English the first time I went through it. Then in the following grades, they just built upon that earlier foundation. Understanding English grammar can be helpful when you are breaking aapart sentences or paragraphs while doing Bible study.

roger said...

Lastly ,in "The Dress of Thought", Bro. Robinson asked this question:
How can you shun the sin of boring people. Answer:
1: Pay attention to your own use of language.
2: Study how others use language.
3; Read aloud.