Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Blessing of Family

God has created this world system with a means of populating the earth. In the beginning, according to Jesus, a man was to leave his father and mother, and to cleave to his wife, and the two were to become one flesh.

In this day of loose living and one-night stands, some people have no idea of the blessing of commitment to, and from, another person. I have doing some writing on marriage recently, and I am just reminded what a wonderful thing it is to have a Christian family.

My wife and I had the privilege of growing up in homes where both sets of our parents were Christians. They did not become Christians at a time when we can remember. They had already made professions of faith before the times when we were old enough to remember.

My dad was a Christian, but he often worked a midnight shift, that he later said he used as an excuse to not attend church on Sunday mornings. He, like a lot of people, did not let it occur to him that he could attend on Sunday Evenings even if he missed on Sunday Mornings. Through the years, I saw his commitment to Christ and to the local church grow. He did become faithful on Sunday mornings. He even started attending more than that.

After I was grown and married, He started working with the youth at church. Rhonda's parents, when I met them, were quite faithful to church, but when she was young, they only went on Sunday mornings. Then they moved next door to their church. After that, they began to attend more on Sunday nights. When Rhonda got saved at 11 years old, she started going to church on Wednesday nights. Sometime after that, when she was a teenager, they all started attending even on Wednesday evenings. Her dad didn't attend on Wednesdays regularly because his work often did not allow him to get home in time, but he did attend when he could.

I'm glad that our families' church attendance increased over the years, but I am also glad that we always had believers who were raising us.

The nice thing is that I am sure they prayed for our salvation, and when we got saved, it was a cause of rejoicing. We did not have to be concerned as to what their reaction would be--whether it would be something that would upset them.

People who have seen the wonderful change that comes into a family when the parents come to the Lord, have the opportunity to see the power of God work. They also have a need to study the Word and attend church and allow their minds to be transformed so that they will no longer be conformed to this world.

Be thankful for your heritage. If you are the ones making the change in your family line to being a Christian family, learn all you can. Give your children as much opportunity as you can to be exposed to the things of Christ.

Thank God for established Christian families, and thank God for families who are being transformed into Christian families.

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