Friday, June 20, 2008

The Day the Lord Has Made

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

This has been a good week. I know you have continued to make some comments on the academic material, but it has been refreshing to comment on anything.

I am not being paid to administer these courses, so I have put in a couple of entries to the left side of the screen that will take you to some other sites on the internet that can be beneficial to me.

I am not asking you to buy anything, but if you would go to the two sites at the left, and after you get there, click on Secrets of Marital Bliss in the one site, and also to click on one of the products featured in the Better Off Now site, that would be a blessing to me. Again, I'm not asking you to buy anything. (Of course if you see something you want, I won't discourage that either.) Just going to the sites will be helpful. If you further click a link that takes you to some of the sites where I have written articles, you would have an opportunity to give a "vote" for some of the articles if you thought they were worthy of a click.

One more thing, you also might want to check out another blog at .

End of commercialization. (It even happens to Christmas, doesn't it?).

Back to ministry. This is the day the Lord has made, and I do rejoice in it. I also am thankful for the young people who came to Christ last night! To God be the glory!!!

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