Saturday, June 7, 2008

Focusing on Important Words

As we finish up this week, I would like for us to focus on important words in the material we are reading. I know the emphasized words are important, but I think it would be interesting if you would give us a few results of words you have defined by being a "word detective" like we mentioned in the last post. The need for this would be for the unfamiliar or (not completely unfamiliar in the sense that we have never heard of them) vague words--words that we thought we had a glimmer of an idea of what they meant. What meaning did you give these words based on your past understanding? What meaning did you give them when you tried to define or guess at their meanings based on the context. Finally, what dictionary definition (if any, occasionally we might miss a meaning altogether) came closest to your own definition?

Pick some important words from this week's material, do a word-detective exercise on them, and then tell us what you found out. Post your results in the comment sections of weeks 2A and 7.

Sean, make sure you do tell us the names of the rest of the chapters you are covering (by reading or speeed reading) this week. Then give us a few comments on the ones that seem most helpful to you.

Tyler, you have done a good job. The work you have done will pave the way for others who sign up.