Sunday, June 1, 2008

Relaxing Post

Today is sunday. This is not a post for "work."

I just praise the Lord for a good service this morning. Today was "Graduates' Sunday." We had 45 people under the age of 24 and also including people that were taking classes as part of a degree program no matter their age. Our goal was 70 for that class of people. We didn't make the goal, but we did have a good crowd with a total of 82. We have had services with our windows open for the last few weeks while we are waiting to decide what to do about our air conditioner.

Bro. Tommy Dryden preached for us this morning and did an excellent job. He also led the singing. His double-duty was a great blessing to the congregation, but it might have been a little stressful to him. (If he was stressed, he certainly didn't show it.) He talked about the need to flee the things we shouldn't be involved in and to pursue the Lord. This illustrated that "Godliness with contentment is great gain."

I'm looking forward to tonight where we will have a meal following the evening service.

I hope you all are having a good day today!

Bro. Randy

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