Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Need Everyone Has

Tonight, we had vacation Bible School, as we have every night this week. Last night, I talked about a need that all of our family members have. It is also a need that our friends have. Beyond that, it is a need we all have. That need arises out of the fact that we all have sinned.

Sin is disobeying God--Breaking His Law. It is also missing the mark. We all fall short of the mark of perfection. If we were to get into Heaven by keeping the law, we would have to have done that perfectly. We fall short of the mark of perfection, or we miss the mark of sinlessness.

Tonight, I talked about the fact that this problem--that our family members have, that our friends have, that our neighbors have and, yes, that we ourselves have--is very serious.

The Bible says that the wages (payment) of sin is death. Since we all have sinned, we all deserve the wage of death. There are two types of death. Physical death is where the soul is separated from the body. Spiritual death is where the sould is separated from God.

The Book of Revelation says that death and Hell were cast into the lake of fire. That describes that spiritual death where the soul will be eternally separated from God. Something has to happen to take care of this sin problem.

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