Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Theology and Practice of Ministry

Hello Everyone,

For the next 8 weeks, I will be teaching the course, The Theology and Practice of Ministry for Rockbridge Seminary. I will come here and share some highlights along the way.

The folowing comments may help us all in our ministry: "Welcome to the Theology and Practice of Ministry. I pray the Lord will bless you as you go through the course material. There is an exciting component to this study that could revolutionize an existing church. The members of the congregation become the ministers, and we become the equippers. Properly implemented, we could witness the exciting sponteous expansion of the church.

"One caution is in order. If you get excited about the material in this course, remember that the members of your congregation have not been immersed in the priniciples as you have. Change is often difficult, and sometimes frightening, for many people.

"As pastors and church leaders, we often are given the ability to see far ahead. The challenge for us is to be patient as we educate about the value of our (hopefully God-given) vision."

May the Lord gives us all wisdom about the timing of introducing and implementing vision.

What insights do you have about how to implement change in an existing situation?

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