Monday, January 5, 2009

Course 5 Week 6 Sean's Topics


Please place your initial posts and answers to our questions here.
Tyler, please put one or more questions for Sean here.
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sremery said...

The title of my course is Old Testament Survey: Poetry and Prophecy. The instructor is Dr. Garnett Reid. I'll watch 4 classes this week. These start on the study of the prophets.

sremery said...

This dvd starts with giving names for prophets, like spokesman,messemger, shepherd, and watchman. Another point he states is that Abraham was the 1st prophet. He says Samuel was the 1st of the "organized prophets",then goes on to categorize them as reformer prophets and Soteriological prophets, which means "salvation".

sremery said...

Another point that he states that grabbed my attention was that while he was talking about where these prophets spoke, he asks what was different about Nineveh. He says its where their greatest enemy was. I guess I hadnt ever thought of it that way, I just thought of it as a bad place. But when I think of as the enemy's place, it makes me think of the story in a different way than I had thought of before.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Learning some of the terminology, like, "soteriological," will help you when you come across such terms in study Bibles and Bible commentaries.

Tyler Owens said...

I think Jonah was a lot like us. He didn't want to go to Ninevah because he was scared. We sometimes do not want to do things for the Lord because we are scared also. Do you you guys have anything that used to scare you or still does?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sometimes it is scary when the Lord seems to decide to move you to a new area in life, and you have to leave the comfortable. In the past, several times, I have been able to approach such times with faith and without worry. Now that I am older, I feel like that would be a little harder to do, but I want to remain to God's leading.

Rusty, Brenda, and Grace will be leaving for Japan next Tuesday. That seems like it would be hard for a lot of people, but the Lord has so wonderfully confirmed this direction for their lives, we certainly don't want to stand in their way of going. In fact, the best thing to do is to rejoice in that they are going to get to fulfill their ministry vision.

But to answer your question, there have been times I did not want do what the Lord wanted me to because I was scared; however, when I was obedient, the Lord always blessed.

sremery said...

This next class is on Isaiah, it gives the time frames and who was ruling during this time. He speaks a lot on the disputes of the authorship. I wasnt aware of these, I've read the book a few times but it is a lot to absorb.

sremery said...

He ends this class with discussion the questions of prophecy, that some are skeptical on him predicting things 200 years away. Mostly of the the fall of Syria, its funny to me how the can dispute this when he clearly gives predictions to Christ. I hope I dont get to the point of being like this and miss the message of the Bible.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, here is Tyler's question to us:
"I think Jonah was a lot like us. He didn't want to go to Ninevah because he was scared. We sometimes do not want to do things for the Lord because we are scared also. Do you you guys have anything that used to scare you or still does?"

I didn't want you to miss it since I put a long post right after it.

sremery said...

As far as things I believe God is drawing me to do I would say i always have some apprehension towards it because it will usually,not always, move me out of my "comfort zone". One instance was being a camp pastor this year, Tracy put me in the slot without a lot of discussion and I was a little scared of it. Not because I feared the kids but being able to do what I thought was a good job. Looking back, I hope to do more.

sremery said...

In addition, I can relate Jonah to everytime I feel God is drawing me to say something to someone, or to even help someone that I wouldnt ordinarily associate with.

Tyler Owens said...

Isaiah is a good book. I really enjoy it. It has more about the coming Messiah than the other prophets. I still don't see how people in Israel could deny that Jesus is who He claims to be. The evidence is so clear.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, I am sure you did a fine job at camp. I pray that you will to do that some more in the future.