Monday, January 5, 2009

Course 5 Week 6 Tyler's Topics


Please place your initial posts and answers to our questions here.
Sean, please ask Tyler one or more queations here.
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Tyler Owens said...

The title of my book is THE BIBLE JESUS READ. The author is Philip Yancey. There are seven chapters in this book. I will be reading one chapter this week.

Tyler Owens said...

The author starts by talking about how he did not ever want to read teh prophetic books. He talked of a clean white band on the end of his bible pages where the prophetic books were at. We all should read the prophets a little bit more. The author tells of how he learned to love them and now are his favorites in the Old Testament.

Tyler Owens said...

On a personal note, our family needs prayer. I will be laid-off until March 2. Yesterday, my wife lost her job. We are relying on God, but it still is very scary. Please remember us.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, what is the title of the chapter you will be reading this week?

Tyler Owens said...

The author talks about how sthe prophets are confusing to most people. I think through prayer and deeper study, we can get more than we think from these books. We tend to think of things in our own terms, and not in God's. He has something to say to us if we will take time to get into His Word.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, we will be praying for both you and Audra. Will you both be able to draw unemployment? Do either of you have any leads on jobs? Is there something you have always wanted to do, but have never tried?

Tyler Owens said...

The title of chapter seven is The Prophets: God Talks Back.

Tyler Owens said...

Yes, we are both able to draw unemployment. Audra is out looking for jobs today. I believe God will provide her with something.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I will send you an email later today.

sremery said...

One thing that I like about the prophets is that even though they were prophecy that has been fulfilled, they still are true today and speaks to us now.

Tyler Owens said...

The prophets were speaking to the people of that day. The author thinks that the term best described for a prophet is "seer". I agree with this statement. They were telling the people what God was showing them.

Tyler Owens said...

The author of my book talks about prophecy as two things. He says that it is either prediction or proclamation. I like this thought. They were proclaiming what was happening now and what would happen. I have also heard prophecy described as a "history" of future events. It is not a matter of if but when they happen.

sremery said...

How do you guys feel about preachers prophesying today? Its hard not to listen and be affected by it. Has all that God wants known been said?

Tyler Owens said...

They do "prophesy" in the sense that they are proclaiming the word. I would be skeptical about someone predicting something. I heard a minister once say that God doesn't speak outside of His word. This makes a good point. All we need to know is in the bible for us to read.

Tyler Owens said...

The author talked about a "cosmic" underlying in the prophetic books. He mentioned Job and the cosmic event in the backdrop of the story. The prophets were sharing things that they probably did not totally understand. It all goes back to the battle between good and evil, in some way or the other.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey, Guy, This is really cool. I just wrote my post about focusing on a particular response before I came to read your new comments.

You already dealt with what I asked. If you have any further comments along that line, add them, but really you have already done what I was talking about.

Tyler Owens said...

I have never heard anyone claiming to be a prophet. I have heard about them on television. Usually, they are involved with some kind of cult. I guess John was the last real prophet when he wrote Revalation.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Lots of times, you think of someone "being like a prophet" when they preach boldly, strongly, and forcefully.

Of course, anytime we speak in such a manner, we should make sure what we are saying actually matches what the Bible has to say. Otherwise, no matter how forcefully we say it, the statement really doesn't have any godly power--even though it may be loud.

That is why people who watch preachers on TV (or listen to them on the radio, or even hear us in our churches) need to be equipped with biblical discernment and also need to know that they need to compare what they hear with Scripture.