Monday, January 12, 2009

Course Five Week 7 Tyler's Posts

I am trying to have this ready for you for Tuesday.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my book is THE BIBLE JESUS READ. The author is Philip Yancey. There are seven chapters in this book. I will be reading the last chapter this week entitled Advanced Echoes of a Final Answer.

Tyler Owens said...

The author starts of the chapter talking about how he feels now about the Old Testament. He has a deep appreciation for it now. He talks about the O.T. faces three hard questions. They are-Do I matter?, Does God care?, and Why doesn't god act? I will get into these later in the week.

sremery said...

I dont remember all of that chapter, but I do believe that the NT definitely answers those questions. To me, being able to see it from post-Jesus time, we are able to see how the OT backs the Lords plans of salvation and allows us to see that it was really there all along. Maybe a few of the OT "characters" got a glimpse of this. Do you think Moses, or David, or any of the major prophets was able to see the plan of salvation thru Jesus?

Tyler Owens said...

Well, Moses prophecied about Jesus in Deuteronomy. I don't know if those men would have been expecting Jesus or the popular idea of a Messiah. I think that those Old Testament men were just so far ahead of the curb spiritually.

Tyler Owens said...

The first question that the author deals with is-Do I matter? He finds himself asking this when he observes the daily routines of life. The one answer that he keeps coming back to is Jesus. Jesus is God's answer to that question. We matter so much to God that He sent his only Son to the cross for our sins. I think the answer to the question, "Do I matter?" is a great big "YES"!

Tyler Owens said...

Randy, we will be praying for Rusty and Brenda as well as little Grace. I know that this is a big step for you and Rhonda as well. May God keep them safe and bless them more than they ever thought possible. Thank God for people who have missions "burning" in their hearts.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Thanks, Tyler, for your prayers about they young Carneys :) !

Their plane was delayed in Chicago, so they missed their connection in Tokyo. They got vouchers for a hotel room to spend the night there. I did get to talk to them AND SEE them, thanks to the wonders of Skype. Their hotel had an ethernet cable (I make it sound like I really know a lot about this, don't I? ha!), so we hooked up through skype, which allows us to talk to each other and see each other through our webcams. So, I saw their hotel room.

This morning, we skyped again, and found out that 5 of their seven pieces of luggage made it to Tokyo for them to take through customs. Hopefully they gave the officials enough information about the other two that they will just go on through when they arrive. They had to ride a bus about an hour and a half to get to another airport. Originally, they would not have had to change airports. Then they flew from Tokyo to the northern island of Hokkaido, where they will be for the next few years for language school.

Thay are staying at a missionary's house. She is back in the states at the moment, and they will be able to stay there until they get an apartment. They have heard of an apartment that will be close to the language school and close to grocery stores, etc.

Computers can be used for both bad and good. They are certainly being used for good in the case of PreachersMeeting, and in being able to provide communication for families half-way around the world! It really does help ease the feeling of distance.

Thanks again for your prayers.

Tyler Owens said...

The author asks another question in the last chapter. He asks "Does God care?" He talks about how many people who are not saved keep going to that question. He admits his own thoughts about that, especially when he sees all the bad going on in the world. Once again, he realized that the answer to that question is Jesus. We can tell that God cares because He sent his only Son to die for our sins.

Tyler Owens said...

The final question that the author asks is "Why doesn't God act?" He brings up the difference between Jews and Christians. We are both waiting on God to act. The Jews are still waiting on the Messiah, and we as Christians are waiting on the second coming of that Messiah. To answer that question, God has already acted on our behalf. Once again the answer is Jesus. He is the answer to all things!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, you have already dealt with the question of "Why doesn't God act?" How does Jeremiah 12 and Psalm 73 help (or do they help?) answer the question?

Tyler Owens said...

Those scriptures help me to realize something about things that I have had problems with. Even the Old Testament writers dealt with those same things that we do today. I'm not sure if they answer the question, but they do help me realize that I am not the only one questioning things.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

One thing that helps me is the comment, "they don't see their latter end." That let's us know that God doesn't always act quickle, but ultimately He will act. There is a Pay Day coming some day!