Friday, January 16, 2009

Response Postings--Why Doesn't God Act?

Two of the three questions that the Old Testament deals with, according to Philip Yancy, are: "Does God care?, and Why doesn't god act?"

In your response postings to each other, or just to this post, deal with the question of "why doesn't God act?"

Before making those responses, though, please read Jeremiah 12 (especially the first four verses) and Psalm 73 (especially verses 3, 17, 27 and 28).

Then give us your thoughts on the subject.


sremery said...

Thanks for those scriptures Randy. All thru the OT I feel like they are always wondering where's God. We always as people want to see proof, I catch myself feeling the same way. I try to keep in mind of His promises and know that He's always taking care of things way ahead of what I'm doing.

Tyler Owens said...

I like what Sean said. I sometimes feel the same way. When we see wicked people prospering, it can be difficult. I also see on Fox News where many people are really worried right now. We have a peace that passes all understanding. In times like these, it is good to have. Thank God for peace!