Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Course 6 Week 1 Sean's Topics

Sean, place your initial posts for week 1 in the comments section below and answer any questions you are asked in these comments.


sremery said...

The title of my course this time is called New Testament Survey: General Epistles & Revelation. Its a dvd course, the instructor is Matthew McAffee. It has 23 sessions, so I'll cover 3 a week.

sremery said...

I grabbed a dvd course again this time, I enjoyed the last one. The reading for this course is the Bible itself and that appealed to me. It looks like it starts with Hebrews. I'm looking forward to it.

Tyler Owens said...

Hey, Sean. Thank you for letting us meet at your home last night. I am glad that we have good friends around us. I consider those relationships to be gifts from God. Also, you have a very nice home.

roger said...

Hey Sean, thanks for the welcome looking forward to studying with you guys. I like the Book of Hebrews it a book of great faith. God Bless

sremery said...

The smallest sin that ever creeps into your heart is a robber seeking to kill and to destroy. You never profited by sin, and never can. No, it is poison, deadly poison to your spirit. You know that it injures your faith, destroys your enjoyment, withers up your peace, weakens you in prayer, and prevents your example being beneficial to others."
Just thought I would share this with you, its a quote I read this morning from Spurgeon. Good stuff!

Tyler Owens said...

Sin has brought trouble from the beginning of it. We know that sin brings death. It also is the cause of every problem we have as a society today. Sin truly is a robber, but thanks to Jesus, we don't have to accept that anymore!!!!

sremery said...

The 1st dvd is the instructor explaing what the course will entail and requirements for grades. This instructor looks like he just graduated.

sremery said...

He starts off talking about cannonizing and why it was put in to place. He said he starts with this because the General Epistles and Revelation were scrutinized the most for authenticity. It was a very interesting discussion on how many letters and different people who were claiming to be apostles and being directed by God was going around.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that your last post had an interesting point about the number of people who claimed to be apostles that had written letters. The men of the early church had to rely on the Holy Spirit to direct them in deciding which ones were true. Thank God for good men of God who have discernment and listened to the guidence of the Holy Spirit.

roger said...

Hey Sean, great music at the quarterly. God has blessed you with many gifts. I'm sure he is pleased in the way you use them. Great time talking to you. God Bless

sremery said...

The instructor also says something interesting. He says that Revelations is the end of Gods revelations. And that there were no more apostles after that. He defends it by stating that Gods plan has been revealed and there was no adding or taking away from it.

sremery said...

He starts a liitle with Hebrews and says that you need to familiarize yourself with Jewis traditions to really understand the book. this is true really a lot of the Bible to me. When I think about that, does it ever make you think that it shouldnt be, the message is universal.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Some of the universal truths, I guess, can be understood easily enough, but to go deeper, a proper understanding of different things will help.

We may not like to think about it, but even an understanding of grammar can be helpful in interpreting certain passages of Scripture.

As you said, understanding the culture at the time the Bible was written can help too.

Praise, God, though. The Holy Spirit is our teacher, and He will teach us many things without the benefit of some of this other knowledge.