Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Course 6 Week 1 Tyler's Topics


Place your intial comments in the comments section below, and answer any questions we may ask in that section.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is NEW TESTAMENT SURVEY: THE GOSPELS. The instructor is Dr. Kevin Hester. I will be watching four DVDs a week. The title of my book is JESUS AND THE GOSPELS. The author is Craig L. Blomberg. I will be reading three chapters this week.

1. Political Background-An Overview of the Intertestamental Period

2. Religious Background-Hellenistic and Jewish Religion

3. Socioeconomic Background-Everyday Life in New Testament Times

roger said...

Hey Tyler, thanks for the welcome. I will for sure need your help but promise not to be a burden. Your study looks some deep stuff. God Bless.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey, Roger,

You got your picture on! Cool!

Looking forward to interacting with you during this course.

Tyler Owens said...

Sometimes this stuff is too deep for simple guy like me. I never have been the smartest person around. The DVD courses really help me to understand things that I normally wouldn't. I am very thankful for this course.

roger said...

Hey Tyler, You asked about a time when we had to persevere. Well when we left Freeman Chapel we started a church in Zeigler Il. A small house converted to a church. Week after week we would ask people to come, we would get visitors but no commitments, sunday after sunday we would meet. Most times just three families. Alot of times I just did'nt want to go. Many times I felt like the children of Israel wandering in the desert. Then came the chance to buy the church in West Frankfort and I'm thinking we are going to explode with new people, new members, new converts but for four years it was much the same, Ijust wanted to walk away, but something kept me holding on. Finally one day a young girl that had been coming for a while invited some other kids and they came. Halleluiah that yaer we not only gained children but grandparents and parents , freinds and nieghbors, were not a full capacity but God sure has shown himself faithful and that excites me about what else is to come. By perseverance the snail made into the Ark.

sremery said...

I sometimes feel I'm always perservering, there have been a couple of situations where I feel like I was "struggling" to get thru something and felt satisfied when it was over. One was being stationed in S. Korea for a year without Tracy. Looking back you can see how your mind goes thru different stages to accept the situation you're in. Not unlike dealing with my tumor. The difference in the outcome to me is if we look for God in the situations and believe in His promises that He will never leave or forsake.

Tyler Owens said...

Thank you guys for the comments. I remember a time when Audra was in the hospital after a near fatal car crash. I didn't know if she would make it, but God got us through. We are having to persevere right now. My wife lost her job several weeks ago and has been unable to find anything yet. I have also been laid off until March. I heard the other day that the plant where I work may not open up ever again. I hope that is not true, but you never know what may happen. I am fully confident that God will see us through.

Tyler Owens said...

I hope to see you guys at Quarterly Meeting tonight and tomorrow.

Dr. Randy Carney said...


It is good to look back and see God's blessings for faithfulness. Since the girl you mentioned invited here neighbor, we have seen at least 75 decisions for Christ with most of those being first-time decisions in the area of salvation.

God is good, and He is not finished yet!

roger said...

Hey Tyler, I'm going to show my ignorance once again, but what does Socioeconomic actually mean? I can understand Political Background, and Religious Background, but I'm not sure of socioeconomic Bakground. God Bless

roger said...

Hey Tyler, thanks for answering my question at the Quarterly. I had a blessed time meeting you in person, it makes a difference when you are communicating with someone. Great word by the way in the afternoon session.God Bless.

Tyler Owens said...

Thank you Bro. Roger. It was good to see everyone at the Quarterly Meeting this weekend. Bro. Randy, I will be keeping you and Rhonda in my prayers as well as Unity. I am sure that God already has a man in store for the church.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Thanks, Tyler,

I'm sure God has someone in mind too. I don't know all about the future, but I know I had to take this step in order to find out what the next one is. Pray for Bro. Roger and Bro. Mike, who will be serving as our pulpit committee.