Monday, February 16, 2009

Course 6 Week 3 Roger's Topics

Roger, you may place your initial comments and the answers to our questions in the comments section below.

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roger said...

I'm reading Robert Shank's book "Life in the Son" it's a study on the Doctrine of Perseverance. I will be studying chapters seven,eight, and nine this week. The title of chapter seven is "Born of God", chapter eightis "The Earnest of the Spirit, and chapter nine is "Once for All". Very good reading.

roger said...

In chapter 9 Bro. Shank is discussing misconceptions. The title itself could be misconceivable, "Once for All" . Supporters of uncondtional security press the point to salvation, Bro. Shank uses a couple of passages from Hebrews stating the fact "the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all" indicates one last sacrifice leading to eternal life not eternal security.

sremery said...

What I kind of gathered from the discussion on my dvd was that people believe that once the Holy Spirit enters you, he will never quit on you. Like once God starts something, he finishes it. I can understand the thinking, but I always believe that we continue to have freewill, and without that that changes what God is. I think that without that choice, is it Love? (I'm asking???)

sremery said...

Good Morning Roger, I havent heard anything like the General Epistles being called Catholic, but now that you mention it, I dont guess I know the actual meaning of catholic. I'm sure I've heard it but must have forgotten it. What did the study mean by that?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hi guys,

Our thinking, when we hear the word catholic, usually makes us think of "denomination" or the Roman Catholic Church.

However, its use in early church history meant something like "universal" or the church as a whole.

If the general epistles were related to the term, "catholic," in its old use, I would assume that that meant they were to be read by all of the churches, and were not meant to apply to just one local congegration.

Does that seem to fit with what you have heard or read, Roger?

Tyler Owens said...

I guess that means that the whole Bible is "catholic".

roger said...

Bro. Randy explained "catholic" really well. These epistles were written to the church as a whole, not being directed to any one church but directed to the "church system" so to speak. Tyler has the right idea, that the bible is "catholic" meaning it is directed to all church bodies, as well as individual churches meaning "us". Amen bless you all.

roger said...

I would also like to comment on ch.7 "Born of God". It relates to the story of Nicodemus and Jesus teaching him the importance of being "born again", unconditional security or conditional security, bottom line,"You must be born again",God Bless!!!!