Monday, February 16, 2009

Course 6 Week 3 Tyler's Topics

Tyler, you may place your initial posts and the answers to our questions in the comments section below.

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Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is New Testament Survey:the Gospels. The instructor is Dr. Kevin Hester. I will be watching four DVDs a week. The title of my book is JESUS AND THE GOSPELS. The author is Craig L. Blomberg. I will be reading three chapters this week.

7. The Gospel of Matthew

8. The Gospel of Luke

9. The Gospel of John

Tyler Owens said...

The first DVD talks about literary criticism. This is trying to understand what the author was trying to say in the text. It can be very helpful in reading the New Testament.

Tyler Owens said...

The next DVD is an intro to the Gospels. The title of "Gospel" means "Good News". It truly is good news. The instructor describes a gospel as a narrative about Jesus with an apologetic purpose.

Tyler Owens said...

There are different themes for each Gospel. They each have different "portrait" of Jesus that they seem to promote. In Matthew, the focus is Jesus as King. In Mark, it shifts to Jesus as suffering servant. Luke's Gospel centers on Jesus as Saviour. The Gospel of John focuses on Jesus as God. It is amazing how each one portrays Him differntly, but we need Jesus to be all of those for us. And He always is!!!

roger said...

Hey Tyler, I have always heard about harmony in the gospels the different views would make perfect sense, but I have also heard that Jesus's mother had some veiws as well, is there any evidence of that in your study?

Tyler Owens said...

I haven't heard anything like that yet. I have(from other sources) heard about some of those "other gospels" that claim to be written by apostles. The early church recognized this and was very careful to authorize just any writing that was accredited to an apostle. The Holy Spirit was the guide in those decisions. There were probably several forgeries back then. We see these later in the "gnostic" gospels found in Egypt in 1947. I hope the instructor talks a little about these.

Tyler Owens said...

The nest DVD talks about the book of Mark. Mark's gospel has the "roughest" form of Greek of all the Gospels. It also offers vivid details. The theme is Christ as the suffering Servant. Scholars believe that this is the Gospel that Peter taught. Mark is believed to be John Mark from the book of Acts. Church traditions teaches that John Mark was a companion of Peter when he was at Rome. Therefore, it is believed that Mark wrote Peter's account of the Gospel while they were together.

sremery said...

I like all the Gospels of course, but Mark is right to the point, no extra stuff but Jesus and his miracles. do any of you guys have one that you seem to connect to more than the others?

roger said...

You know, I like the gospels as well,and I have often thought why did Peter not get to pen one. I think out of all the disciples Peter was the closest to Jesus, more so than the others. Does anyone else have thoughts on this?

sremery said...

I can say that there is a lot of times I can relate to Peter in regard to his failings. I love how Jesus tells him his name is "rock".
It gives me hope.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

If I remember correctly, I think a lot of scholars think that Mark got a lot of his material from Peter (at least that was how the Holy Spirit got a lot of the information to Mark--in that view.)

Maybe Peter didn't like to write very much. Maybe Mark's Gospel is almost like Peter's Gospel. That's a lot of "maybes," ha!. I guess we can ask when we meet them!

Is this view still prevalent? In any of your reading, have you read about Mark having a close association with Peter?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Peter, James, and John, all three, were part of that inner circle. It's hard to say which of them might have been closer to Jesus.

Tyler Owens said...

I posted about Mark and Peter earlier this week. Some think that John Mark was a companion of Peter when he was at Rome. Maybe it is some of Peter's stories about Jesus that he wanted to write down. Maybe Peter did not know Greek and needed someone who did to write it for him.