Monday, February 23, 2009

Course 6 Week 4 Roger's Topics

Roger, beginning Tuesday (or after midnight Monday night), you may place your initial posts and answers to questions in the comments section below.


roger said...

I will be studying this week the following chapters in the book "Life in the Son" by Robert Shank, chapter 10 " An Advocate with the Father", chapter 11, "The Chastening of the Lord", and chapter 12,"If We Deny Him".

roger said...

In this week's study of the of the doctrine of perseverance, Bro. Shank mentions the facts on the subject of "apostasy". He writes about it like he is mad(angry) about the fact that an unsaved person can not be an apostate,rather it is the saved ones who become apostates.

sremery said...

Good Morning Roger! Elaborate a little on why he is mad that an unsaved person is not an apostate. It seems to me it would be just as bad, in the end they are both rejecting. Maybe I'm missing what he's trying to get across.

roger said...

I think what I meant was the fact that apostasy even exist is what Bro. Shank was trying to get across. He referenced his statement to Hebrews 6:4-6. I just had the feeling as I was reading that he was angry, but maybe I should have said aggravated with the whole idea that once knowing the goodness and grace of God and turning away was upsetting. It sort of like preaching a message that you know God has given you, you'e prayed and presented it the way God would have you to, you can see conviction and concern on every face in the sanctuary, you know you have touched on needs, within your spirit you can feel the Holy Spirit all over the place and the alter call is made and nothing , I think that is how Bro. Shank felt writing this book. That again is just the feeling I got. God Bless and have a great day!!

sremery said...

When I think of an apostate, I think of Darwin. He states that he grew up believing in God and as he got older, believed less in God, or the perception of God that he had been taught. He was Christian, but at the time of this interview, I gathered that he did not. Thats an example of an apostate to me.I know its hard sometimes to project your meanings when you type, I'm not very skilled at writing it out and making someone understand what I'm talking about.

sremery said...

I see one of your chapters is on the chastening of the Lord. Based on the subject of your book, is it talking about believing that when you backslide, you're chastened?

roger said...

I don't think we are chastened just for sin, but sometimes to move us. Again Bro. Shank refers to Hebrews ch. 12 verses 9-11 which says this in short, "We are told that he chastens us for our profit,that we may be partakers in his holiness, as for the apostate I thought Hebrews defined it well.

roger said...

Where did the week go? I cannot beleive it is Saturday. I have run across some serious words. Like "antecedent", my thought was that it meant "recalling an event or something like that but it actually means"one incedent that precedes another". Word #2 was "intrinsic" my meaning "necessary" it actually means "belonging to the true or fundemental nature of a thing. And word #3 was "diametrically" my thought was sort of across the board so to speak, it meant along or relating to a diameter. So you can see I am a simple man. God Bless and good studying. Congrats on the job Tyler.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Hey Roger,

See how close your guesses were. All of them seemed related to the dictionary meanings to me. They actually were probably used in specialized ways just as you described. Good job!

Were your ending guesses the same as what you started with, or did your refine any of them along the way?