Monday, February 23, 2009

Course 6 Week 4 Tyler's Topics

Tyler, you may place your initial posts and answers to questions here. (Begin using this on Tuesday.)


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my course is N.T. Survey: The Gospels. The instructor is Dr. Kevin Hester. I will be watching four DVDs this week. The title of my book is JESUS AND THE GOSPELS. The author is Craig L. Blomberg. I will be reading two chapters this week.

10. The Historical Jesus-The Quests and Chronology

11. The Birth and Childhood of Jesus

Tyler Owens said...

I hope to see you guys at the preachers meeting tonight. Bro. Randy- sorry I missed you Sunday night. I had a bit of a rough weekend with being sick.(103 degree temp)

roger said...

Hey Tyler hope your feeling better, I and my wife had a touch of something Praise God it wasn't that bad . Get well

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD starts by talking anout the book of Matthew. The key theme is Jesus as King. This book wa written for a Jewish audience. Matthew points to many Old Testament prophecies in his Gospel. This Gospel also is centered on Christ's teachings.

sremery said...

When I think of Matt. I think of the Beatitudes and parables. I wonder what it was like to be there when Jesus does the Sermon on the Mount. I picture the people people silent in awe. I dont know why, maybe because its the 1st Gospel in the the NT. It certainly humbles me.

sremery said...

On your subjects, is the author breaking down each gospel and its take on Jesus, or is he blending them in as a more whole look? I bought a book a while back that broke down each gospel. I couldnt finish it, it was information overload, but its main point was 4 different men and how their perception was a little different that the others. But the same truth.

Tyler Owens said...

The author does break down each book, but it looks like he will go through them by subject and events in that later chapters.

Tyler Owens said...

One aspect of Matthew is his use of the phrase "Kingdom of Heaven". Luke uses "Kingdom of God". This points to Matthew's intended audience. We know that he uses more Jewish references than any other Gospel. The Jews would not say God because they thought that it was wrong. They used the abbreviation YHWH. That is where we get the name Yahweh from. Matthew was trying to tell the Jews about Jesus and the way that He fulfils the Old Testament.

Tyler Owens said...

The word "semantic" is in my book one time. I have no idea what it means. I think that it means- something in a broader sense. I will look it up later to see what it means.

Tyler Owens said...

Praise God! I was offered a job at Pepsi on friday. I will be starting on Monday. I thank God because He has provided me with a job that has hours where I won't have to miss any church services.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Congratulations on the job, Tyler!

"Semantics" was a good word to choose even though it was only mentioned once. I am assuming "something in a broader sense" was you homemade definition.

If you were looking for some other important words besides unfamiliar words, I could see some in your titles.