Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Course Six Week 1 Roger's Topics

Bro. Roger,

You can click on the word, "comments" below to start commenting on your book or for the first week for any social comments you might want to make.

Place your intial comments in the comments section below, and answer any questions we may ask in that section.


roger said...

Good morning to you all. I pray this message finds you doing well. This is my first post ever so I hope it works. I am no computer whiz nor do I desire to be. What I do desire is a closer and more intimate relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ. I pray this study will do that . Have a blessed day.

Tyler Owens said...

Hello, Roger. My name is Tyler Owens. I go to Grange Hall FWBC. I am really excited to have you join us for this course. I will be looking forward to reading your comments and ideas. If you need any help, feel free to ask me. In the mean time, God bless!

sremery said...

Hello Rodger, I'm Sean Emery, I also go to Grange Hall. I hope you enjoy the blog, and the courses. I also hope you come to enjoy the computer world. Its amazing on all the information you can read online.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Bro. Roger,

This post was fine. I didn't see the other one that you mentioned. It would probably have been O.K. too. If you have it somewhere like on your blog, you could highlight it and copy it, and paste in this box here.

roger said...

Hello to you all I will be reading a book written by Robert Shank titled "Life in the Son". It is a study of Perseverance. I will be reading chapters one through three this week. God Bless.

Tyler Owens said...

I noticed that you are reading a book about perserverence. Sometimes we don't think that we can persevere a situation, and then God shows us we can-through Him. When was a time that you guys had to persevere when you didn't think you could?

roger said...

I've been reading Robert Shank's book entitled "Life in the Son", a study of the Doctrine of Perseverance. Chapters one and two had a common theme exhibiting grace, but chapter three captured my interest. It talked about the suffering of Jesus. We think Jesus suffered when he was betrayed, we think Jesus suffered at a mock trial, we think Jesus suffered at the scourgings, at the whippings, At the beard being plucked out, at the slaps to the face, at the nailing of his hands and his feet to the cross, at the ridicule and the mockings "save thyself" and believe me that truly was suffering but what Mr. Shank emphasized on was the heart-breaking time from noon to three when God the Father turned his back to his only begotten son from noon to three when our sins and iniquties were laid across our Savior,from noon to three when the earth grew dark and the earth quaked, from noon to three when Jesus stopped saying "Father forgive them" to "my God my God why hat thou forsaken me". From noon until three until he said "it is finished" that was suffering. The thought of Jesus not only dying a phsyical death but that he had to die a spiritual death as well that was suffering and that was the ultimate example of perseverance

Tyler Owens said...

That was a really good point from your book, Roger. It must have been agonizing to feel what Jesus felt that day. What I find amazing is that even when God had to turn His back on Jesus, Jesus never even thought of saving Himself. That is a love that is indescribeable!!

sremery said...

We was talking about this in Sunday School last week. He also suffered before this in the garden. When he was faced with knowing what was going to happen, anguishing to the point of sweating blood. This is an awesome God that would go to this length to save something that in the perspective of the whole universe, seems insignificant. Thank you Lord!

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Good discussion, Guys.

Go for it!

Dr. Randy Carney said...


What are the titles of the first three chapters of your book? I really liked the insight you drew from that one chapter you mentioned. That described ultimate suffering.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Bro. Roger,

I forgot to tell you that our school weeks run from 12:00 a.m (midnight) on Tuesday morning through 11:59 p.m. on the following Monday morning. So, we have one more day this week.

You've been doing a good job getting started.

roger said...

Good morning, I pray that everyone had a good service yesterday. The Quarterly was a great blessing thank you to Sean, and Tyler for your imput into it. The title of the book I'm reading once again is "Life in the Son" by Robert Shank. I am studying the first three chapters. They are titled: Chapter 1. By Grace,Through Faith Chapter 2. The High Cost of a Free Gift Chapter 3. Life in the Son. This is some awesome reading, Praise the Lord, have a blessed day.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Ah, thanks for the chapter titles.

By grace through faith is the foundation for our salvation.

Yes, salvation is free, but it is very costly. It cost God His Son, and it cost Jesus His life.

Life in the Son is the chapter of the book, and I don't remember how much Bro. Shank goes into it, but to me that is the basis for the assurance of salvation. It is very biblical: "He that hath the Son hath Life, and he that hath not the Son of God, hat not life." (I John 5:12).

A person's assurance of Heaven can be just as sure as to how sure he or she is that [that person] has Jesus in his or her life.

roger said...

Hey, I might have been a little vague about myself a bit. I'm 50 years old, received Jesus April 14,1995 at Freeman Chapel while Rick Hilliard was pastoring, I ask you to pray for him, anyway, I sat through much drawing of the Holy Spirit gripping the back of the pew Sunday after Sunday for about two years, but one Sunday morning the Holy Spirit said not today ol boy, your not walking out of here today, and I did'nt that morning the spirit grabbed me and another miracle, Roger got saved!!!!!! Amen. I have really looked every since for the will of God for me, but discernment is not my strong point. Sean, Tyler,and Bro. Randy I request your prayers , pray God would direct me. I warn you I'm a simple man so he will have to be really direct. Praise God !!!! Bless you all

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I meant I wasn't sure how early in the book, Bro. Shank went into all of that.

roger said...

I don't want to go on intonext week without a commentting on chapters one & two. One reason being that "grace" is to awesome not to mention,"for by grace you are saved" but there be some who will try to do all they can pysically,monetarily,but not spiritually. Bro. Shank speaks about legalist, and self-justification, "study to show thyself approved" huh!! Well I know one of my gifts, it is "grace by faith" Thank you Jesus!!!! God Bless all you guys today

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Bro. Roger,
Thanks for the personal testimony.
God is good.
We are praying for discernment for us all.