Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching Week 2 Comments

Please post your initial comments and responses for the Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching Here.


sremery said...

My book is named "The Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching" by Robinson & Larson.
This week I'll be reading 19 chapters. They are as follows:

Ch 64 Why all the best preachers are theological.
Ch 65 Letting the listeners make the discoveries
Ch 66 Conviction & Compassion
Ch 67 The inadequacy of "yes" theology
Ch 68 What great coaches- and preachers know
Ch 69 Preaching that opens ears & hearts
Ch 70 Leading hearers to the tree of life
Ch 71 Fundamentals of genre
Ch 72 From B.C. to 11 A.M.
Ch 73 The big idea of narrative preaching
Ch 74 Life in Leviticus
Ch 75 Apply within
Ch 76 Application without moralism
Ch 77 Blending Bible content and life application
Ch 78 Chowing promise
Ch 79 Helping hearers practice what they preach
Ch 80 The heresy of application
Ch 81 Preaching true holiness
Ch 82 Less Joe, More Jesus

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I wonder what "'yes' theology" is. Then we might understand what makes it inadequate. Is there some merit to it? Is it something to be avoided altogether?

sremery said...

Ch 65 Letting the listeners make the discoveries talks about not being too hasty on driving your point home. To maybe ask questions, to stir their minds and not just sound like you have the answer and they dont.

Ch 66 Conviction & Compassion is a chapter balancing conviction & compassionate sermons. It warns that too many conviction driven sermons can get your congregation self-rightous. Mainly because pastors will usually hit on sins that are safe from their congregation.

Ch 67 The Inadequacy of "Yes" in Theology is a short chapter that basically says for every yes, there is a no, and that its best to imply both, by not being clear you leave it open to riding the fence.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Did they give examples of "yes's" tht impy "no's"? If so, would you give us some? Based on their defintion, this sounds like something that should not be avoided, but something with which we do need to deal.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

What are some of the fundamentals of genre?

Incidentally, does genre mean a type or category of writing? Tyler and Sean, what is your impression of the meaning of the word?

sremery said...

The only example of the Yes & No is that he asks his congregation if a Christian can own a BMW. He said he received a lot of calls and letters on it so he knew it spoke to someone.

On the word genre, I have gathered that it is more of a category.

sremery said...

Ch 68 What Great Coaches- and Preachers- Know is a chapter on being positive or negative in a message.Negative can warn of danger, while positive will encourage.

Ch 69 Preaching that Opens Hearts & Ears is a short chapter on being positive in a sermon, when you are more negative you run the risk of the listener being left feeling guilty with no hope.

Ch 70 Leading Hearers to the Tree of Life is a another chapter on preaching positive by using the example of Adam & Eve. It says that they had to choose between the the tree of life & the tree of knowledge of good & evil. The knowledge does good but it doesnt give the heart knowledge.

Ch 71 Fundamentals of Genre talks of the different forms of literature in the Bible, it breaks them down to Poetry (Psalms); Proverbs; Narratives; Parables of Jesus; and Letters. It explains each one and how it helps when you understand what style of literature it is.

Ch 72 From B.C. to 11a.m. is a chapter on how to structure a narrative sermon. It gives ideas like giving it from a certain characters viewpoint.
Ch 73 The Big Idea of Narrative Preaching is another chapter on how to speak on narrative scriptures.

Ch 74 Life in Leviticus is a story of a pastor that preached on Levitcus for a year, how they used live animals and more visual effects to bring the book alive.

sremery said...

Ch 75 Apply Within is a chapter about application. It says that its imperative to show how the scripture can be applied. It gave a good point in asking yourself "So What?" & "Now what?".

Ch 76 Application Without Moralism is a another chapter on application. It brings up that ethos is an important factor. The perceived character of the speaker. I beleive this, if you truly care for the listener, I think that comes thru. It is also a reminder of how the speaker or pastor should conduct themselves.

Ch 77 Blending Bible Content & Life Application talks of not being to theological but just enough to let the audience have an idea of what your direction is. It says to bring the big words and meanings into layman terms.

Ch 78 Showing Promise is a chapter on showing God's commands and promises. He states that for every command God gives, he alse gives a promise. He says the promises of God are commands in disgise and visa-versa.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that genre means styles of things such as writngs or lectures.

Tyler Owens said...

When Sean talked about his chapter 76, I am reminded of a preacher friend that I have. He is a good man, but at work he can be really rude and sometimes just downright ugly with people. I worry about it because this attitude can really hurt his witness and mine also because we are both Christians.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Thanks for giving your thoughts about "genre." Some of the dictinary definitions are:

"a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique, or the like:"


"a style of expressing yourself in writing".

You both were right on in your definitions based on context.

sremery said...

Ch 79 Helping hearers practice what they preach is a chapter on application mostly. I found it interesting at the end when he mentions alter call as though they hadnt done them before, but was pleased with the outcome.

sremery said...

I didnt get all I set out to accomplish last week, I guess the week started getting busy on me, then I couldnt muster the strength to finish. I'm leaving for Florida Thursday, I'm planning on still posting and should get quite a bit of reading done. Thats usually what I do most of time I'm there. So this week at work is very busy, as I'm trying to get things in order so my brother-in-law wont have to do too much with my trucks.
I'll post this weeks chapters later.