I was privileged to live in the great state of Georgia for 9 years. All four of our children are "Georgia Peaches" because they were born during that time.
We had the opportunity to help start a Christian school which was something that has paid immeasurable benefits in the lives of our children.
We have many friends from those days, and a few months ago, Rhonda and I made a quick trip through there and got to visit with at least some of them.
I'm thankful for God's leading through all the years of our lives.
I've always had an interest in music. I grew up in the skating rink so I was exposed to pop music ever since I can remember. I seem to relate things in my past to music.
When I was about 14 I started getting serious enough to start trying to play instruments. I took piano for about a year but didn't seem to be to interested. (which I now regret) But I did take a liking to the guitar. I played in some bands and some were actually good enough that people did pay to see us.
I quit playing for the most part after I went into the service, but after I asked the Lord into my heart and life, I cannot nearly put into words how much more I love playing an instrument. I have been allowed to play a lot and worship and praise God at the same time.
Now more than ever I'm thankful when I get to play or sing to God. Music seems more complete with God.
My book is titled: e Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson & Craig Larson.
This week I'll be reading 19 chapters. They are as follows: Ch 49 Creating a Singles Friendly Sermon Ch 50 Preaching to Preschoolers Ch 51 Hispanic-American Preaching Ch 52 African-American Preaching Ch 53 Asian-American Preaching Ch 54 Work Wins? Ch 55 1 Sermon, 2 Messages Ch 56 The Playful Preacher Ch 57 What Authority Do We Have Anymore? PART 4: Interpretation and Application Ch 58 Why The Sermon? Ch 59 Getting The Gold From The Text Ch 60 Faithful First Ch 61 God's Letter of Intent Ch 62 5 Bird-dogging Questions for Biblical Exposition Ch 63 The Rules of The Game
I am glad that God has sent me to where I am at. This will be my first year working at Camp Jericho and I am really excited. I can't wait to be a counselor. I would ask you guys to pray for me and I will also be praying for you that lives will be touched at this camp. I hope that I can be able to help at least one child while I am there. We did not have anything like this for our children where I used to go, so this is all new to me. God bless you and your ministries!
This is a new course for me. The title of my book is PAUL: APOSTLE OF THE HEART SET FREE. The author is F.F. Bruce. I am also watching a DVD course called NT Survey:Acts and Paul. I am going to watch four DVDs a week and be reading five chapters a week. The first five for this week are:
I watched the first DVD last night. It talked about the "unity" that comes from the "diversity" of the New Testament. It also mentioned that the New Testament is a related to the O.T., while also being a new covenent from God. The book that I am reading talks about the way that Rome came to power and how the Jews responded to foreign rulers and what the Romans required of the Jews.
Chapter three talks about Paul's home city of Tarsus. It discussed the geographical location and the main things that the city was known for. It may have been a "university" city where many students would go and learn, but most would not have settled there. The author also thinks that Tarsus would probably be avid in the pursuit of culture. The main goods that were made in Tarsus were linen clothes.
The DVD that I watched discussed the different groups that were in Judeism during the time of the early church. There were the Pharisees who were very powerful and knowledgeable in the law. The Saducees only believed in the first five books of the Bible and they did not believe in the ressurection. The scribes were similar to the Pharisees in that thy were like modern day lawyers in that the would try to interpret the law. They were all more like political parties than religious groups.
Chapter four talks about Paul being a Roman citizen. He said in the book of Acts that he was a born a Roman citizen. This must mean that his father was a Roman citizen. He may have otained it by doing something helpful the the Romans. Some think that the trade of temtmaker had something to do with it. He could have made tents for some of the Roman soldiers. It may have been difficult to be a citizen unless a special situation arises like this one.
The DVD that I watched talked about the early church. The church really done a lot of things that the Jews would do, such as worship. They did worship just like the synagogue did. It talked about the book af Acts being a history of the spread of the Gospel from Jeruslem to Rome.
Thank you, Randy for the good posts. Our family and friends do have a problem. Our pastor always says that we are no better than anyone else, we're just saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. I enjoy telling people that no matter what they have done in the past, Jesus still loves them and wants a relationship with them. It is really special when we get to see people actually "get it".
Hello, I've been busy last couple of days and haven't had time to post, but I have been reading... Ch 49 Creating a Singles-friendly sermon brings up the awareness of singles in the congregation, beware of preaching like everyone is married and has a family. 49% dont.
Ch 50 Preaching to Preschoolers talks about talking down to them. Be sure not to, they are smarter than you think, in fact, they sometimes thinks more clear and straight than adults. Unfiltered if you will.
Ch 51 Hispanic-American Preaching is a chapter written by hispanics. they like storytelling and uses the example of the good samaritan story by relating them to the samaritan as being distant relatives of the jews, but being looked down upon, or lees than.
Ch 52 African-American Preaching speaks of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speach and how it was masterful in getting the point across on racism and a sermon at the same time. It talks of how Black preachers speak of Hope, and with passion and excellent storytelling.
Ch 53 Asian-American Preaching is a similar chapter of the hispanic one. It does tell of a story where an asian pastor tried to get his congregation to stop doing asian cultural things to get more white people in their church and it failed miserably. You cant be who you're not.
Ch 54 Work Wins? is a chapter about work. It warns of letting it rule you, but God created work before the fall. We should enjoy and be thankful for it. It reminds us that as preachers on Sunday, this is a rest for the ones that come and listen, it says that most come in thinking they've failed all week and Jesus is "fed up" with their continuous failures. So we help restore them through the Word.
Ch 55 One Sermon, Two messages is how a pastor who does 2 sermons in one morning and changes his approach with the same sermon. One is a traditonal service with the choir and pulpit, and the second is a contemporary service with a praise group and no pulpit. He says that the traditional congregation likes the more "crafty" sermon, while the contemorary people like the more direct approach.
Ch 56 The Playful Preacher is about using humor and to be cautious with it. I think if you just be yourself, the humor will come when its needed and you cant fool the listener.
ch 57 What Authority Do We Have Anymore is about how pastors aren't respected like they were say 100 yrs ago. Now they are lumped in with salesmen as far as being trusted. I agree with this to a certain point, but not totally. I think our country as a whole and certainly the media hold this view. But I know there a many committed pastors that hold that "old respect". Again, if you're truly seeking God, he'll come through, the world always rejects him.
PART 4: Interpretation & Application
Ch 58 Why the Sermon? is a chapter on making sure your sermon is going somewhere. I feel I've been guilty of this in where I know I'm speaking well but didnt really have a destination and I've been discouraged afterward. It's a good chapter.
We had vacation Bible school again tonight. For the last three nights during the closing assembly I talked to the young people about what was in the posts I made about "the problem" and "the solution." Tonight, Mike Meece was the teacher, and he did a wonderful job of presenting a lesson about Zachaeus.
We have 30-34 young people come each night. Tonight 17 of those were preschoolers, and they did come upstairs for the closing. During that closing assembly we had an invitation, and six young people came to confess Jesus as the boss of their lives and to receive His gift of salvation.
Praise the Lord!
We do generally see young people come to Christ during VBS, but one year, maybe last year, no one came. I think that partly was to remind us that the Holy Spirit does the "drawing."
There was a typing error in the last post: the preschoolers did not come upstairs.
Also, when I spoke of Jesus being "boss" the explanation was a little more dignified in saying that Jesus has the right to rule the universe, but we come to Him and acknowledge that He has the right to rule our lives also. Since He has that right, we commit to trying to live for Him.
It is good to see it when young people come to Christ. I am happy to hear that your VBS has been successful. My daughter went to Pittsburg FWBC for VBS this week and she had a good time. It is good that churches have bible school.
Ch 59 Getting the Gold from the Text is focusing on the text of the Bible and using it without sounding like you're just reciting it. It gives examples of sermons that start with a scripture, but goes a whole different direction. It also gives an example of sermons that dont even come from a scripture, he call them motivational speeches.
Ch 60 Faithful First reminds us to know the text as a whole, not to use a verse out of context. it reminds us that the Bible is about God, not us.
Ch 61 God's Letter of Intent gives questions to ask youself about the text. One thing I liked that it brought up was that God intends something when he speaks, He always speaks purposefuly.
Ch 62 Five Bird-dogging questions for biblical Exposition is another chapter giving you questions to ask youself to stay on track to a scripture based sermon. One of the questions is about the history of the scripture. I think that is always interesting because not only does it help us to understand what they were saying, but it shows that they were just like us.
Ch 63 The Rules of the Game is another study of breaking down scripture and asking yourself 7 questions to structure a sermon. This one used baseball as an example of working thru the building of the sermon. As a batter starts off in the dug-out thru all the steps of hitting and getting back home. One of the points was to make sure you use the right meaning of the word, that some words, be it a noun or a verb, might have multiple meanings and the surrounding text will give you an idea of which meaning it could be.
Good Morning everyone! This has been another busy week at work. I'm glad to hear that your VBS went well Randy, VBS always is a good "boost" to the summer.
We spent a lot of time with doctors this week. I had my 6 month check up for my tumor and my doctor said I could move out to a year now. I thank God for giving people the drive to do things like my doctor does, it is truly a gift, and I thank Him for leading me to him as my doctor. Its not because he's been giving me good reports, he's had to give me bad ones, and I'll take all these good ones I can get. Also, my older son had surgury on his finger, he cut a tendon in it and they had to re-attatch it and put a pin in it, they said it went well, so remember Clint in your prayers.
Thanks again Randy for running this site. And the same to you Tyler for being a part of this. This is helping me "soak it in" better when others are doing it with you and encouraging you. May the Lord be with you today.
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm glad your daughter was able to attend VBS this week. I find VBS to be one of the greatest evangelistic opportunities a church has.
Sean, if it is not too much trouble to find it, I would be interested in the list of the five "bird-dogging questions for biblical Exposition." Also, if you could give us the list of "7 questions to structure a sermon," that might be even more beneficial to the rest of us.
The 5 Bird-dogging questions are not specific, but suggest you to ask 1. technical questions (meaning of words) 2. Historical questions 3.Content-theological (meaning of the content of the text) 4. Contemporary questions, this broken down into 2 sub-parts: How was is revelant then, and how is it relevant now. 5. Discipleship questions, How dow this text apply to me.
The rules of the game go as: Dugout: Genre (means literary category) there are 4: 1 narrative 2 procedural (how to do something) 3 expository (explains things) 4 horatory (is a command)
On-Deck: Context (reading what procedes and follows your text)
At Bat: Semantics (the meaning of the text)
1st base: The Big Picture (the author uses" dont miss the forest for the trees", whats the main point of the whole text)
2nd base: grammar & syntax (analyze the grammar & syntax of words, phrases and clauses)
3rd base: Words (the meanings of the important words)
Home: Application (getting the meaning accross to the listener)
My wife,Audra, and I met through a mutual friend. We were both raised in church, but had both ran away from God in our youth. We had both made a lot of mistakes, I was doing a lot of bad things. She got pregnant at fifteen. We met when her daughter was two months old. Her real father did not want the responsibility of being a father. I was scared, but something told me that this relationship could work out. I had stepped into a father role at a very young age. It has been said that God makes good out of everything and this is really a case that it happened to me. I am so greatful that God put Audra and our daughter,Chloe, in my life. I couldn't imagine my life without them.
Tyler, thanks for sharing some of you life message with us. I pray the Lord will bless you and your family richly in the days to come. A good support system from your family will help you greatly in the ministry.
Sometimes, a wife is intimidated when her husband is called to preach. Not all preachers end up being pastors, but many of them will, at least at some point during their ministry. That automatically puts the wife in the position of being "called" to be a pastor's wife. It's intimidating because the wife then feels pressure to exhibit all kinds of things for which she may not have particular skills, training, or interests.
The main thing the pastor's wife is called to do is to be the wife of the pastor. She is not to be the assistant pastor. You must protect her from those who would try to pile all kinds of responsibilities on her.
Now that doesn't mean that she is not to do anything in Christian work either, but her main responsibility is that of any Christian, which is to find out what God wants her to do with her life, just because she is a Christian--not because she is the pastor's wife. Then she should be encourage to grow and exercise her gifts in the ministry of the church, just as we would desire any Christian to do.
Her main ministry, though, is simply (well, acutally it's not very simple) to be the wife of the pastor.
Likewise, the pastor should never forget that he has a ministry to his church members, but his main ministry is to his wife and children.
If you end up pastoring somewhere, I hope you will be able to remember these principles.
Anyway, thanks for sharing. I did not intend to give such a discourse when I started with the comment. Still, I hope something in it will be helpful to both you and Sean and your families.
I am looking forward to tommorrow night's live preachers meeting. I really get a lot out of those and the men really encourage me in my ministry. I hope to see you guys there and we can talk face to face. I am glad for this blog, but I would rather talk to you guys face to face. I know that would be too difficult considering all of our schedules, but at least we can do it once a month.
You will notice some posts below that relate to various topics of discussion by our online community of preachers.
One of the purposes of Preachers' Meeting is to provide a place for young ministers or those recently called to preach to interact around the principles in a course of study recommended by our local group of preachers in the Southern Illinois area.
We invite you to look in on our conversations. If you would like to add comments as a guest, you are welcome to do so. If this looks interesting to you, you may join us as we start a new session. You can look in the side bar (or sometimes it is moved to right below this post) to see the weekly requirements. We start new courses every 8 or 9 weeks. As already mentioned, you are welcome to comment as a guest before that time.
Below these posts, you will see the word, "comments." Just click on it, and you will see a box on the right side of the screen where you may add your comments.
Look around. Enjoy yourself, and come back often!
Weekly Requirements
Here is a review of the general requirements for each week.
You have three assignments each week
(1) Make at least two initial posts in your posting area. The first one will be the name of the course, and the names (or numbers of the DVD's) of the chapters or lectures you will be covering during the week. The second one will be a comment on one of those chapters. You will receive one point for getting the first post in on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will also get a point for getting at least one more initial post in.
(2) Go to your fellow student's posting areas, and ask them a question or make comments about their intial posts. You will recieve one point for completing this assignment before 12:00 a.m. on Friday morning (that would be before midnight on Thursday).
(3) Answer the questions asked.
(4) On Fridays, I will also give directions for making remaining posts during the week. Be sure and read those, and take them into account when making at least one of your remaining posts.
In all, we want to make at least nine posts during the week. You will receive points for that as follows:
9 or more posts - 12 points
6-8 posts - 10 points
3-5 posts - 6 points
1-2 posts - 3 points
You will have the extra points you had accumulated by getting things in on time. Those are bonus points that will be used only to move your grade closer to 100 if you need them. They will be awarded each week if needed to move your grade up to 12 for the week. If you do not need them for that week, they will be carried over to the next week(s). Remember the posts that count for points will be at least three sentences long.
Thoughts on Application
Roger gave some good thoughts on application:
"Chapter 75, titled: 'Apply Within' is a lesson in application. The writer explains why it is sometimes difficult applying a sermon to real life situations. I will list some of the reasons application is not applied to our lives.
"First it is "hard work", it is hard to find application to every situation in the congregation,
"second, is wrong assumptions, assuming the audience is able to apply any and all biblical truths is totally a wrong assumption,
"third, is fear, fear of being to deep or to simplistic in the text and failing at application, and then there is training or lack thereof,
"many preachers know the text, and the history and the order of things but are totally untrained in application. One gentleman said it this way," how can you be a good football player when you can pass the ball, or when you can kick the ball, or when you can run with the ball but you don't know the rules of the game."
If you live in the souther Illinois area, we would like to invite you to a Couples' Marriage Enrichment Seminar on Saturday, February 27. It starts at 6:00 p.m and will run to 9:00 p.m.
After the welcome, there will be a dinner. Then there will be an opening session, followed by two breakout sessions, then a short closing.
The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Randy Carney (That's me :)!) and Roger and Janet Dutton will be speaking during the breakout sessions (That's Roger, who is commenting on this blog during this term!). Randy and Rhonda (my wife!) Carney will also have a breakout session discussing "Keys to Marital Bliss."
The Keynote Address will be on the topic of "The Way to a Successful Marriage: The Shocking and Surprising Truth."
Roger and Janet will be talking about "Hope for Restoring your marriage."
The cost is $15.00 per couple and that includes a dinner and all seminar materials. A nursery and childcare will be available. (Please indicate that you need these services when you register.) A book table with resources from Handfuls on Purpose Christian Bookstore will be available.
The seminar is for couples of all ages, ranging from newlyweds to marriage veterans!
To register, call 618-627-2228 to let the church know how may will be attending. Payment can be made at the event. (Make checks to TFBC.) For more information, call the church at 618-627-2228.
The Greatest Love
Since Valentine's Day falls on Sunday this year, I imagine there will be a ton of sermons going out on the topic of love.
Paul talked about love and respect in marriage (Ephesians 5), but he was really saying that that was an illustration of the relationship between Christ and the church.
Left Heaven to come to this earth.
Overcame adversity while here. He even conquered death!
Valued mankind so much that He gave Himself on the cross.
He desires fellowship with us. He reconciled the world to Himself, so that people could have an
Intimate realtionship with Him.
He meets all of our
He is the supreme example of
Do you see the word, LOVING, there? That is what He is--our LOVING Savior! Because of that, we should love one another.
Course 11 Week 4
Scroll down to the week 4 area to begin commenting.
Dealing with the Closed American Mind
One of the chapters Roger is reading is entitled, (something like) "Dealing with the Closed American Mind." I don't know if it is mentioned in the chapter, but I suspect that if you tak about something where a person has a felt need, you can gain their hearing somewhat.
What are your thoughts?
You may scroll down and comment in the week 3 comments area. Visitors are welcome to comment also.
Connecting with Postmoderns
This is something most preachers do every Sunday. If you have young unchurched visitors in your church, you will be trying to reach postmoderns. Even some of your church youth are more influenced by postmodernism than by their previous Sunday school teaching.
Here is my reply to one of Roger's posts:
"Roger, what tips stand out to you for commecting with postmoderns? I think the term modern referred to an age in history that related to new thoughts in science, etc. (If I am off base, refresh my memory.) Post modern refers to the time following that era. Connecting with postmoderns is something you have to do, whether you realize it or not, almost every time you preach."
I will post some of his answers here if he sees the question in time.
Preaching--Proclamation of God's Word
Preaching, by one definition, is the proclamation of God's Word. As such, a person, can take the Scriptural passage and find some of its main points and emphasize those points.
While I believe we should learn all we can about the grammatical construction of the words of Scripture, and that we should learn all we can about the historical setting for when those words were originally spoken; the nice thing about proclaiming the Word is that you can just take what the text says and emphasize it. Then the Word will not return void.
People with all different types of backgrounds have been called to preach throughout the centuries. Some very "unlearned" (as the world would put it) men have had great results by simply taking the main ideas of Scripture and simply emphasizing them. As long as we do not twist the meaning, this simply shows the amazing power of the Word of God.
New Format
I am going to try putting my comments for each day in this left sidebar. The comments areas for the remaining weeks are displayed to the right. That is where you will place your comments for each week.
I was privileged to live in the great state of Georgia for 9 years. All four of our children are "Georgia Peaches" because they were born during that time.
We had the opportunity to help start a Christian school which was something that has paid immeasurable benefits in the lives of our children.
We have many friends from those days, and a few months ago, Rhonda and I made a quick trip through there and got to visit with at least some of them.
I'm thankful for God's leading through all the years of our lives.
I've always had an interest in music. I grew up in the skating rink so I was exposed to pop music ever since I can remember. I seem to relate things in my past to music.
When I was about 14 I started getting serious enough to start trying to play instruments. I took piano for about a year but didn't seem to be to interested. (which I now regret) But I did take a liking to the guitar. I played in some bands and some were actually good enough that people did pay to see us.
I quit playing for the most part after I went into the service, but after I asked the Lord into my heart and life, I cannot nearly put into words how much more I love playing an instrument. I have been allowed to play a lot and worship and praise God at the same time.
Now more than ever I'm thankful when I get to play or sing to God.
Music seems more complete with God.
My book is titled: e Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson & Craig Larson.
This week I'll be reading 19 chapters. They are as follows:
Ch 49 Creating a Singles Friendly Sermon
Ch 50 Preaching to Preschoolers
Ch 51 Hispanic-American Preaching
Ch 52 African-American Preaching
Ch 53 Asian-American Preaching
Ch 54 Work Wins?
Ch 55 1 Sermon, 2 Messages
Ch 56 The Playful Preacher
Ch 57 What Authority Do We Have Anymore?
PART 4: Interpretation and Application
Ch 58 Why The Sermon?
Ch 59 Getting The Gold From The Text
Ch 60 Faithful First
Ch 61 God's Letter of Intent
Ch 62 5 Bird-dogging Questions for Biblical Exposition
Ch 63 The Rules of The Game
I am glad that God has sent me to where I am at. This will be my first year working at Camp Jericho and I am really excited. I can't wait to be a counselor. I would ask you guys to pray for me and I will also be praying for you that lives will be touched at this camp. I hope that I can be able to help at least one child while I am there. We did not have anything like this for our children where I used to go, so this is all new to me. God bless you and your ministries!
This is a new course for me. The title of my book is PAUL: APOSTLE OF THE HEART SET FREE. The author is F.F. Bruce. I am also watching a DVD course called NT Survey:Acts and Paul. I am going to watch four DVDs a week and be reading five chapters a week. The first five for this week are:
1.The Rise of Rome
2. The Jews Under Foriegn Rule
3."Of No Mean City"
4."This Man is a Roman Citizen"
5."A Hebrew Born of Hebrews"
I watched the first DVD last night. It talked about the "unity" that comes from the "diversity" of the New Testament. It also mentioned that the New Testament is a related to the O.T., while also being a new covenent from God. The book that I am reading talks about the way that Rome came to power and how the Jews responded to foreign rulers and what the Romans required of the Jews.
Sean, I'm glad you are able to use your music in ministry and that you enjoy it now more than ever.
Some of the chapter titles that grab my interest are:
1 Sermon, 2 Messages
and Bird-dogging Questions for Biblical Exposition.
Tyler, I am glad you are going to be at camp this year. Will you be at the Primary Camp?
I'm glad to hear that the DVD's are working in your player.
This could be a little more time demanding. I hope it turns out well for you.
Randy-I will be at the Junior and Day camps. I also don't remember if I gave you my new e-mail address or not. It is taowens022804@verizon.net
Chapter three talks about Paul's home city of Tarsus. It discussed the geographical location and the main things that the city was known for. It may have been a "university" city where many students would go and learn, but most would not have settled there. The author also thinks that Tarsus would probably be avid in the pursuit of culture. The main goods that were made in Tarsus were linen clothes.
The DVD that I watched discussed the different groups that were in Judeism during the time of the early church. There were the Pharisees who were very powerful and knowledgeable in the law. The Saducees only believed in the first five books of the Bible and they did not believe in the ressurection. The scribes were similar to the Pharisees in that thy were like modern day lawyers in that the would try to interpret the law. They were all more like political parties than religious groups.
Chapter four talks about Paul being a Roman citizen. He said in the book of Acts that he was a born a Roman citizen. This must mean that his father was a Roman citizen. He may have otained it by doing something helpful the the Romans. Some think that the trade of temtmaker had something to do with it. He could have made tents for some of the Roman soldiers. It may have been difficult to be a citizen unless a special situation arises like this one.
The DVD that I watched talked about the early church. The church really done a lot of things that the Jews would do, such as worship. They did worship just like the synagogue did. It talked about the book af Acts being a history of the spread of the Gospel from Jeruslem to Rome.
Thank you, Randy for the good posts. Our family and friends do have a problem. Our pastor always says that we are no better than anyone else, we're just saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. I enjoy telling people that no matter what they have done in the past, Jesus still loves them and wants a relationship with them. It is really special when we get to see people actually "get it".
Hello, I've been busy last couple of days and haven't had time to post, but I have been reading...
Ch 49 Creating a Singles-friendly sermon brings up the awareness of singles in the congregation, beware of preaching like everyone is married and has a family. 49% dont.
Ch 50 Preaching to Preschoolers talks about talking down to them. Be sure not to, they are smarter than you think, in fact, they sometimes thinks more clear and straight than adults. Unfiltered if you will.
Ch 51 Hispanic-American Preaching is a chapter written by hispanics. they like storytelling and uses the example of the good samaritan story by relating them to the samaritan as being distant relatives of the jews, but being looked down upon, or lees than.
Ch 52 African-American Preaching speaks of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speach and how it was masterful in getting the point across on racism and a sermon at the same time. It talks of how Black preachers speak of Hope, and with passion and excellent storytelling.
Ch 53 Asian-American Preaching is a similar chapter of the hispanic one. It does tell of a story where an asian pastor tried to get his congregation to stop doing asian cultural things to get more white people in their church and it failed miserably. You cant be who you're not.
Ch 54 Work Wins? is a chapter about work. It warns of letting it rule you, but God created work before the fall. We should enjoy and be thankful for it. It reminds us that as preachers on Sunday, this is a rest for the ones that come and listen, it says that most come in thinking they've failed all week and Jesus is "fed up" with their continuous failures. So we help restore them through the Word.
Ch 55 One Sermon, Two messages is how a pastor who does 2 sermons in one morning and changes his approach with the same sermon. One is a traditonal service with the choir and pulpit, and the second is a contemporary service with a praise group and no pulpit. He says that the traditional congregation likes the more "crafty" sermon, while the contemorary people like the more direct approach.
Ch 56 The Playful Preacher is about using humor and to be cautious with it. I think if you just be yourself, the humor will come when its needed and you cant fool the listener.
ch 57 What Authority Do We Have Anymore is about how pastors aren't respected like they were say 100 yrs ago. Now they are lumped in with salesmen as far as being trusted. I agree with this to a certain point, but not totally. I think our country as a whole and certainly the media hold this view. But I know there a many committed pastors that hold that "old respect". Again, if you're truly seeking God, he'll come through, the world always rejects him.
PART 4: Interpretation & Application
Ch 58 Why the Sermon? is a chapter on making sure your sermon is going somewhere. I feel I've been guilty of this in where I know I'm speaking well but didnt really have a destination and I've been discouraged afterward. It's a good chapter.
Good posts, fellows.
We had vacation Bible school again tonight. For the last three nights during the closing assembly I talked to the young people about what was in the posts I made about "the problem" and "the solution." Tonight, Mike Meece was the teacher, and he did a wonderful job of presenting a lesson about Zachaeus.
We have 30-34 young people come each night. Tonight 17 of those were preschoolers, and they did come upstairs for the closing.
During that closing assembly we had an invitation, and six young people came to confess Jesus as the boss of their lives and to receive His gift of salvation.
Praise the Lord!
We do generally see young people come to Christ during VBS, but one year, maybe last year, no one came. I think that partly was to remind us that the Holy Spirit does the "drawing."
There was a typing error in the last post: the preschoolers did
not come upstairs.
Also, when I spoke of Jesus being "boss" the explanation was a little more dignified in saying that Jesus has the right to rule the universe, but we come to Him and acknowledge that He has the right to rule our lives also. Since He has that right, we commit to trying to live for Him.
It is good to see it when young people come to Christ. I am happy to hear that your VBS has been successful. My daughter went to Pittsburg FWBC for VBS this week and she had a good time. It is good that churches have bible school.
Ch 59 Getting the Gold from the Text is focusing on the text of the Bible and using it without sounding like you're just reciting it. It gives examples of sermons that start with a scripture, but goes a whole different direction. It also gives an example of sermons that dont even come from a scripture, he call them motivational speeches.
Ch 60 Faithful First reminds us to know the text as a whole, not to use a verse out of context. it reminds us that the Bible is about God, not us.
Ch 61 God's Letter of Intent gives questions to ask youself about the text. One thing I liked that it brought up was that God intends something when he speaks, He always speaks purposefuly.
Ch 62 Five Bird-dogging questions for biblical Exposition is another chapter giving you questions to ask youself to stay on track to a scripture based sermon. One of the questions is about the history of the scripture. I think that is always interesting because not only does it help us to understand what they were saying, but it shows that they were just like us.
Ch 63 The Rules of the Game is another study of breaking down scripture and asking yourself 7 questions to structure a sermon. This one used baseball as an example of working thru the building of the sermon. As a batter starts off in the dug-out thru all the steps of hitting and getting back home. One of the points was to make sure you use the right meaning of the word, that some words, be it a noun or a verb, might have multiple meanings and the surrounding text will give you an idea of which meaning it could be.
Good Morning everyone! This has been another busy week at work. I'm glad to hear that your VBS went well Randy, VBS always is a good "boost" to the summer.
We spent a lot of time with doctors this week. I had my 6 month check up for my tumor and my doctor said I could move out to a year now. I thank God for giving people the drive to do things like my doctor does, it is truly a gift, and I thank Him for leading me to him as my doctor. Its not because he's been giving me good reports, he's had to give me bad ones, and I'll take all these good ones I can get. Also, my older son had surgury on his finger, he cut a tendon in it and they had to re-attatch it and put a pin in it, they said it went well, so remember Clint in your prayers.
Thanks again Randy for running this site. And the same to you Tyler for being a part of this. This is helping me "soak it in" better when others are doing it with you and encouraging you.
May the Lord be with you today.
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm glad your daughter was able to attend VBS this week. I find VBS to be one of the greatest evangelistic opportunities a church has.
Sean, I'm glad your doctor's report was good. It is quite a blessing that God has allowed you this added time to proclaim his glory.
Do you expect clint's recovery to be quick and complete?
Sean, if it is not too much trouble to find it, I would be interested in the list of the five "bird-dogging questions for biblical Exposition." Also, if you could give us the list of "7 questions to structure a sermon," that might be even more beneficial to the rest of us.
The 5 Bird-dogging questions are not specific, but suggest you to ask 1. technical questions (meaning of words) 2. Historical questions 3.Content-theological (meaning of the content of the text) 4. Contemporary questions, this broken down into 2 sub-parts: How was is revelant then, and how is it relevant now. 5. Discipleship questions, How dow this text apply to me.
The rules of the game go as:
Dugout: Genre (means literary category) there are 4:
1 narrative
2 procedural (how to do something)
3 expository (explains things)
4 horatory (is a command)
On-Deck: Context (reading what procedes and follows your text)
At Bat: Semantics (the meaning of the text)
1st base: The Big Picture (the author uses" dont miss the forest for the trees", whats the main point of the whole text)
2nd base: grammar & syntax (analyze the grammar & syntax of words, phrases and clauses)
3rd base: Words (the meanings of the important words)
Home: Application (getting the meaning accross to the listener)
Also, On Clint, the doctor said that yes they believe he will get use of the knuckle again. He has to keep the pin in for 6 weeks.
My wife,Audra, and I met through a mutual friend. We were both raised in church, but had both ran away from God in our youth. We had both made a lot of mistakes, I was doing a lot of bad things. She got pregnant at fifteen. We met when her daughter was two months old. Her real father did not want the responsibility of being a father. I was scared, but something told me that this relationship could work out. I had stepped into a father role at a very young age. It has been said that God makes good out of everything and this is really a case that it happened to me. I am so greatful that God put Audra and our daughter,Chloe, in my life. I couldn't imagine my life without them.
Tyler, thanks for sharing some of you life message with us. I pray the Lord will bless you and your family richly in the days to come. A good support system from your family will help you greatly in the ministry.
Sometimes, a wife is intimidated when her husband is called to preach. Not all preachers end up being pastors, but many of them will, at least at some point during their ministry. That automatically puts the wife in the position of being "called" to be a pastor's wife. It's intimidating because the wife then feels pressure to exhibit all kinds of things for which she may not have particular skills, training, or interests.
The main thing the pastor's wife is called to do is to be the wife of the pastor. She is not to be the assistant pastor. You must protect her from those who would try to pile all kinds of responsibilities on her.
Now that doesn't mean that she is not to do anything in Christian work either, but her main responsibility is that of any Christian, which is to find out what God wants her to do with her life, just because she is a Christian--not because she is the pastor's wife. Then she should be encourage to grow and exercise her gifts in the ministry of the church, just as we would desire any Christian to do.
Her main ministry, though, is simply (well, acutally it's not very simple) to be the wife of the pastor.
Likewise, the pastor should never forget that he has a ministry to his church members, but his main ministry is to his wife and children.
If you end up pastoring somewhere, I hope you will be able to remember these principles.
Anyway, thanks for sharing. I did not intend to give such a discourse when I started with the comment. Still, I hope something in it will be helpful to both you and Sean and your families.
I am looking forward to tommorrow night's live preachers meeting. I really get a lot out of those and the men really encourage me in my ministry. I hope to see you guys there and we can talk face to face. I am glad for this blog, but I would rather talk to you guys face to face. I know that would be too difficult considering all of our schedules, but at least we can do it once a month.
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