Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free Week 2 Comments

Please post your initial posts and comments for Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free here.


Tyler Owens said...

The title of my book is PAUL:APOSTLE OF THE HEART SET FREE. The author of the book is F.F. Bruce. I also am watching four more DVDs this week. The chapters that I am reading are:

6. "When the Time had Fully Come"

7. The Beginning of "The Way"

8. Persecutor of the Church

9. Paul Becomes a Christian

10. Paul and the Jerusalem Church


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter six is entitled "When the Time had Fully Come". It talks about the expectance of the Messiah by the jewish people. They expected someone to come an dset them free from Roman rule. They believed that he would be a military leader and would take back the Holy Land by force. Jesus certainly was not what they expected.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter seven is entitled The Beginning of "The Way". It discusses the resurrection of Jesus. The religious leaders thought that they could breathe a little easier after the death of Jesus, but they didn't knmow haw wrong they were. Even some leaders told the rest of the sanhedrin that if they would not punish the disciples severely that this new movement would just go away. They did not know that it was of God. This chapter also talks about the death of Stephen. This event was the first time that Paul had come into contact with the Christian movement. I guess Paul did not realize just who Jesus was.


Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched today talks about the speeches in the book of Acts. They are not precise, but are more of a summary of what was said. Some of the speeches that Paul gave closely resemble the things that he said in his epistles, as does some of Peter's speeches. The teacher also brought up the themes of the book of Acts. The central theme if the continuing work of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 is the key verse to the book of Acts.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Yes, you shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusaem, Judaea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.

Tyler Owens said...

The instructor of the DVD course is Dr. Kevin Hester.

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter eight talks about Pauls early persecution of the church. The author says that Paul probably thought that christians were a threat to judiasm and that they had to be taken care of swiftly. He was under authority of the high priest. The decisions of teh sanhedrin were partly political, but Paul's were srictly religious.


Tyler Owens said...

The DVD was about the first two chapters of the book of Acts. Chapter one starts with the ressurection. It then talks about the promise of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is from Jesus and is His continuing work on earth. Then it talks about the ascension and the promise of return. The last verses of the first chapter discuss the appointment of Matthias as the 12th apostle.
Chapter 2 shows the giving of the Holy Spirit on the day of pentecost and the power that the disiples were given. The rest of the second chapter highlights Peter's sermon and the effects of it.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Just curious, was there a discussion on tongues in that second chapter of Acts?

Tyler Owens said...

There was just one thing mentioned about tongues. The instructer said that no matter how people believe what we have now, that the example on that day of Pentecost was actually meaning that people could hear there own language when the disiples were preaching. It was a miraculous event given by the Holy Spirit.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter nine discusses Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus. Paul was on his way to try and stop the Christian church. He almost made it to Damascus when that light came upon him. I think that it is interesting that no one else could hear Jesus speaking. Maybe they were not ready to accept it. This moment is pivotal for us Gentiles because Paul became the apostle to the Gentiles. God did not take away his zeal, only used for the Kingdom.


Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched talked about Acts 3 and 4-6. It talked about the healing of the paralized man at the gate of the temple and Peter second sermon. Peter talked about the renewel of all things(apokotastasis) and that it started on Calvary. The instructer brought up the "already/not yet" eschatology. It means that the apokotastasis has started in our lives,but will end when Jesus comes back.
He also mentioned the four purposes of the church. They are: evangelism, edification, worship, and social activity. Then he talked about the story of Annanias and Sapphira, how it was a critical time for the early church and that is why they were made into such a powerful example. The DVD concluded with a discussion about the first deacons.


Dr. Randy Carney said...

Did Paul have any choice in the matter of his conversion? How does it appear when you read the account? If one of the requirements to be an apostle means to have seen the risen Lord, do you think something like that might have happened here? Tyler and Sean, whet do you think?

sremery said...

I beleive Paul was given a choice, Paul believed in God, he didnt believe in Jesus. So when he heard God and perceived it to be Jesus. He probobly had a flood of thoughts and the realization that he was wrong. Then came repentance.Then he used his zeal that he had for the Jews, and equally used it spread the gospel.

Tyler Owens said...

I think that Paul had the vision and it awakened him through the power of the Holy Spirit. How wonderfully different this must have felt to feel the Holy Spirit for the first time! He did believe in God and was zealous fof Him. I believe that when he saw Jesus, he new that He is God.


Tyler Owens said...

Chapter ten talks about Paul's visit to Jerusalem. He met with Peter and James. I think that this is where Paul found out more about the death, burial, and ressurection of Jesus. All the New Testamnet books agree that Jesus died for our sins and rose again. Paul probably learned a lot from this visit to Jerusalem.


Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about the martyrdom of Stephen. There was an increased persecution that lead up to his death after he preached a powerful sermon. All of the church fled after this, except the Apostles. The discussion moved to the introduction to Saul as he began to persecute the church. We them talked about Philip's ministry as well as his story of the Ethiopian eunuch. I thought that it was important that the eunuch asked to be baptized after he heard the gospel.
