Thursday, July 31, 2008

Paul in the Storm

That passage at the end of the book of Acts about Paul being in the storm (which you made reference to in your comments) is one of my favorites. I, long ago, read a message by David Wilkerson where he made the analogy of the storm being compared to the storms of life.

I think this is a proper use of analogy, but we sometimes have to be careful when using analogies (comparisons to other Scriptures.) We don't want to make the Word seem to imply something that is not there. Sometimes this use of analogy is called "spiritualizing" a passage. In order to do that, one good way is to make the statement that "this Scripture is actually talking about .... (a historical event, a physical condition, or whatever it is talking about) but it can remind us of .... which is taught in other places in Scripture."

I think there are enough Scriptures that talk about us having (metaphorical) "storms of life" that it is safe to say that even though Paul had been assured he would be saved from the storm, he still had to go through the storm. (That is the actual meaning of the passage.) We can also show that though we have the promises of salvation, we may still have to go through many storms in this life. I think that is a proper use of analogy or "spiritualizing" a passage.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I preached my first cousin's funeral today. Her mother married when she (the mother) was fourteen years old, so my cousin and her sister seemed more like aunts to me because they were a little older than I. In fact her older sister is my mother's age, and this cousin is 12 years older than I am.

The Lord often seems to confirm His presence so much during funeral messages. I don't know how that it is for other preachers, but that's how it usually works for me. Before I ever preached a funeral, the thought of doing that was the most fearful and intimidating thing I could think of. However, through the years, the Lord has wonderfully displayed his grace during these occasions.

My cousin found that she had cancer about a week or, at the most, two ago. We had great reason to think that her condition was very serious, but we certainly didn't expect her to go that quickly.

When asked about her relationship with the Lord, she replied, without any hesitation, that she was ready to go.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching Week 7

Please place your comments for Week 7 in the comments section below ths post.

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free Week 7

Please place your comments for week 7 in the comments section below this post.

Course 2 Week 7

We are coming into the final stretch of our online journey.

Please give us the title of your book or DVD's. Divide the number of chapters or lessons you have left by two. That should give you the number of items you need to work on this week.
Then list the chapter or lesson titles in your initial post.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Course 2 End of Week 6

We are 3/4 of the way through our journey (as of midnight tonight). I look forward to finishing up the course, but I have gained from our discussions very much.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

More Leviticus

Today, we were in Leviticus 14. The chapter is about "The Ritual of Cleansing for the Healed Leper." Using proper analogies, I came up with the following title. "The Ritual of Cleansing for the Healed Leper and The Recognition of Justification for the Redeemed Sinner."

That was the whole theme. If I were just going to write the title it would have just included the clause that comes after "and."

This was an example of a bridge that gets from then to now.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Online Discussion

We are partly following the model of education employed by Rockbridge Seminary, an institution at which I am currently serving as an adjunt professor. I will actually begin teaching a course in ministry for them at the end of August.

I offer the following comments concerning online discussion:

"The nature of forum discussion Remember – this is ONLINE CONVERSATION – not the swapping of mini-academic papers. Post as you would speak. Use your posting to give a snapshot OF YOU. Open up. Share your feelings, your thoughts, your perspective, your wisdom, your experiences, your struggles, your doubts. Be vulnerable. Take a risk. Postings are not position papers where you write with detachment and distance. Postings are meant to be a reflection of what is going on inside of you. Don't pull back from expressing a difference of opinion or questioning the assumptions of another team member's posting – but be sure to do it in the spirit of Christian love.

"Discussion postings are important – they are the construction materials that can build a learning community made up of you and your fellow students. Research shows that online students consider courses with a vibrant learning community to be the most valuable and helpful part of their online course experience. The assessment rubric below is designed to help you do your part in the building of the learning community in your course." (From Rockbridge Seminary--used by permission)

We have modified the process a little, but I have been very excited to see how this works with the participants from our local preachers' meeting!

Friday, July 25, 2008

An Open Door and Many Adversaries

One of the chapter titles in Tyler's book spoke of Paul having an open door AND facing many adversaries. After the collapse of the former Soviet Union, a friend and his family went to work as missionaries in one of those countries. They spoke of seeing the Lord work on many fronts, yet, at the same time, there was a constant barrage of things that claimed their time. Many of those things seemed like they would stop their ministry. Some of those things were large, but many of them were just pesky. However, as they persevered, they saw the Lord do a wonderful work.

Look for the open doors, but don't be so naive as to think there won't be any opposition.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tent Making

The apostle Paul had one of the finest Jewish educations of his day. He also had learned a trade. We have a reference to his tent-making abilities in Scripture. He also indicated that preachers should be paid because "the laborer is worthy of his hire." He, however, did not always depend on the gifts of others. He supported himself, at least partly, by tent-making.

I have been trying to learn more about ways to support my family and still have the flexibility I need to pursue ministry. I would appreciate your prayers in this endeavor. Some of the things I am looking into are ways to make money online. I have found some good information and have started to put some of it into practice. Doing this has yielded some results, but I have a long way to go. Still, what I am learning is fascinating.

May the Lord bless us all and give us wisdom between the balance of supporting our families and freeing up time for ministry. Thank you, both, for freeing up time to help in camp this year.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jr. Camp

A big priority for all three of us the last three days has been the Jr. Camp at Camp Jericho. I taught four class sessions. Tyler was a counselor, and Sean was the preacher.

I do indeed hope that things sort of loosened up for you during last night's service and especially during the service this morning. I also am praying that things go well for you tonight as many parents will be in the service and will be there to pick up their children.

One thing we know: Gods Word will not return void.

I thank the Lord for all those who invested their lives into young people during this past week.

I also look forward to "getting back into the swing of things here."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free Week 6

Place your comments for week 6 here.

Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching Week 6

Place your comments for week 6 here.

Course 2 Week 6

Please give us the name of your book or course once again. Divide the number of chapters or lessons you have left by three. Then give us the titles of your chapters or lessons that you wish to cover this week.

Monday, July 21, 2008

John Grisham Preaching

Sean described this, based on the information in his book, as setting the scene or describing the scene. He does caution us not to overdo that. Closely related to this is the idea of speaking in pictures. If you picture the scene in your mind and speak as though you see it right then, sometimes that helps you to communicate the stroy parts of your sermons.

This is the end of week 5 (at midnight our week will be over with for the purposes of this course).

I had one of our friends say that he had been "lurking in the shadows" as he had been checking out our blog. As I always say, visitors are welcome to comment. Our comments for week 5 are being placed in the week 5 posting areas at the side--one for Sean's book, and one for Tyler's book and DVD.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hope You Are Having a Great Sunday

I hope things went well for you this morning. I preached on Leviticus 12. It was quite a challenge upon first reading through it, but then after praying and thinking about it for a while, I came up with the following questions that I answered during the sermon:

1. Why is it important to be aware of blood-borne pathogens?
2. How did God's Laws concerning sanitation in the Old Covenant benefit the people?
3. What was the value of circumcision?
4. What did ceremonial uncleanness represent?
5. What do these pictures of blood in the Old Testament tell us?
6. How does Psalm 24:3 relate to this chapter?
7. Why did the woman need to be made clean for something as natural as childbirth?
8. Why do we need to be made clean for something as natural as living in this world?
9. How can we have our sins atoned for?

The title of the sermon was "Atonement Needed."

We are told that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. I find that when we think upon the Scripture for a while, we can come up with some unusual (but legitimate) applications that do not twist Scripture. Sometimes, we may have to draw comparisons or contrasts to other Scriptures, but as long as we don't do violence to those Scriptures and our comparisons or contrasts make sense, I find that we can preach on many passages we may otherwise have skipped!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Good Tension

I noticed that some of Sean's titles this week talked about utilizing elements in sermons that fiction writers often use. I can see how curiosity keeps attention. A mystery writier often uses suspense. I guess when we use suspense in our sermons, that does create a certain amount of tension, which we will relieve. All of these things do help to keep attention.

I'm not sure if that is the direction that chapter took, but I thought I would share some thoughts based on that title.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rolling along in week 5

It's hard to believe, in some ways, that we are already half through. I hope that the materials you are studying are a blessing to you. May the Lord use all of this to strengthen our ministries. Sean, we are praying for you as you get ready to preach at next week's camp.

I always found that camp to be a challenge in some ways because several times we had children who had already made professions of faith (at least one year, when asked during the invitation, they ALL raised their hands). Then it seems like it takes a little while for those in that age to break the ice. Many of them deal with self-consciousness. However, by the end of the week. It always ended up being a good week.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching Week 5

Place your comments for week 5 here:

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free Week 5

Place your comments for week 5 here:

Halfway Through Course 2!

Well, we are halfway through course 2.

We got a start on the back and forth questions and answers last week. This week, let's delve into that a little further. Please follow this procedure for your posts this week.

(1) Make your first intial post like always. Give us the title and author of your book and/or DVD.
Divide the nuber of chapters you have left by four. That will give you approximately the number of chapters you will want to cover this week. Then, list the chapter titles for those chapters.

(2) After making your initial post, jump over to the other person's area and look at his chapter titles. Then make three posts. Each of those posts will deal with one of the chapter titles. For each post, make a two-sentence (or more) comment about the title. Then, follow that up by a question.

(3) Then, go back to your area and make five posts (3 sentences or more) in answer to the questions the other two asked about your book or course. After that, your 9 quality posts will have been made.

(4) For the rest of the week, continue on in discussion without having to worry about how long your comments are, and like the first week, we can throw in comments about anything (like Sean sleeping on the beach!).

Monday, July 14, 2008

Expository Topical Preaching

Some definitions of expository preaching specify a particular number of consecutive verses for the sermom to be classified as expository. In that sense, some topical sermons which explain a number of (non-consecutive) verses in an expository manner could not technically be called an expository sermon.

On the other hand, if you remove the arbitrary designation of a particular number of consecutive verses, a topical sermon could be handled expositorily. This would be called a "multi-passage" sermon. Each passage would studied within its context, and it would explain the text and would follow other rules for expository preaching.

I'm curious to learn what Sean's author had to say on this topic.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hope for Today and Encouragement for Tomorrow

I have been preaching out of the book of Revelation for the last few Sundays. One book I came across when studying for these messages is called, "Hope for Today: Encouragement for Tomorrow." I have been acknowledging various interpretations of the book. Usually I will show how some of the things could (at least partially) have been fulfilled in the first century. Then I will show how some view the accounts as an explanation of the ongoing battle between good and evil. Then I show how the spirit of Anti-Christ is already in the world, and how many think that spirit and world system will enventually find its embodiment in "beast," "false prophet," and a person who would be called "the Antichrist."

But after all is said and done, I have been zeroing in on what we need to do in this present time to apply what we have learned.

For chapter 14, some of the things we need to do are:
1. avoid getting involved in spiritual idolatry.
2. Place yourself in a position to be able to sing the song of the redeemed.
3. Spead the Gospel as much as you can while there is time.
4. Have the patience of the saints:
(1) Keep the commandment of God (as expressed in the New Covenant)
(2) Keep the faith of Jesus
5. Realize that the wrath of God will be poured out on sin.
6. Be willing to worship Jesus even if it means giving your life.

The main application is that Jesus is coming. Judgment is coming. However, you can be on the right side by trusting Jesus!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Questions Started

Good job of getting the questions started. I can see it will be hard to have as much back and forth as we could have if Sean hadn't been traveling as much over the weekend; but we have had a good start. We'll take a different tack on it next week. You both have your minimum comments in, so feel free to banter back and forth as much as you wish.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Asking Each Other Questions

For the rest of this week, let's zero in on asking each other questions. Be sure to answer as many as you can. I think one of you might need to have a three sentence answer, but beyond that we can have one word, one sentence, etc. comments going back an forth. To start, each of you ask the other a question about something in the other's material that you are most (or one of the most) interested in.

Any visitors who have been dropping by may ask questions at the week 4 posting areas too. You might have to sign up for a gmail account to comment, but doing so is very easy and it does not cost anything.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday Fourth Week--Secret Disciples?

Good morning, Gentlemen,

I got to sleep in my own bed last night. It was wonderful!

We had a great time at camp. Eight young people prayed to be saved, and seven of them made a public profession of faith. What about the one who did not want to tell others? Several things are possible. He/she could just be interested and not really ready to make a full commitment. His/her background could be such that it could cause problems in the home because of a different religious background of the parents. He/she could really have called upon the Lord, but is very timid when it comes to being before people. That person could also have some doubt about his/her ability to live the life.

Do we know of any "secret disciples"? One of the most famous ones was listed in the book of John. His name was Nicodemas. He heard that wonderful Gospel message, "Ye must be born again!" and "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."

It seems that he continued on as a secret disciple for awhile, but later we see that he defended those who were preaching the Gospel before his peers at the Sanhedrin. When it came time to remove Jesus' body from the cross, he and Joseph of Arimathea (who provided the tomb) stepped forward.

Is it possible to be a secret disciple? I think so for a while, but, unless that person's life would be threatened by coming forward, I think that after a period of time, a real Christian will make his/her faith known.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday Fourth Week

Tonight is the last night for our church camp for the primary camp (ages 9-11). So far, we have had 8 people pray for salvation, and 7 of them have taken the step of confessing Him before men.
Praise the Lord!

I tried wrapping the messages in an ongoing story about four children. It seemed to work!

Hope you have a good night.

I will be back online more regularly after tonight.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday--New Week

Hi, Fellows,

I hope your new week starts out O.K.

At camp, we have had three come to pray for salvation so far. Many have used the altar in addition to this. Praise the Lord!

I hope to hook up again sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Have a good night.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Course 2 End of Week 3

I hope you all had a great at church yesterday.

I already put up the posting areas for next week, so you can start using them tomorrow.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free Week 4

Place your comments for week 4 (beginning Tuesday) here:

Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching Week 4

Place your comments for week 4 (beginning Tuesday) here:

Online Challenges

I will be the Camp Pastor at Camp Jericho for the next three days.

I plan to see if I can get to a place where I will be able to be online at least two of those days. But if you don't hear from me, go ahead and start you initial posts on Tuesday about the names of the book, the number of chapters you will be discussing and the titles of those chapters. Then, go ahead and discuss among youselves. I am putting up the next week's posting areas today, please don't get confused. You need to start using them on Tuesday, not before. (If you get mixed up and post early, though, I forgive you. Ha.)

I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday.

I will talk to you when I can.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hope You Had a Happy Fourth

I hope you had a good day yesterday.

We are reminded on the 4th of July of America's declaration of Indenpendence. One of the ideas included in this was that we were to be a free nation, and part of that freedom was to worship God, however we choose.

The God spoken of in the constitution, I believe, was the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God who became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. While we do believe in freedom of religion, it is a mistake to say that things like the freedom to worship Satan were meant by the founding fathers.

Actually the best way to exercise independence is to decide to be dependent upon God.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth

I hope you all have a good Fourth of July. We are having family over, but we decided to postpone our picnic until about 4:00 this afternoon.

Sean, we hope you arrived safely last night and today, and that you get somewhere where you can hook up to the internet.

Have a great holiday, both of you, and Sean, have a great vacation.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Heart Set Free

Paul is described as having a heart that is set free. Often a person has a heart captured by sin, and he is not even aware of the problem. People like that may know they are searching for something, but they usually are not willing to say that they are so bad that they have sinned. On the other hand, there are others who feel completely worthless. In addition, some are caught in the grips of addiction.

At any rate, when a person comes to Christ, his or heart is indeed set free. Paul was caught in the grips of religion and legalism. When he met Christ, he was indeed set free!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Challenge of Summer

For some reason, Summer often seems to be a challenge in many areas of life. In churches, we often have what is called the Summer Slump! (Although, one time, I did see our attendance actually grow during the summer.)

You have projects you think you will get to. You have family get-togethers. You have holidays and vactations, and I see that all of us will have at least a week at church camp. It will be a challenge during those weeks, but we do need to make it through somehow. A couple of those weeks may be where you will have to log on at least 5 times because that is a requirement. It is preferable to log on during 5 different days spread throughout the week because if we don't, it cuts down on the learning that should come through the discussion. Anyway, if needed, for a week or two, you may find yourself needing to do your online work in two or three days. Again, you will need to log on for a session. Then get out, and if needed, open up the blog again right away. That would cause you to be logged on twice in the same day. Then you may need to get out, and open up the blog again, in order to meet the log on requirements. This is not encouraged, but it may become necessary during some of those weeks. Also, you may find a week where you do not cover all of your intended chapters. You will not be penalized for that if you do make 9 quality posts that week. That is why when we start a new week, you can divide the number of chapters we have left by the number of weeks left. Then you will be able to catch up if you had a week where you got behind.

Summer is a challenge, but let's meet it head on!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Read Post

If you haven't seen it already since the blog site put June's comments in the archive, click on "June" at the side and read the Post about Church Camp Blessings.

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free Week 3 Comments

Please post your comments for course 2 week 3 here.

Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching Week 3 Comments

Please post your comments for week 3 here:

Course 2 Beginning of Week Three

The Blessing of Youth

We had a good service Sunday night. It was youth night. Our young people led the service. One young lady, I think maybe even pre-teen but I hope I did not insult her if she is a teenager, led the singing. She has filled in for us even a few times on Wednesday evenings. Then, one of our teenage young men sang a special. He used to sing solos in church, but I think this was the first time he had done it here. Another of our teenage young ladies read a passage of Scripture. We also had a 14-year-old boy, Colt Dugger, preach for us. It was his first time, and I must say that he did an excellent job. At the end of the service, several responded to the invitation.

I remember, about six years ago (maybe it was only four, but I thought it was six), during Vacation Bible School, Colt came forward to accept Christ as his Savior. Now, what a blessing to see him getting up to proclaim the word of God.

I was curious to see what his reaction to the experience would be. Someone reported that he said it would be "one of many." Thank God for those willing to respond to God's call at an early age.

Please state the names of your book or Course again, and divide the namber of chapter you have left by six. Then list the titles of the chapters you will need to cover this week.

Keep up the good work!