Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tent Making

The apostle Paul had one of the finest Jewish educations of his day. He also had learned a trade. We have a reference to his tent-making abilities in Scripture. He also indicated that preachers should be paid because "the laborer is worthy of his hire." He, however, did not always depend on the gifts of others. He supported himself, at least partly, by tent-making.

I have been trying to learn more about ways to support my family and still have the flexibility I need to pursue ministry. I would appreciate your prayers in this endeavor. Some of the things I am looking into are ways to make money online. I have found some good information and have started to put some of it into practice. Doing this has yielded some results, but I have a long way to go. Still, what I am learning is fascinating.

May the Lord bless us all and give us wisdom between the balance of supporting our families and freeing up time for ministry. Thank you, both, for freeing up time to help in camp this year.

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