Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free Week 6

Place your comments for week 6 here.


Tyler Owens said...

The DVD course that I am watching is called NT Survey:Acts and Paul. The instructer is Dr. Kevin Hester. I will be watching four more DVDs this week. The title of my book is called PAUL: APOSTLE OF THE HEART SET FREE. The author is F.F. Bruce. I will be reading five chapters this week.

26. Ephesus: Open Door and Many Adversaries

27. Paul and the Life to Come

28. Farewell to Macedonia and Achaia

29. The Gospel according to Paul

30. Last Visit to Jerusalem

Tyler Owens said...

First of all, I want to say that camp was awesome. It was so good top see all those kids learning about Jesus. We also did a project in front of the sanctuary. The kids worked well together and finished the job. It looks really good and I am really proud to say that I was a part of it. They got to do something that no other group has done. That landscaping will be there forever. It will be neat, one day, when they can bring their kids to camp and tell them about teh year that they done that.
God is so awesome!!!

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter twenty-six is about Paul's stay in Ephesus. Paul said that he had many opportunities to witness to the people there, but there were also many adversaries. I guess that wherever there is a mission field, the enemy is also looking to throw trouble into it to try to stop the spread of the Gospel. Some think that Paul was even imprisoned at Ephesus.

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter twenty-seven talks about Paul's view on life after death. Paul tells what will happen in Thessalonians. The story of the "rapture" is comforting to believers, but must be scary for the lost. Paul also believes in a bodily ressurection where we will be changed to a glorified body.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was a bout 2 Corinthians. The instructor talked about two other letters that Paul wrote to the church at Corinth. The first one was lost, and so was the third. Some think that the third letter is actually in 2 Corinthians chapters 10-13. I think that God knew what He was doing when He inspired the New Testament. The theme for 2 Corinthians is "glory and pain in the gospel ministry". We are given some of the blessings of the kingdom, but not all of them. We must stay here after we are saved to spread the gospel. This will bring persecution. Paul dealt with this all through his ministry.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about Paul's third missionary journey. He went to some of his established churches to check on them and to collect funds for the church at Jerusalem. He wet to Ephesus for about three years. This is where the seven sons of Sceva tried to cast out a demon, it answered them saying "I know Jesus and I know Paul, but who are you?". There was also an uprising started by Demetrius. He was a silversmith who was losing money because he could not make idols as much. Paul leaves Ephesus after this. He then goes through Greece to Macedonia and on to Jerusalem. Philip the evangelist had four daughters who told Paul that if he went to JErusalem that he would be imprisoned. Agabus also prophesied that Paul would be imprisoned. Paul new it was the will of God that he should go to Jerusalem.

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter twenty-nine talks about the gospel according to Paul. He really lays out the plan of salvation well in the letter to the Romans. I actually have the Roman Road to Salvation at my desk at work. Paul gives a detailed account of what he is all about in Romans. He talks about grace and the way that we were chosen by God just like the jewish people. There is so much more that I could talk about, but there would not be enough room to write it.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about the epistle to the Ephesians. Some scholars don't believe that Paul wrote this book, but the instructor does, and so do I. Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter. The primary them is "In Christ". Paul thanks God for several different blessings that we have, predestination, adoption, redemption, inheritance, the Holy Spirit, and the power of God. Paul also talks about going from being dead to living in our sins and being slaves. We are all equal through Christ. We have unity with all believers in Him.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

What stands out to you in that Paul had to say farewell to Macedonia and Achaia?

Tyler Owens said...

I think that Paul knew that he would not be back there. Even if Paul had not been arrested in JErusalem, he had planned to go to Spain. Paul also realized that these churches were doing well and could now grow on their own. I think that Paul knew that he would eventually die for the cause of the Gospel.

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter thirty talks about Paul coming to Jerusalem. He went back through some of his churches before they came to Caesarea. People there warned him not to go to Jerusalem, but Paul felt that it was God's will for him to go. It is similar to Jesus when people warned Him not to go to Jerusalem. Paul was accused of taking a Gentile into the inner part of the temple. That is when he was arrested.

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was an intro to the book of Romans. No one really knows how Christianity was established in Rome. Paul just wante to stop there on his way to Spain. The book of Romans became a prime source for Protestant theology. This book is the best source of Pauline thought and the Gospel that he preached.

Tyler Owens said...

I have a prayer request, a man that I worked with passed away on Monday. The funeral is today. His name was Jack Morgan. Please remember his family in their time of need.

Tyler Owens said...

I have been preparing a message for next Wednesday evening. God has really opened up some doors for me in His word. I can't help to be excited about this message. Were there any times when you have dreaded having to preach a certain message?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Oh, yes,

Honestly, when pastoring and having to come up with two or three messages a week, sometimes it is a burden to think about having to come up with something new and fresh.

The nice thing, though, when you know your messages are based on the Word, you have the promise that His Word will not return void.

Sometimes it is better to take the pressure off and just come up with a message without worrying about how good it is.

We have to let the Lord empower our messages anyway.

But, yes, I would have to say there have been messages that I have dreaded preparing for.