Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday Fourth Week--Secret Disciples?

Good morning, Gentlemen,

I got to sleep in my own bed last night. It was wonderful!

We had a great time at camp. Eight young people prayed to be saved, and seven of them made a public profession of faith. What about the one who did not want to tell others? Several things are possible. He/she could just be interested and not really ready to make a full commitment. His/her background could be such that it could cause problems in the home because of a different religious background of the parents. He/she could really have called upon the Lord, but is very timid when it comes to being before people. That person could also have some doubt about his/her ability to live the life.

Do we know of any "secret disciples"? One of the most famous ones was listed in the book of John. His name was Nicodemas. He heard that wonderful Gospel message, "Ye must be born again!" and "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."

It seems that he continued on as a secret disciple for awhile, but later we see that he defended those who were preaching the Gospel before his peers at the Sanhedrin. When it came time to remove Jesus' body from the cross, he and Joseph of Arimathea (who provided the tomb) stepped forward.

Is it possible to be a secret disciple? I think so for a while, but, unless that person's life would be threatened by coming forward, I think that after a period of time, a real Christian will make his/her faith known.

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