Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hope You Are Having a Great Sunday

I hope things went well for you this morning. I preached on Leviticus 12. It was quite a challenge upon first reading through it, but then after praying and thinking about it for a while, I came up with the following questions that I answered during the sermon:

1. Why is it important to be aware of blood-borne pathogens?
2. How did God's Laws concerning sanitation in the Old Covenant benefit the people?
3. What was the value of circumcision?
4. What did ceremonial uncleanness represent?
5. What do these pictures of blood in the Old Testament tell us?
6. How does Psalm 24:3 relate to this chapter?
7. Why did the woman need to be made clean for something as natural as childbirth?
8. Why do we need to be made clean for something as natural as living in this world?
9. How can we have our sins atoned for?

The title of the sermon was "Atonement Needed."

We are told that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. I find that when we think upon the Scripture for a while, we can come up with some unusual (but legitimate) applications that do not twist Scripture. Sometimes, we may have to draw comparisons or contrasts to other Scriptures, but as long as we don't do violence to those Scriptures and our comparisons or contrasts make sense, I find that we can preach on many passages we may otherwise have skipped!

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