Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Course 2 Wrap Up

Please attach your course wrap up (for both of you) in the comments section here.


sremery said...

The new insights for this course feel numerous to me because it was a book on The Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching, and with me being newly called, I have learned a lot. It was full of so much information on different aspects of preaching, its hard to pinpoint all of them. The importance of thinking your thoughts thru, and studying out the word has helped me. There was one point where they said always ask yourself, why is this subject important, and "So What?".
While reading this book, there are dozens of authors, and one that stood out was Haddon Robinson. I know that you said there is another book written by him that is this course, so I'm looking forward to reading it. He has a good way of explaining and getting his point across.
The areas I would like to improve on is my overall approach to preaching. My praying over it, my relationship with God in it, and most of all, to be obedient in spreading the Gospel. This book covered nearly all of it. It helped me greatly in preparing for a message.
I can use this book for all aspects of preaching. In digging in the word, understanding context, and using "unction". I enjoyed this book a lot, and I bought a copy for myself because it covers so much and gives good advice. It helps to keep me grounded and a reminder to stay on course. Also, I said it before but will say again, that I appreciate both of you in this course. If I was to have to do this by myself, I would've went thru it quicker and not retained as much. Thanks

Tyler Owens said...

I had a good time with this course. I don't think that it was too difficult to do the DVD and book at the same time. I just had to set up a time to do the material and stick with it. I really learned a lot from the book. Things that I learned were Paul's personal situations at the time of the writings and what was going on in the churches. I thik that it will help me in my ministry in teaching more context behind the scriptures. Sean asked about what happened to Timothy, I would like to find out more on that as well. The DVD was invaluable to me. I actually took notes along with the students for my own personal references. This course was very interesting because I really like to learn about Paul. I thank both of you for the help that you have given me. I look forward to the next course.