Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free Week 8

Please place your comments or questions for week 8 here.


Tyler Owens said...

The name of my DVD course is NT Survey: Acts and Paul. The instructor is Dr. Kevin Hester. I will be watching two DVDs this week. The title of my book is PAUL: APOSTLE OF THE HEART SET FREE. The author is F.F. Bruce. I will be reading three chapters this week.

36. The Quintessence of Paulinism

37. The Last Days of Paul: History and Tradition

38. Concluding Reflections

Tyler Owens said...

The DVD that I watched was about the letters of 1 Timothy and Titus. 1 Timothy was sent to Paul's young companion who was at Ephesus. The themes are fighting false teaching, prayer, leadership, holiness of life, the role of women, and how to treat widows. The letter to Titus was very similar to the first letter to Timothy. The key theme was the order of the church. The qualifications for church leaders were also listed. He also talked about how to fight false teaching.

Tyler Owens said...

The last DVD that I watched was about the book of 2 Timothy. This was probably Paul's last letter that he wrote before his death. It was almost a "passing of the torch" to Timothy. Paul talks like a man who knew that his time was coming to an end. He never regretted his ministry. It brought on much suffering, but Paul knew that God was watching over him. He tells Timothy that there will be suffering in the service of Christ.

Tyler Owens said...

I woul like to add that in the book of 2 Timothy, is one of my favorite verses of scripture. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 means that God is the true author of scripture. We can be sure that when we stick to God's Word, that we are sticking to what He wrote. That may be one of the most important verses for us.

sremery said...

I had to look up what quintessence was. this was a description: A thing that is a perfect example of its type. What is this chapter about?

sremery said...

On Ch 37, the title makes me think about what Paul had left behind. His zeal for God, and 3/4 of the what is the New Testament. What does this chapter mean by history & tradition?

sremery said...

Does the book or the DVD ever mention much on what happened with Timothy after Paul? I haven't researched that before, but I'm sure there's something on him. Also, just a passing thought, I remember when I first was saved and reading the Bible, I assumed that 1 & 2 Timothy was written by Timothy. A lot of the books in the Bible are named after the author, except Paul, some of his are actually named after peole they were for. I thinks thats neat.

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter thirty-seven talks about the way that Paul believed. He really preached grace through faith, as we all should. The chapter kind of summerized Paul's way of thinking.

Tyler Owens said...

Chapter thirty-seven just kind of talked about what happened to Paul after we last hear of himn at Rome in the end of Acts. Most believe that Paul was released and then went throughout his churches to check on them. Some even think that he may have went to Spain. He may have been arrested on his second trip through Rome and this is when he was martyred.

Tyler Owens said...

There was no mention of Timothy in the book or on the DVD after Paul's death. I imagine that he followed Paul's teaching and could have been going around checking on the churches. I don't guess that anyone really knows.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Tyler, will you be going back to work at Crownline soon? Or, have you already gone back?

I guess it will be good for you to get back to work, but I have mixed feelings because Keith (Watkins) has been able to come on Wednesday nights during the shut down.

Tyler Owens said...

I will be going back to work on Monday. I am really excited because we will be working four ten-hour shifts when we go back. That will give us three day weekends every week.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

I've never had a job that had four ten-hour days, but I did have one where we worked 4 nine-hour days and then four hours on friday. I really liked it. I think I would like what you are talking about. It will be interesting to see what you think.

Tyler Owens said...

I would like to ask you guys to pray for my brother. The same one that I have called out many times on here. He is in the hospital with a blood clot in his leg. I feel really sorry for him because he has so many health problems. He has remained faithful, though. I just pray that he will get better. I know that God has a purpose for everything, but sometimes it gets really hard to understand.