Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Lily of the Valley--Song of Solomon's Analogies

The song, "The Lily of the Valley" uses great imagery that describes Jesus. Another one, is "His Banner Over Me Is Love." Some of these images come from the Song of Solomon. I think these are proper uses of analogies. The Song of Solomon has also been used by marriage counselors over the years to help people improve their marriages. I think this is also proper because it primarily does describe love between a husband and wife.

I think the way to use what we call "spiritualizing" is to use other Scripture to back up the spiritual analogies we draw from a statement or event. Sometimes, we can say, "The primary historical meaning of this passage is . . . , but it reminds me of . . . . (something that is clearly taught in Scripture--we can even show where that support is). Then go on to talk about the possible allegorical, metaphorical, or spirualized message.

This is a way of using analogy where you compare one thing with another. Just make sure both ideas have biblical support even if they appear in different parts of Scripture. Also, be careful of saying that this is exactly what the original Scripture (the one you are making a comparison to) intended. I mean be careful of saying the original Scripture intended to produce the analogy you picked out.

The New Testament uses such comparisons also when it talks about marriage being a picture of the relationship of Christ with the Church.

There can be value in spiritualizing a passage of Scripture, but we need to be carful with its use--especially careful not to come up with something that Scripture does not teach.

In the closing chapters of the book of Acts, there is a description of Paul going through a storm. I often use that to talk about how we go through the storms of life, but I always say that what the passage actually describes is the fact that Paul went through a real (weather) storm. Then I draw the analogies about how God helps us through "storms" (which can be clearly identified in Scripture.)

So, use spiritualizing, but make sure the comparisons are clear and reasonalble and that the comparisons can be backed up with the Bible otherwise.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Course 5 Week 5

We are now on the downhill slope. I hope your ride has been a good one so far.

Here is a review of the posting requirements once again:

You have three assignments each week
(1) Make at least two initial posts in your posting area. The first one will be name of the course, and the names (or numbers of the DVD's) of the chapters or lectures you will be covering during the week. The second one will be a comment on one of those chapters. You will receive one point for getting the first post in on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will also get a point for getting at least one more initial post in.

(2) Go to your fellow student's posting areas, and ask them a question or questions about their intial posts. You will recieve one point for completing this assignment before 6:00 a.m. on Friday morning.

(3) Answer the questions asked.

(4) On Fridays, I will also give directions for making remaining posts during the week. Be sure and read those, and take them into account when making at least one of your remaining posts.

(4) In all, we want to make at least nine posts during the week. You will receive points for that as follows:
9 or more posts - 12 points
6-8 posts - 10 points
3-5 posts - 6 points
1-2 posts - 3 points

You will have the extra points you had accumulated by getting things in on time. Those are bonus points that will be used only to move your grade closer to 100 if you need them. They will be awarded each week if needed to move your grade up to 12 for the week. If you do not need them for that week, they will be carried over to the next week(s). Remember the posts that count for points will be at least three sentences long.

Course 5 Week 5 Bonus Record

I will keep up with your bonus points here.

Course 5 Week 5 Tyler's Topics


Please place your initial posts and answers to our questions here.
Sean, please ask Tyler one or more queations here.
Visitors, click on the word, "comments," below to join the discussion.

Course 5 Week 5 Sean's Topics

Please place your initial posts and answers to our questions here.
Tyler, please put one or more questions for Sean here.
Visitors, click on the word, "comments." to join our discussion.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Course 5 Week 4 End of Week

Good morning, Sean and Tyler,

This is the last day of week 4. I hope you had a good weekend.

Looking forward to your comments, wrapping up the week,


Saturday, December 27, 2008

To Every Thing a Season

Sean and Tyler are both gone this weekend, working with the youth of their church. They, both, through careful planning have managed to keep up with their studies along with Christmas celebrations and youth outings.

To every thing, there is a season.

Enjoy yourselves, guys.

Hope to hear from you Monday--although I understand you might be exhausted. Oh, yes, remember--there is a time to rest too!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Course 5 Week 4 Response Postings

Good afternoon,

I trust you all had a great time with family and friends and indeed did have a merry Christmas.

In looking over your material, you are discussing varied books such as Psalms and Ecclesiastes. Yet, they do tie together.

Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time for everything. It even says there is a time to kill! This perhaps makes us think of some military actions. Anytime you have military action, you do have enemies.

In the New Testament, we are told to pray for our enemies.

I have always thought of this meaning that we are to pray for good for even our enemies; yet in Psalms we have examples of how David prayed for some of his enemies, and he was not necessarily praying good things over them.

How are we to pray for our enemies? Is David's example a proper example for us?

Please try to respond to this in one or more of your remaining posts this week--either in answer to each other's questions or in a comment that stands alone.

How should we pray for our enemies?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Everyone,

I pray that you are having a wonderful and blessed holiday surrounded by family and friends. If this is a lonely time for you, I pray that you will have fellowship with your heavenly Father, just as David in the Old Testment and many other shepherds did in the solitude of their jobs.

If you have some painful memories during this season of the year--perhaps a loved one passed away or some other past events bring bad memories, I pray that you will be overwhelmed with the fact that God's mercies are new every morning, that we will be able to see our Christian loved ones again, and that, though not everything is good, everything can work together for good, especially to those who love God and who are the called according to His purpose.

If you are having a great time, live it up. Rejoice!
If you are having a difficult time, hang in there. Count the blessings you do have. Remember all that Christ has done for you. We have not experienced what He did to show love to us.

The two emotions of rejoicing and despair relate to the Psalms, which we have been studying as part of this course.

In it all, rejoice!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How God Uses Short Comments to Impact Lives

Sean posted the following: "The 1st dvd finishes up on Proverbs, it gives examples of what types of proverbs there are. Then he discusses subjects of the Proverbs. One subject he talks of is wholesome words vs. desctructive words. This is something that grabbed my attention, he reminds us of how good words spoken do more than we know sometimes. This reminds me of when I was in a leadership school, my instructor came up to me and said "You need to let your light shine Sean, you have a great one in you". This has always stuck with me and helps me when I want to give up. Do any of you remember something someone said to you that 'changed' you?"

Here is my reply as posted in his comments area:

Sean, you asked, "Do any of you remember something someone said to you that 'changed' you?"

"I remember when I was a young boy only about a year or two after I was saved. (I was saved at 11). My aunt was visiting our house. All at once in the middle of a conversation between my mother and her while I was listening in and sitting on a couch just a little distance away, she looked at my mother and said, 'You know, I always thought Randy would grow up to be a preacher!'

"She did not call me to preach, but she was right. Even then I had already considered the idea. Years later when I was a senior in college, the calling was confirmed so strongly I had to accept the fact.

"I was not resistant. In fact, in some ways, that is what I really wanted to do, but I wanted to be sure of God's calling.

"However, during all those years of wondering, I always remembered my aunt's statement.

"I don't know how much it changed me other than encouraging me, but it did have a profound influence on my life."

Do any of our visitors have a similar testimony? If you would like to talk about such an event in your life, click on the word "comments" below.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Course 5 Week 4 Bonus Record

I will keep up with your bonus points for the week here.

Course 5 Week 4

Good Morning, Sean, Tyler, and Visitors,

We will be half way through our journey in this course at the end of the week. I do realize that we have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and probably lots of family time this week. You may miss a day or two, but with good planning, you can still get in your required posts. You also even have some bonus points carried over, if you would need to use them.

I hope you hve a wonderful, merry, blessed, joyous holiday season this CHRISTMAS and New Years.

Here is a review of the posting requirements once again:

You have three assignments each week
(1) Make at least two initial posts in your posting area. The first one will be name of the course, and the names (or numbers of the DVD's) of the chapters or lectures you will be covering during the week. The second one will be a comment on one of those chapters. You will receive one point for getting the first post in on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will also get a point for getting at least one more initial post in.

(2) Go to your fellow student's posting areas, and ask them a question or questions about their intial posts. You will recieve one point for completing this assignment before 6:00 a.m. on Friday morning.

(3) Answer the questions asked.

(4) On Fridays, I will also give directions for making remaining posts during the week. Be sure and read those, and take them into account when making at least one of your remaining posts.

(4) In all, we want to make at least nine posts during the week. You will receive points for that as follows:
9 or more posts - 12 points
6-8 posts - 10 points
3-5 posts - 6 points
1-2 posts - 3 points

You will have the extra points you had accumulated by getting things in on time. Those are bonus points that will be used only to move your grade closer to 100 if you need them. They will be awarded each week if needed to move your grade up to 12 for the week. If you do not need them for that week, they will be carried over to the next week(s). Remember the posts that count for points will be at least three sentences long.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Course 5 Week 4 Tyler's Topics

Tyler, please place your intial posts and answers to our questions here. Sean, please ask Tyler questions here.

Visitors may join us by clicking on the comments below.

Course 5 Week 4 Sean's Topics

Sean, please place your initial posts and the answers to our questions here. Tyler, ask any qustions you have for Sean here.

Visitor may join us by clicking on the comments below.

A Psalm for Your Life?

Tyler challenged us with the following question: "I feel like the Psalms are a great collection of different feelings and thoughts. I sometimes wonder what I would say if I wrote a psalm about my life. Do you guys have any thoughts about it?"

Here is my response:
"Writing a psalm on my life: intriguing thought. I'm not sure what direction I would go, but I guess if I went back, I could possibly have written about feelings of discouragement. Then there were exciting times of unusual provision. I could have written a psalm of praise or thanksgiving." What about you? What would your psalm have been like?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Darkness to Light

We have been talking about Psalms that give us encouragement. Here is one passage:

Psalm 107:10-16 (King James Version)

10 Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron;
11 Because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High:
12 Therefore he brought down their heart with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help.
13 Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.
14 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.
15 Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
16 For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder.

"Always Winter and Never Christmas" is a quote from C.S. Lewis in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrove, one of his famous books upon which the movie, "The Chronicles of Narnia," is based. (This quote is pointed out by Mel Lawrenz, pastor of Elmbrook Church in Wisconsin.)

It may be winter for us, but it does not have to be winter without Christmas.
Days were dark at the time of Christ's birth.
Days are dark now.
Today is the shortest day of the year.

It will be winter, but the days will get longer.
The weather may be harsh, but the sun will shine.
In the midst of discouragement, there can be hope.
Hope may come to fuition in ways we thought were possible.
It may come about in unexpected ways (just as it did when Jesus came to Earth the first time).

We may experience winter, but we do not have to experience winter without Christmas.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Praise God for His Encouragement

Tyler and Sean have found the Psalms to be a comfort in times of trouble and a reminder that our worhip is to be done in an attitude of praise.

Tyler said,
"I really like Psalm 46. I feel that is a word we can go to when we are down. I really like the author talks about the bad things that could happen, and how God is still for us in this struggle."

Sean said,
"Psa 100:1 A psalm. For giving thanks. Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
Psa 100:2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
Psa 100:3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Psa 100:4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psa 100:5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. This Psalm I try to keep in mind when I go to church. It reminds me to go with praise in mind. WHiche leads me to expect something."

Praise God for His encouragement.

Response Postings

If you haven't already, go to your fellow student's posting area and ask one or more questions.

As you answer those questions or make more comments this week, look at the different types of Psalms that Sean mentioned. Show how that one of those types relates to your life right now (or has done so in the past).

Tyler, are you off work until called back, or are you just off for a few weeks this winter? If you are off indefinitely, is there a psalm that could relate to your situation during this time?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

David's Feelings

Interesting point: that the books of history show some of the external things that David did, and the Psalms showed his feelings. We get quite a glimpse into the heart of a leader. we also get very personal looks at him when he had sinned and confessed his sin.

Remember the following:

"(2) Go to your fellow student's posting areas, and ask them a question or questions about their intial posts. You will recieve one point for completing this assignment before 6:00 a.m. on Friday morning."

Good job on all the information presented so far.

It Looks Like It Works

I have been having to use my othe computer for a while for this blog. Even though it is just in my office, it has been quite a hassle. It also is slightly slower than this one. Maybe, I'll get back in the swing of things a little better.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Course 5 Week 3 Bonus Record

I will keep up with your bonus points here.

Course 5 Week 3 Sean's Topics

Sean, please place your initial comments and the answers to our questions here. Remember to go to Tyler's area to ask him questions.

Course 5 Week 3 Tyler's Topics

Tyler, place your intial posts and the answers to our questions here. Go to Sean's area to ask him questions.

Course 5 Week 3

O.K. We are getting to start week 3. We will be learning more about the life of Job.
We can start with the initial posts. Here is the rundown again for posting:

You have three assignments each week
(1) Make at least two initial posts in your posting area. The first one will be name of the course, and the names (or numbers of the DVD's) of the chapters or lectures you will be covering during the week. The second one will be a comment on one of those chapters. You will receive one point for getting the first post in on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will also get a point for getting at least one more initial post in.

(2) Go to your fellow student's posting areas, and ask them a question or questions about their intial posts. You will recieve one point for completing this assignment before 6:00 a.m. on Friday morning.

(3) Answer the questions asked.

(4) On Fridays, I will also give directions for making remaining posts during the week. Be sure and read those, and take them into account when making at least one of your remaining posts.

(4) In all, we want to make at least nine posts during the week. You will receive points for that as follows:
9 or more posts - 12 points
6-8 posts - 10 points
3-5 posts - 6 points
1-2 posts - 3 points

You will have the extra points you had accumulated by getting things in on time. Those are bonus points that will be used only to move your grade closer to 100 if you need them. They will be awarded each week if needed to move your grade up to 12 for the week. If you do not need them for that week, they will be carried over to the next week(s). Remember the posts that count for points will be at least three sentences long.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Course 5 Week 2

Remember that the end of Course Five Week 2 ends today at midnight. Be sure to get all your posts in by then if you have not already done so?

Faithfulness During Suffering

How does observing someone remaining faithful during suffering affect you. There is a publication called, The Voice of the Martyer. That talks about up-to-date accounts of Christians who are being persecuted, tortured and martyred for their faith. When I read some of those accounts, I am challenged by my lack of faithfulness. Yet, I am so glad to know that God loves me, and that He has indeed provided salvation as the gift of God and not of works, lest I should boast. Does hearing of persecution or martyrdom challenge you?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Response Postings

In one or more of your replies or new posts, show how faithfulness relates to this course.

Continue to ask questions or make comments that are on topic for the course. Try to do enough of these to get 12 points for the week.


Tyler said that "The author says that the real theme [of the book] is Job's faithfulness."

Sean agreed and defined faithfulness. He said, "Faith [is] knowing that we serve a God that does know what going on with us, and in the end, I believe you will somehow be glad it happened."

May the Lord help us to be found faithful!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


One of the themes, aside from suffering, patience, and faithfulness, that I see in Job is the idea that troubles fall on the just and unjust alike. The New Testaments tells us that it rains on the just and unjust alike. Some troubles that come a person's way can simply be consequences for bad choices, or they could even be a part of the chastening of the Lord. Even though that is true, some troubles come our way simply because we live in this old world.

I guess the key to all of this, as both of you have mentioned, is faithfulness; but it is a faithfulness that goes through trials and troubles--even suffering.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Course 5 Week 2 Bonus Record

This is where we will keep up with your bonus points.

Course 5 Week 2 and Stress Test

All right. Now we are rolling.

I had a nuclear stress test this morning. This all came abut because of about five or ten minute and twenty seconds of minor pain.

The 20 seconds was about two months ago when I was doing something non stressful like running a TV camera. (It just was not stressful that day. Sometimes that can be very stressful--depending on what you are taping, doing a "live" program, on how well the director is getting what he wants, etc.) On this particular day, it was very easy and relaxing. Still, I had about twenty second of pressure that felt like it was pushing on my chest (or contracting from within).

Then last week, I had a different type of pain, minor, on the left side of my chest; but it lasted about five or ten minutes. The doctor really thought I should be checked out, so I went to the hospital this morning.

While on the treadmill, things went very well. When they were taking a second set of pictures after the treadmill to compare with some they took before, they were taking a really long time. Later they said I had an irregular heart beat at that time.

I won't know final results until Thursday or Friday. I went from apprehension to relief to slight confusion. Again, the treadmill was not a problem, and the doctor said he thought the cardiogram looked good.

With all of this, though, I know this is nothing like what you faced earlier, Sean.
I'm just glad, that, whatever happens, I know God is in control.

You have three assignments each week
(1) Make at least two initial posts in your posting area. The first one will be name of the course, and the names (or numbers of the DVD's) of the chapters or lectures you will be covering during the week. The second one will be a comment on one of those chapters. You will receive one point for getting the first post in on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will also get a point for getting at least one more initial post in.

(2) Go to your fellow student's posting areas, and ask them a question or questions about their intial posts. You will recieve one point for completing this assignment before 6:00 a.m. on Friday morning.

(3) Answer the questions asked.

(4) On Fridays, I will also give directions for making remaining posts during the week. Be sure and read those, and take them into account when making at least one of your remaining posts.

(4) In all, we want to make at least nine posts during the week. You will receive points for that as follows:
9 or more posts - 12 points
6-8 posts - 10 points
3-5 posts - 6 points
1-2 posts - 3 points

You will have the extra points you had accumulated by getting things in on time. Those are bonus points that will be used only to move your grade closer to 100 if you need them. They will be awarded each week if needed to move your grade up to 12 for the week. If you do not need them for that week, they will be carried over to the next week(s). Remember the posts that count for points will be at least three sentences long.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Course 5 Week 2 Tyler's Topics

Tyler, please place your initial comments and answers to our questions here. Sean, please ask Tyler questions here. Visitors, feel free to join the discussion. (Please wait till Tuesday to post here).

Course 5 Week 2 Sean's Topics

Sean, please place your initial comments and answers to questions here. Tyler, please use this area to ask Sean questions. (Please wait till Tuesday to post here. My Monday's post if farther down the page. You may have to click on "view older posts" to get to your week 1 comment areas.) Visitors are welcome to join the discussion.

End of Course 5 Week 1

I have enjoyed our discussions of the Bible and Poetry. I posted a few comments and questions in your topic areas. Be sure to check them out before going to next week's assignments.

I am going to put up you next week's topic areas today so they will be ready for you tomorrow. Remember posts in those areas will count after midnight tonight (Monday night).

Here are some poetic ideas I borrowed from W.A. Criswell, They do not rhyme, but they seem to be poetic to me. Again, this is my parphase based on his words.

(Speaking of Jesus, and emphasizing the fact that He died on the cross):
The head that was anointed by Mary of Bethany is now perced by a crown of thorns. The ears that heard the great cries of praise during the Triumphal entry are now deaf in death.
The lips that bid little children to come to Him are now silent because Jesus is dead.
That hands that blessed and healed many are now nailed to the cross.
The feet that took him almost everywhere he went, and that walked on water, are now fastened to the cross. For, you see, Jesus is dead.

The ideas go on. I Thinks this is sort of a poetic painting of the picture that Jesus truly died. Criswell goes on to describe the people surrounding the cross.

Then, after that, you can get really excited by talking about the fact that Jesus did not remain in the grave. He is victorious over death. (Hey did you see that parallelism I just used--using two sentences to state the same thing in different ways?)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Homecoming--Brian Free and Assurance

Today was our seventh annual homecoming at Unity. The quartet of Brian Free and Assurance was our featured singing group at 2:00 p.m.

They did a great job, and we had a packed house. It was great!

They sang a lot of "poetry"! (Ha!)

Poetry, Oh Yeah!

With all of my talk of saying that poetry sometimes confuses me (and it sometimes does in written form), I forgot that most of the songs I really like are actually poetry put to music. I do understand many of them! Oh, yeah, forgot about that. Thanks for your thoughts on poetry. If you have more include them. Otherwise, just try to finish your nine posts on any topics you like if you haven't already done so.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Response posting instructions

If you haven't already, go to the other student's topic area and ask a question.

(Your question posts can be shorter than three sentences and still count.)

Since you both have mentioned poetry, please discuss this a little further in your remaining comments for the week. You can discuss both English poetry and Hebrew poetry. For instance, do you like poetry? For some people, it really touches their emotions. For others, it just sometimes seems to be a confusing way to communicate. (Sometimes I am confused by it, at other times I like it.)

What advantages or disadvantages do you see in repetitions that are used to form the basis of Hebrew poetry?

If the instructor had any insight on these questions, please tell us what he said.

Along with answering each other's questions, give us a little information on your thoughts on poetry.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Switching Materials

Sean and Tyler,

Since you are both familiar with each other's materials, I will be interested to see what your discussion looks like this week. You can probably share insights with each other, and maybe talk about ways to apply what you have learned.

The main computer I uses is causing problems when I try to sign in on this site, but this one seems to work. We'll know if this actually posts.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Course 5

Good Morning, Gentlemen,

Thanks for the good start. When we started doing these courses. We followed a modified version of the general posting requirements that are used for the courses in Rockbridge Seminary.

We have been "tweaking" the procedures each course. I would like to do that again for this one. Again, we will need to earn 12 points a week, and an additional four points at the end of the course.

This will be accomplished in a way very similar to how we first did the course.

You have three assignments each week
(1) Make at least two initial posts in your posting area. The first one will be name of the course, and the names (or numbers of the DVD's) of the chapters or lectures you will be covering during the week. The second one will be a comment on one of those chapters. You will receive one point for getting the first post in on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will also get a point for getting at least one more initial post in.

(2) Go to your fellow student's posting areas, and ask them a question or questions about their intial posts. You will recieve one point for completing this assignment before 6:00 a.m. on Friday morning.

(3) Answer the questions asked.

(4) On Fridays, I will also give directions for making remaining posts during the week. Be sure and read those, and take them into account when making at least one of your remaining posts.

(4) In all, we want to make at least nine posts during the week. You will receive points for that as follows:
9 or more posts - 12 points
6-8 posts - 10 points
3-5 posts - 6 points
1-2 posts - 3 points

You will have the extra points you had accumulated by getting things in on time. Those are bonus points that will be used only to move your grade closer to 100 if you need them. They will be awarded each week if needed to move your grade up to 12 for the week. If you do not need them for that week, they will be carried over to the next week(s). Remember the posts that count for points will be at least three sentences long.

In the past, I had been doing the instructor's job and participating as though I were a student--trying to get the nine three-sentence long posts in along with you. This term, I will not necessarily be commenting in your posting areas as much as you are required to do so. I will make a post on the main page that relates to your books, to ministry in general, and to the requirements of the course.

This week is an introduction week. You may make comments about yourself, perhaps telling us about yourself, giving us more information about your past, hobbies, or interests. All social comments will also count this week (if they are three sentences long).

The easiest way to keep is to log on each day and make one or two comments to get started.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Course 5 Week 1 Bonus Record

I will use this area to keep a record of your bonus points.

Course 5 Week 1 Sean's Topics

Sean, please put your initial posts here and your responses to our questions. Tyler, please post some questions for Sean here.

Course 5 Week 1 Tyler's Topics

Tyler, please put your initial posts here and your responses to our questions. Sean, please post some questions for Tyler here.