Monday, December 22, 2008

Course 5 Week 4 Sean's Topics

Sean, please place your initial posts and the answers to our questions here. Tyler, ask any qustions you have for Sean here.

Visitor may join us by clicking on the comments below.


sremery said...

The title of my course is Old Testament Survey: Poetry and Prophecy. The instructor is Dr. Garnett Reid. I'll watch 4 classes this week. I am enjoying this class and the dvd's are working a little better. They seem to try and mess up with about 5-10 minutes left.

sremery said...

The 1st class finishes up on proverbs. He gives different types and subjects of them. The next one starts on Ecclesiastes and The Song of Solomen.

Tyler Owens said...

The book of Ecclesiastes is one of my favorites. I love the idea that at the end of a life, all seems useless without out God. I sometimes think about the time in my life when I was without God. It all seems useless now that I have Jesus. Do you guys ever feel the same way?

sremery said...

I agree that life feels more complete in believing in God. What I find to the most amazing is how God takes the things I did without reguard to Him and make them into things that ultimately make me closer to Him. That sounds confusing a little when I read it back but its the only way I can describe it. One example I like to use is with my guitar playing, I learned it by listening to secular music, but now its allowed me to glorify God because of it. That has to tick the devil off.

sremery said...

The 1st dvd finishes up on Proverbs, it gives examples of what types of proverbs there are. Then he discusses subjects of the Proverbs. One subject he talks of is wholesome words vs. desctructive words. This is something that grabbed my attention, he reminds us of how good words spoken do more than we know sometimes. This reminds me of when I was in a leadership school, my instructor came up to me and said "You need to let your light shine Sean, you have a great one in you". This has always stuck with me and helps me when I want to give up. Do any of you remember something someone said to you that "changed" you?

sremery said...

The 2nd session deals with the authorship of Ecc. Some controversies over its date and canonniacal status.
I guess in my reading of it I have always took it for granted that he did write it, and by reading it it seems to me to fit. I have also seen a show on Solomen and they (secular) say there was more to him than what the Bible portrays. Meaning there are lots of other writings from him. It seemed plausible to me because the person who wrote Ecc. seemed to have experienced quite a few things.

Tyler Owens said...

I remember when I first talked with Kevin about coming to Grange Hall to become a minister. We had a meeting that day and he told me several things about ministry and being a preacher. One thing that he said to me was that everything that we do must ge done in love, even rebuking. Looking back, I needed that because I was kind of selfish. I am glad God puts those type of people in our lives.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sean, you asked, "Do any of you remember something someone said to you that 'changed' you?"

I remember when I was a young boy only about a year or two after I was saved. (I was saved at 11). My aunt was visiting our house. All at once in the middle of a conversation between my mother and her while I was listening in and sitting on a couche just a little distance away, she looked at my mother and said, "You know, I always thought Randy would grow up to be a preacher!"

She did not call me to preach, but she was right. Even then I had already considered the idea. Years later when I was a senior in college, the calling was confirmed so strongly I had to accept the fact.

I was not resistant. In fact, in some ways, that is what I really wanted to do, but I wanted to be sure of God's calling.

However, during all those years of wondering, I always remembered my aunt's statement.

I don't know how much it changed me other than encouraging me, but it did have a profound influence on my life.

sremery said...

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a great day with whoever you spend it with.

sremery said...

In session 15 the instructor says the word "world" translates as eternity in Ch3 v 11. It says He has made everything beautiful in His time, also He has set the world in their heart so that no man can make out the work that God makes form the beginning to the end. He explains that were designed to be be eternal and these thing are unknown to us now. I thought it was an interesting point.

sremery said...

Another discussion is on the meaning of vanity. I 've always thought of the word "empty". He concludes with it meaning "failure to produce what is expected or desired.