Monday, December 8, 2008

Course 5 Week 2 Sean's Topics

Sean, please place your initial comments and answers to questions here. Tyler, please use this area to ask Sean questions. (Please wait till Tuesday to post here. My Monday's post if farther down the page. You may have to click on "view older posts" to get to your week 1 comment areas.) Visitors are welcome to join the discussion.


sremery said...

The title of my course is Old Testament Survey: Poetry and Prophecy. The instructor is Dr. Garnett Reid. I'll watch 4 dvds this week.I hope to get to watch one today. Right now I'm building stalls for our horses, and then fence comes next.

Tyler Owens said...

Hey, Sean. I hope that you enjoy the course. It gets really interesting when he starts talking about books in the Bible. What, if anything, has stuck out to you so far?

sremery said...

So far what has stuck out to me is that its amazing how much dissection of the Bible that has been done. How they use terms like anthropomorphism & Anthropathism.
Its very interesting. Lots of information to absorb.

sremery said...

In response to Randy's post on his stress test. When we tell someone about a situation and know that someone else has went thru something "worse". We always point that out, I dont know why but it sticks out to me now when someone brings it up. But i feel like even though my situation seemed worse, and maybe it was, that apprehensive feeling that you probobly had is the same. When you experience this feeling, it becomes real, and taught me more than a dozen books ever could. But I'm glad to hear that your tests come back good, I can relate to that relief you had from that too.
Again it doesnt bother me, but I just find it interesting.

Tyler Owens said...

I am glad that your tests were alright. I hope that the results that you get back are good as well. It has been a rough day today at work, the management people had a plant meeting today. They told that sales were starting to decline. Please pray that everything works out. There are a lot of people out there that are already struggling.

sremery said...

Good Morning, sorry I havent been posting lately. I have been watching the DVD's, I have one more to watch for this week. So far, all the ones I've watched have messed up somewhere during the class. I've tried them in 3 different players.

sremery said...

The last couple of classes have been on the book of Job. They discuss the authorship and when it was wrote. It was interesting that he said that he didnt belive it was written by Jews. And also that some believe it was written by Solomen or during his reign.

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Wow, Don't remember hearing the Solomon author theory (unless Tyler mentioned it last time). What were some of the eveidences of that?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

What does anthropathism mean?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

What were some examples of anthropomorphism in Job?

Dr. Randy Carney said...

Sorry, the DVD's are messing up. Are you able to get most of the material?

sremery said...

I cant remember if for sure if he said Solomen wrote Job, but I know he brought up that it was written during that time. (Smeone had that theory). I also dont remember for sure what the words your asking about means. He discusses them but neither stick in my mind. I looked up anthropathism, and it says feelings towards a deity. I dont remember him saying anything like that. sorry

sremery said...

The dvd I just watched talks about Job's 3 friends. How some speak the truth but misuse it in Job's case. He brings up a point that I agree with in that that some think that God doesnt answer Jobs questions. I believe as most people I've spoken to about it, that God answers it indirectly. There are some things we dont know enough about, and we can only trust that God does. I think thats what God tells Job. He gives us HOPE. Which the instructor points out as a wonderful gift from God. I agree.

sremery said...

The dvds have probobly messed up to where I miss about 10 minute in them. One of them was worse, and this last one I watched only messed up once, and it was for about 10 seconds. I'm cleaning them before I put them in, so I'm not sure whats causing it.

sremery said...

You asked how observing someone remaining faithful during suffering affects you and I can only say that it stregthens me. I instantly think about Randall when this comes to mind. I know he had moments where he would ask why, but I know I saw a man that had his priorities right when everything seemed to be falling apart. I always think in "winning" or "losing", he won. Just like Job reminds us, I felt like I've known one (Job) and I hope I never forget how he handled death when my time comes.