Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How God Uses Short Comments to Impact Lives

Sean posted the following: "The 1st dvd finishes up on Proverbs, it gives examples of what types of proverbs there are. Then he discusses subjects of the Proverbs. One subject he talks of is wholesome words vs. desctructive words. This is something that grabbed my attention, he reminds us of how good words spoken do more than we know sometimes. This reminds me of when I was in a leadership school, my instructor came up to me and said "You need to let your light shine Sean, you have a great one in you". This has always stuck with me and helps me when I want to give up. Do any of you remember something someone said to you that 'changed' you?"

Here is my reply as posted in his comments area:

Sean, you asked, "Do any of you remember something someone said to you that 'changed' you?"

"I remember when I was a young boy only about a year or two after I was saved. (I was saved at 11). My aunt was visiting our house. All at once in the middle of a conversation between my mother and her while I was listening in and sitting on a couch just a little distance away, she looked at my mother and said, 'You know, I always thought Randy would grow up to be a preacher!'

"She did not call me to preach, but she was right. Even then I had already considered the idea. Years later when I was a senior in college, the calling was confirmed so strongly I had to accept the fact.

"I was not resistant. In fact, in some ways, that is what I really wanted to do, but I wanted to be sure of God's calling.

"However, during all those years of wondering, I always remembered my aunt's statement.

"I don't know how much it changed me other than encouraging me, but it did have a profound influence on my life."

Do any of our visitors have a similar testimony? If you would like to talk about such an event in your life, click on the word "comments" below.

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