Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Course 7 Week 5 Prayer Requests

Please give us your prayer requests and updates below.


I just read the post I made. It sounded like I mean that we had finished week 5. Actually, we are just beginning week 5. The end of week 4 was the half-way mark.

Half Way--Course 7 Week 5

It is hard to believe that we just finished the half-way mark of Course 7 Week 5. It has been a good journey so far, and it has caused to think about the Gospels, the Old Testament, Church Growth, and pastoral ministry.

Here is a reminder of how we get started each week. Most of you know the drill quite well. Make at least two initial posts in your posting area. The first one will be the name of the course, and the names (or numbers of the DVD's) of the chapters or lectures you will be covering during the week. The second one will be a comment on one of those chapters. You will receive one point for getting the first post in on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will also get a point for getting at least one more initial post in.

I look forward to seeing you tonight at the Live Preachers and Deacons Meeting!

Course 7 Week 5 Bonus Points

I will keep up with your bonus points for the week here.

Course 7 Week 5 Tyler's Topics

Please place your initial posts here.

Course 7 Week 5 Corey's Topics

Please place your initial posts here.

Course 7 Week 5 Roger's Topics

Please place your initial posts here.

Course 7 Week 5 Sean's Topics

Please place your initial posts here.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Course 7 End of Week 4

This is the last day to get in your postings for week 4. We slacked off a little last week. Those who had bonus points built up will benefit greatly from that. Of course, some of you may not even need the bonus points because you may be planning to catch up today.

We had a good day yesterday, visiting the church I grew up in. Bro. Kent Dunford did a wonderful job of bringing the message about the parable of the talents. Then last night, we went to Grange Hall, Sean and Tyler's church. Tyler was away, preaching at Marion First church. Sean helped me out by running the Power Point presentation as I spoke. Rhonda, my wife, gave her testimony and sang. We enjoyed the time at Grange Hall. I am thankful that some signed up for the "Gideon/s 300," which represents a monthly commitment of $10.00. These gifts will allow us to participate in mission trips to Mexico, Japan, and Australia during the next three years. It will also give me the opportunity to finish the book, The LOVING Way to a Successful Marriage: Six Keys to Marital Bliss.

Have a great day, everyone. May the Lord bless you in your personal ministries.

Bro. Randy

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bible Study, Prayer, and Church Growth

Our topics of study this week revoleve around the Gospels of Mark and John, as well as the book of Psalms We are also studying about the Pastor's Prayer Life, Pastor's Study, and Church Growth.

Church growth involves the commitment of the pastor whose life will be enriched in his Bible study and prayer life. The Gospels, of course, show us the earthly ministry of Jesus. The Psalms give us the example of the devotional life of David, and Sean's book gives further practical advice as it relates to the 21st century church.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Course 7 Week 4 Bonus Points

I will keep up with your bonus points for week 4 here.

Notice: the deadlines for the bonus points for this week only are extended by one day.

Initial posts in on Wednesday and Thursday.
Question before Saturday morning.

Course 7 Week 4 Corey's Topics

Sorry, Corey,

I should have had this up for you yesterday. I was out of town most of the day.
You may extend the deadlines for bonus points. If you get two initial posts in on either Wednesday or Thursday, you will be able to get those two bonus points. If you ask a fellow student a question before Saturday morning, you can get the third bonus point. I hope that helps.

Course 7 Week 4 Roger's Topics

Sorry, Roger,

I should have had this up for you yesterday. You may extend all the deadline for bonus points by one day.

Course 7 Week 4 Sean's Topics

Sorry, Sean,

I should have had this up for you yesterd. You can extend all the deadlines for bonus points by one day.

Course 7 Week 4 Tyler's Topics

Sorry, Tyler, I should have had this up for you yesterday. You can extend all the bonus timelines by one day.

Pioneering Ministries

Some of the things we are studying this term relate to Church Growth. One of the things that helps in this area has to do with having a core group of people who have a vision AND a Christian worldview. Where do you get a group of people with a Christian worldview? First of all, such a worldview comes from strong Christian families.

How did we get away from such a worldview in the United States? Many things contributed, but one of those was a move away from prayer and Bible Reading in the Public schools. Yes, I remember such, not so much actual Bible reading, although I'm sure it could have been done, but especially prayer in my grade school. I also remember a teacher in the fifth grade who told us a continuing story each day. Toward the end of that story, there was a happy ending. A boy who had been through all kinds of hardship was reunited with his father. He was afraid at first, but then he found out that he had a "new Dad." Why was that? It was because his Dad had been saved! That was in public school.

In 1963, a great confusion moved upon education, and talk about God--as well as the cherished concept of "academic freedom" began to be removed from the system. That is described in Ben Stein's movie that came out last year. The name of his movie was "Expelled." He basically described how credible evidences for Intelligent Design were being unfairly presented, and suppressed, by the established order.

Where can you get help to restore a Christian worldview? Christian schools can help with this. However, when a young person goes off to a secular university, he often becomes confused because so many things come his way from a non-Christian, and sometimes anti-Christian viewpoint.

Yesterday, I went, along with three other individuals from West Frankfort, IL, to Springfield, IL, to see what would be required to start a Bible school which would move through four phases: Phase 1, Bible School offering certificates; Phase 2, Accredited Bible College offering degrees; Phase 3, (Christian) Liberal Arts College; Phase 4, (Christian) University. The last two phases would be institutions that offered more than religious courses, but from a Christian point of view.

One aspect of my past (and probably present) ministry has been helping new ministries get started. This is sometimes called "pioneering."

The meeting yesterday was very encouraging. I began to feel almost a year ago, that the Lord was going to move my wife an me in a new direction. I knew nothing about this interest in a Bible college in the area until I had already told my church that I was going to resign.

I don't know if much will come of this, but I am willing to lend my experience in the area of pioneering ministries. Would you join with us in prayer about this undertaking?

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Bittersweet, But Good, Day!

If you have followed Bro. Roger's topics, you will notice that we have talked about a bitterseet experience. Yesterday, was my last day as pastor at Unity. It was bitter or sad because Rhonda and I really love the church and each of its member, but it was also sweet.

One of the reasons it was sweet was because of the response to the invitation on Sunday morning. One person came to pray about discovering his own personal ministry. A young lady came and rededicated her life, and young (some might say he is young middle-aged:)) married man also rededicated his life.

It was also sweet because Rhonda and I had already received our last check from the church almost a month ago, and we have several things that needed to be taken care of by the 24th of this month. Individuals gave enough gifts to cover that need. That was also additional confirmation about the step we are taking. Also, several people signed up to give on a monthly basis. Praise the Lord!

We look forward to being at Grange Hall this Sunday night. Bro. Kevin has requested that I preach on a particular topic relating to marriage.

I look forward to seeing some of you then!

Praise God for His goodness!

End of Course 7 Week 3

Week 3 ends at midnight tonight.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Bro. Roger's chapter this week is about Deuteronomy, and it has to do with "a taste of bittersweet."

In your responses to each other this week, please try to work in a discussion of something being bittersweet. Alternatively, if that doesn't seem to work in around your regular conversation points, you can post a comment about this below this posting area.

What does "bittersweet" mean?
How come something be bitter and sweet at the same time?
Are there some types of candy that are bittersweet to you?
When have you had bittersweet experiences?
Have you had transition times in your life that are bittersweet?

Perhaps those questions will give you some ideas for discussion.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Great Discussion

Great discussion last week. Keep up the good work! Your questions to each other and your follow-up comments are very good.

Course 7 Week 3 Bonus Points

I will keep up with your bonus points for week 3 here.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Course 7 Week 3 Prayer Requests

Course 7 Week 3 Roger's Topics

Please use after 12:01 am on Tuesday.

Course 7 Week Corey's Topics

Please use after 12:01 am on Tuesday.

Course 7 Week 3 Tyler's Topics

Please use after 12:01 am on Tuesday.

Course 7 Week 3 Sean's Topics

Please use after 12:01 am on Tuesday.

Course 7 End of Week 2

Week 2 ends at midnght tonight.

The conversation has been very good this week. You need to count your posts, and if you still need to make some to bring your total to 9, you need to get thiem by midnight.

We had a great morning at church yesterday, and a good time with Joe Arview and Thunder at church last night. The have an exciting ministry of going to NASCAR events and playing music in such a way that it opens doors for witnessing.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Check Your E-mail

I know we have a lot of visitors who follow this post, and they are welcome. You four local participants need to check you e-mail though for a message of how I appreciate the difference you are making in my life, and in the lives of others!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Church Growth and Health--Preaching, Witnessing, Assimilating

The common thread of our studies this week relates to church growth and health.

We talked about the need to preach the Word. Roger agreed with this and said, "Amen to that Bro. Randy, I know that there is no substitute for the "word of God". Salt may have one, sugar may have one,teachers may have one, but there is no substitute for God's holy word. That is to our benefit as well as to the ministry, we don't have to choose between the two, we have one gospel and that is all we need!!!!"

Then we also focused on witnessing and received some good tips for that. Corey has much experience in this area, and I am looking forward to his sharing about that. Sean gave several practical tips for witnessing that came from the material he is studying. Here is one of them: "He [the author] gave another point in getting back the control of the conversation when a person gets sidetracked or changes the subject is to say 'Let me ask you this question', he gives an example of a person saying, 'I went to church and the pastor was caught doing something, or a person was a hypocrite and so I quit going'. He would say 'Let me ask you this question, will you answer for this or will the person doing the act answer for it?' His point is that people are more willing to talk about things if you ask them for their opinion instead of making them feel like they are being told something."

Beyond that we discussed the importance of letting people know what they are getting into when they make a commitment to join the church. This is sometimes difficult to do when you want to be welcoming to those who might be interested. In most of our congregational churches, in the past, all a person had to do to join the church was to come forward during an invitation and let their desire be known. In the last several years, some of these same types of churches have been requiring people to attend a "class" or "session" that explains the commitment they are making when they want to join the church. I think there is quite a bit of value to this. For others, though, this is too non-traditional. One thing we do, however, when people want to join our church, is to read our church covenant to them, and ask them if they are ready to begin to attempt to live up to the ideals that are expressed there. Tyler's study sparked our discussion about this. He said, "The DVD was about the character of a preacher. He went into great detail about not drinking alcohol. I agreed with everything he said. He also talked about the fact that we need to tell people who want to join our churches about it in detail and explain to them why it is important." Roger raised the issue of the importance of challenging people to understand what they were getting into. Sean gave a great testimony about his personal experience along this line.

In some of our comments for the rest of the week, let's focus some more on assimilation: taking people from being "attenders" to becoming "members." What do some of you think about a "class" requirement for those who would want become official members of your church? What would be the advantages? What are the disadvantages? How well would it be received by your more traditional-minded members? Would such a change be worth it? Is such a requirement "wrong?" You may comment in relation to the general discussion in any of your posting areas or even in the comments section below this post. Let's think about this a little.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Preach the Word

O.K. Guys,

As I said earlier, the varied topics we are discussing this term can, and do, relate to each other.

In one of our discussions, we asked the question, "Will every preacher eventually pastor," and our conclusion was "No"; however, very, very often a preacher is called to pastor. Some of the books we are reading this time give practical insights into working with churches and reaching others.

One thing I have noticed through the years is that, yes, it is good to use new techniques and to try new things. But, I have also noticed that no matter what you do it is very hard to keep excitement up through techniques all the time. One thing I have really seen God bless is the preaching of the Word. When you are going through the ups and downs of church life, the steady preaching of the Word does cause members in your congregation to grow. Sometimes they may not even realize how the Word is working in their lives, and sometimes they may be more focused on excitement, but the steady pouring of the Word of God into their lives brings many benefits. Sometimes those benefits are taken for granted.

A few Sundays ago, I was preaching on something that seemed to me to be rather dry. (Hey, if it was dry to me, just think of what it must have been like to the rest of the congregation), but during the invitation God caused His Word to do a work through the Holy Spirit. I have seen this happen time after time.

Sometimes a preacher will pour his heart out and not see results. Sometimes he will try to get more forceful through his own efforts and not see anything happen. The best thing, to me, is to watch God work. When you faithfully preach the Word, you often will see professions of faith and lives being rededicated. Just remember, though, if you don't see those outward professions, God is still and always doing a work in someone's life through His Word.

Some of you may be called to pastor in the future. One of the most overwhelming tasks for this (and it can be worse if you are bivocational as most of us are) is to know what to preach on every Sunday.

W.A. Criswell, former pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas Texas, early in his ministry, was impressed of God to preach through the Bible. He announced to his church one Sunday morning that he was beginning a ten-year preaching plan. He did indeed preach through the Bible. People who joined the church would often say things like, "I joined during Isaiah," or "I joined in Matthew." God certainly did bless the church during his ministry.

Several years ago, I came upon a plan that would keep me from pulling my hair out every week, agonizing over what to preach next. Someone said, "Are you looking for a sermon?" Then he pointed to the Bible and said, "There's a whole book full of them."

Something like this may be helpful to you. Sometimes you can pick a book and preach through it.

Bro. Criswell, after he finished the first time, started through the Bible again. Only that time, he alternated back and forth between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

I am doing something like that, but I have modified it somewhat to give more variety. (Again, this, however, is all prayerfully done. Any time I "have a bug" about something, I will certainly preach on that if I feel like that is what the Lord wants.)

Here is what has been a blessing to me. I am not saying anyone has to do this, but I am saying one of the hardest things you may have to face is coming up with a message one to three times week, and figuring out what to preach next. If the Lord gives you a plan, praise Him and use it.

I divided the Bible into six sections: three from the Old Testament, and three from the New Testament. I would preach several messages from one of those sections, and then move to the other Testament, do the same there, and then go back.

As I said, sometimes the hardest thing to do in ministry is to figure out what to preach about. This plan has really helped me, and it makes me study. It also causes me to deal with topics I might otherwise want to avoid. So, as I have often said, if I am not strongly impressed to do something else, I will preach on something from the next chapter. (In the case of the New Testament, I try to get an average of two sermons from one chapter.) I do ask the Lord to show me what He wants, but it seems to me, for me, that often what is in the next chapter is what He wants. Another thing about doing this is that you can come to something that will really hit hard on some members of your congregation. When you are just preaching through the Bible it doesn't look like you have just singled them out.

If something like this can benefit you, Go for it!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pastoral Ministry and Reaching the Unchurched

This term we have a variety of topics: Pastoral Ministry, Reaching the Unchurched, the importance of the Old Testament, and the importance of the New Testament. You can see how that all of these are important to each other. Pastoral ministry certainly involves reaching the unchurched and preaching and teaching from all areas of the Bible. The Bible is important in authoritatively reaching the unchurched.

This is a great blend of practical and academic work. There should be good fuel for discussion this week.

Course 7 Week 2 Bonus Points

Monday, April 6, 2009

Week 2 Prayer Requests

Please place requests in the comments section below.

(Corey, you week 1 topic area may have seemed to disappear. Just scroll to the bottom of the posts here, and then click on "older topics" or "older posts" and then you will find them)

Carried over from week 1:

"Margie Turner--was in hopital in ICU. Came home. Is on oxygen. She is looking for someone who will mow her yard for her.

"My nephew-Braydon Owens will be having heart surgery on April 23. He is only three and had three surgeries before this one, and it will prayerfully be his last."

Course 7 Week 2 Sean's Topics

Please use after midnight Monday.

Course 7 Week 2 Tyler's Topics

Course 7 Week 2 Corey's Topics

Corey, please finish up putting in your posts as needed in the week 1 topic area up until midnight tonight. Then anytime after midnight, you may use this area for your week 2 comments.

Course 7 Week 2 Roger's Topics

Please use after midnight, Monday.

Course 7 End of Week 1

Our first week ends at midnight tonight.
This has been an introduction week. You were able to get credit for any post that was three sentences long or longer. I always enjoy the introduction weeks, especially when you tell us a little more about yourselves.

Pay close attention as you view the weekly requirements again, going into week 2. This time shorter and purely social comments are welcome and even encouraged, but they will not count toward your weekly total of nine posts. You are expected to log in at least five days a week. As you can see, if you log in five days a week, and do two quality posts each day, you will easily make your minimum goal of nine posts.

Just a reminder, to get the third bonus point each week, you have to ask a question (relating to the topics we are studying) of a fellow student(s) by Friday morning. Really, more questions spice up the conversation.

We have done a good job on the first week, and I look forward to getting into things in even more depth this coming week. I will put up the new posting areas for each of you, but remember not to use them until after midnight tonight.

Some of you are choosing to read your books more quickly. That is O.K.; however, for the purposes of discussion, I will ask you to spread your chapter titles out over the duration of the course. So, for the week to come, please divide the number of chapters remaining in the book by 7, and give us the titles of that many chapters for this week.

Have a gread day!

Bro. Randy

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Old Testament

I had a former pastor who often said, "The New is in the Old concealed, and the Old is in the New Revealed."

I do like how the Author of the book of Hebrews let's us know that the Old Covenant is replaced by a New and Better Covenant. Yet most of the basic principles in the New Covenant are in the Old (concealed, maybe?). Just as many of the things in the tabernacle and O.T. worship system were symbolic of deeper spiritual things, many of the "rules" of the O.T. point to deeper spiritual things that are matters of the heart. An example is that in the Old, you were not to murder, but in the New, hatred is almost as bad as (if not as bad as) murder.

Tyler, thanks for weighing in on the question Roger asked yesterday. Sean and Corey, what do you think? "Will a preacher always pastor?"

Hey, guys, Corey has not posted yet. Why don't you go to his topic area and welcome him to the course and give him some encouragement? (Yes, those posts will count toward your total--as long as they are three sentences long.)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Will a Preacher Eventually Pastor?

Roger raised this question in Tyler's posting area?

What do some of you think on this issue? I have some ideas I would like to share, but I'll let you wrestle with it some first.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bonus Points

Since we started a day later, the deadline for the bonus points (for this week only) are extended for one day.

Looking forward to hearing from all of you.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Getting Started

Scroll down through the "topics" posts below unti you come to Week Seven Week 1. Then read what it says.

Have a great day!

Course Seven Week 1 Prayer Requests

In the comments section below, you may share your prayer requests, updates on requests, praise reports and answers to prayer.

Course Seven Week 1 Tyler's Topics

Course Seven Week 1 Sean's Topics

Course Seven Week 1 Roger's Topics

Course Seven Week 1 Corey's Topics

Corey, Welcome,

Please post your introduction, initial comments, and answers to our questions here.

Course 7 Week 1 Bonus Points

I will keep up with your bonus points here.

Course Seven Week 1

Welcome to Preachers' Meeting.

This is the seventh course that we have been involved in. Actually, each participant is in engaged in a different course of independent study. Our goal is to encourage each one to set a schedule of study, to summarize some of what they learn, and to interact with each other around the principles of the material they are reading or viewing.

This week is an introduction week. Please tell us about yourself. If you are new, you could give your testimony about your salvation and about your calling. If you are returning, you may either tell us something new about yourself, or it is also acceptable to cut and paste what you told us before.

If you would like to join us for this eight-week term, we can accept new participants up until Monday evening. Just send an email to rcarneysurvey@yahoo.com, and we will see about getting you set up. If you have a book that you would like to study other than one of the ones we have listed, we will see what we might be able to do about that also.

We would like to welcome Corey Gwaltney, who will be studying with us this time. You experience students, please help him to learn how to navigate around if necessary.

I look forward to a great time with you this term.


Dr. Randy Carney